Rob McMonigal's photos with the keyword: parades

Flags 2

08 May 2019 1 207
Several bands had flags before or after them. Here they are in mid-action.

Float-ing Past

08 May 2019 1 4 227
Not a lot of floats, to be honest, but here was one of them.

Dancers 1

08 May 2019 1 226
Like marching bands, there were lots of cool dancers, too.

Waiting for the Parade

08 May 2019 1 2 285
People were set up early--when I was coming back from lunch, they were already getting ready!

Classic Car

08 May 2019 3 1 252
One of the many classic cards in Portland parades.

Performers on Stilts

08 May 2019 1 1 199
These kids walked the whole route on stilts. Yikes!

Marching Band 4

08 May 2019 192
Same as the other photo--it's a cool looking band, but I don't know from where.

Marching Band 3

08 May 2019 1 1 212
I was only able to take a few shots here and there between work tasks, so no idea which bands this was.

Karate School

08 May 2019 147
The Karate School seen in the "waiting" picture always has a group of kids in the parade.

Going for a Ride

11 Mar 2019 105
A very lively passenger for this hearse!

Gimme Two

11 Mar 2019 3 4 100
Yes, these characters can get annoying when they run all over a convention floor, but seeing this one high-fiving kids made up for the sins of the people who usually hide in these costumes.

Frightening in the Morning

11 Mar 2019 93
Portland has a lot of movie-themed cars.

End Sex Trafficing

11 Mar 2019 1 103
Sadly, 82nd Avenue (and Portland in general) still has issues with people being forced into doing things against their will. They recently busted a ring at a downtown Portland high rise. This org does what it can to help make life better for the victims and prevent more of them.

Dragon Dancers

11 Mar 2019 1 1 116
It's hard to capture the magic of the dragon dancers with still photos. The people inside them must work together to keep the dragons moving and feeling like a living being.

Columbia River Peace Corps Association

11 Mar 2019 1 2 115
Flags of many nations represent the work done by the Peace Corps.

Coffin Cruisers

11 Mar 2019 1 95
Portland has a small, dedicated group of people who like to drive hearses for fun.

Ceniac Dancers

11 Mar 2019 2 81
A really cool dance troupe.


11 Mar 2019 1 1 106
Mixing with the hearses were a lot of zombies. Nice touch.

23 items in total