honeyj's photos with the keyword: Alcatraz

Life of Crime

04 Feb 2018 3 224
I called this meeting to discuss the plan. are we all set? we are. is it dangerous? very. good thing we have a secure hide-out. you can thank me for that anytime. I will. our tunnel is now only inches below the surface. and once we break through? the Secret Service will go nuts. for giving the White House a second shit hole? when you put it like that, maybe not.

Stupidity is Contagious

17 Sep 2017 5 1 388
good morning, herr doktor. ah, there you are, my boy. just in time to help with my latest research. sure. what is it? I'm measuring the amount of relative pain one suffers while gazing at an ugly picture, as opposed to a pretty picture, while at the same time being shot by a high-powered laser beam. what? that'll hurt! exactly the point, my boy. now sit here. I'll just strap you in. for comfort! can it cause permanent damage? who knows! I've never used a laser this big before! how did you come up with this idea? from reading a study whether it would be physically possible for a person to run across the surface of a pond, if both the person and the pond were on the moon! isn't science exciting?! more and more every day.

nobody home

08 Mar 2017 8 2 462
how's it going, donny? you hear they tapped my phone? what? who? you know who! it's outrageous! are you sure? well, yeah! I think so! and they're following me too! who is? there's a black helicopter, follows me everywhere I go. helicopter? hey, man, get a grip. they're all going down I tell ya! I got my finger on the button! know what I mean? jesus! steady there big fella. they ain't gonna get me, you hear?! I don't care what happens! excuse me a second donny. ah, security? can you, ah, get in here? right away. yeah. bring the restraints. I made it, ma! top of the world! hahahaha!

Habitual Offender

17 Apr 2016 10 4 772
how do I get off of this island? you? you don't. whaddya mean, I don't? I've seen enough of this place. i want off. you don't get it. they decided you committed one crime too many. therefore, you're staying. crime? I didn't commit no crime! that's not what the library board says. so I was late returning a library book? that's a crime now? no, but not returning 293 of them makes some people start to wonder. I was busy! sounds like it.