Gudrun's photos with the keyword: Reykjanes

Fagradalsfjall, Season 2 (2022)

16 Jul 2023 47 53 313
A photo from the 3rd day of the rather shortlived 2022 Meradalir eruption- fog and rainclouds drifting in from the sea. After 2021 (Geldingadalir) and 2022 (Meradalir), Fagradalsfjall started its 3rd eruption on 10th July, this time a bit further north at Litli Hrútur. After 6 days it has already built a sizeable cone with lava fountains, a lava tube and a lava river and has joined up with the old lavas from 2021/22. This year's eruption is not big but more powerful than the precdeding ones. The lava is nearly 1200°C hot and mantle derived, it comes from a depth of 17-20 km. Webcams for the new eruption: News: Icelandic Met Office:

The 2021 lava at Fagradalsfjall

15 Oct 2022 44 45 356
seen from the path to Langihryggur. In the background is an eruption crater in the form of a more or less perfect circle, this type of crater is called eldborg (fire castle, Feuerburg) in Icelandic. The light coloured stuff is sulphur. The site of the 2022 Meradalir eruption lies in the valley behind that crater..

Go and see the volcano!

19 Aug 2022 29 64 264
A steady procession of visitors, 10.000 in the first 48 hours of the new eruption;-) hFF, folks!

Warning sign

19 Aug 2022 10 21 244
Warning sign at the start of the path to the Reykjanes eruption Icelandic and English are to be expected but the third language shows just how many Poles there are working in Iceland!

The 2nd Fagradalsfjall eruption at Meradalir! (03.…

09 Aug 2022 58 80 460
Just 48 hours after it started, we managed to see the new eruption site at Meradalir. The weather sadly deteriorated and fog and rain clouds rolled in. At least I managed a few shots from the site where one of the webcams stands (which all too often only shows grey pea soup): We did the "easy" path via Langihryggur which was also the safest for gas pollution as the wind was blowing the fumes in the other direction.The black lava fields in the photo are from last year's eruption, in many places there's still hot lava underneath!

Morning Mist over Reykjanes

23 Mar 2021 32 28 401
After months of increasing earthquakes and an episode of volcanic tremor on the Reykjanes peninsula a fissure eruption finally has started on the evening of 19.03.21. It is a small one (what Icelanders call a tourist eruption) at Geldingadalur, Fagradalsfjall- somewhere among the hills in the main photo. Geophysicists have analyzed the lava: very primitive olivine rich basalt from a depth of 17-20km, straight from the mantle. It is expected that this eruption will be the start of a decades/ centuries long volcano-tectonic episode on the Reykjanes peninsula- the last one was 800 years ago. Live feed from Icelandic TV: Wir können ncht verreisen, aber Webcam-Gucken geht (Link s. oben)! Die kleine Spalteneruption, die am Freitagabend auf der Reykjanes-Halbinsel begonnen hat, wird von den Isländern als "Touristeneruption" bezeichnet und am Wochenende waren Tausende durch wegloses und sehr anspruchsvolles Gelände dorthin unterwegs. Das erforderte in der Nacht den EInsatz von 140 Rettungskräften, um schlecht ausgerüsteten, unterkühlten Leuten aus Mooren etc. zu helfen. Die Lava wurde inzwischen analysiert, es ist primitiver, olivinhaltiger Basalt aus einer Tiefe von 17-w0km, direkt aus dem Erdmantel. Man geht davon aus, dass auf der Reykjanes-Halbinsel eine vullkanisch-tektonische Episode begonnen hat, die (mit Unterbrechungen) Jahrhunderte dauern kann- die letzte Episode war vor 800 Jahren.