Rob McMonigal's photos

Big Rocks

30 Aug 2022 2 2 103
This area is just littered with photogenic rocks.

Right Out of a Song

30 Aug 2022 2 90
Blue sky, distant mountains, rolling plains and some evergreens. The stuff songs are made of, right?

Framed by the Lights

30 Aug 2022 3 2 90
Another look at the Columbia from Vista Point, this time with the newer wall work and lights for night time driving. I've never been there in the evening, and given the winding roads, I'm not so sure I'd want to try. But I bet sunset is amazing...

Looking Upriver 2

30 Aug 2022 81
A slightly tighter focus on the Columbia. There's a dam way way far out just beyond view.

Looking Upriver

30 Aug 2022 90
I stepped back a little bit and took a picture looking up the Columbia as it snakes through the gorge, using the old guardrail to help frame things a bit.

Underexposed Trolly

30 Aug 2022 1 84
I was playing with my phone's features when the wheeled trolly car that takes people through the scenic route passed so I had to make do. Just pretend it's *really* Sunny!

Looking out at Rooster Rock

30 Aug 2022 87
A view of the popular clothing optional beach that recedes under the Columbia River when the water level does.

The Vista House

30 Aug 2022 1 104
Visible from I-84, this iconic landmark alongside scenic US 30 basically opens the way to the many falls located along the route if you travel west to east. Built in 1918 to provide travelers with a place to stop and admire the view. It's hard to believe this winding road is how you got from Portland to Pittsburgh, way back when. More info here:

Looking up the Willamette River

30 Aug 2022 2 1 71
Again, from the elevator observation deck. Almost all of these buildings are quiet now, waiting for their next adventure.

Oregon City Municipal Elevator

30 Aug 2022 1 2 68
An odd duck of a thing, first created in the 1910s, then revamped in the 1950s (which is why it looks garishly out of place), the elevator was used to help get the people who lived in the hills (and it IS a steep hill) down to their jobs below. Still operational and free and a nifty thing to say you've visited! (As it's nearby, I get to do it a few times a year!)

Clackamas County Courthouse

30 Aug 2022 58
A nice looking one from the early 20th Century.

Opposite Bank Close-Up

30 Aug 2022 1 61
A more pulled in view, allowing you to see the river water in use(?). I am honestly not 100% sure if they still do any hydro power here.

Willamette Falls

30 Aug 2022 2 63
Ironically, it's hard to get a good photo of this from the viewpoint pull-off on 99. This is about the best I can do. Someday, we're supposed to be able to get closer. I can't wait.

Unused Industry

30 Aug 2022 60
A huge containment tank sits unused at the base of the falls.

Longshot of Opposite Bank

30 Aug 2022 1 64
The other side of the Willamette River from the scenic view point on 99, aka the Oregon City side. There's a lot packed into the hillside to look at and photograph.

Stagnant Water

30 Aug 2022 64
There's still no word on what the Grande Ronde Tribe plans to do with the old industrial buildings, so right now we get to see them slowly get overtaken by nature, which is actually pretty cool in the short-term.

Top of the Oregon City Municipal Elevator

30 Aug 2022 56
The top/observation deck. You can see Mt. Adam and Mt. St. Helens on a good day. Despite the lack of clouds, it was too hazy. More details in the main picture.

Working alongside I-205

30 Aug 2022 62
Looking out at the Willamette River from the elevator observation deck. You can't really see this from the highway, so it was a nice visual.

100 items in total

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