honeyj's photos with the keyword: chicago


08 Jul 2011 2 405
you'll never make it. it's too far. don't be a pessimist. I can almost touch it from here. well I counsel you against it. it's not worth the risk. what, you never jumped from one hotel bed to another? what can I say? that's how I was raised. then welcome to the big city, pal. it's scary, but I'm learning. that's the spirit.

solid state

05 Feb 2011 1 4 648
I'm confused. don't be. I can't tell what's real, and what's not. a common problem these days. so what's the solution? easy. none of it is real. it's all illusion. how do you know that? well, I know I'm not real. so. . . so if I'm talking to you, and you're not real. . . then you must be a total nut job. no confusion there, I guess. none that I can see.


20 Jan 2011 4 734
receiving a signal from base, master. what is it, centurion? they want another shipment. more? already? they love those humans, lord. I don't blame them, but they are insatiable. good thing humans breed so fast, eh? they do seem to multiply very quickly. shall I send out the round-up team? yes, and have them bring a few choice morsels to us this time. I mean, why shouldn't we enjoy a good meal too while stuck on this miserable planet? good for morale, and all that, right? there is no down side that I can see, me neither, o wise one.

my pool

21 Jun 2008 1 1 812
how's the water today, jeeves? perfect, sir, just as you like it. excellent. think I'll take a dip. shall I fetch your rubber ducky? can't go in the pool without it, now can I? of course not, sir.


20 Feb 2009 3 3 669
hi edna, it's stanley. I'm still at work. oh, hi dear. how was your day? weird. I don't know how to explain it. what do you mean, stanley? things just keep going around in circles. gee. maybe you should see a doctor. I don't think that's gonna help, edna.

the goods

11 Feb 2009 1 1 873
the middle container. what about it? the goods are in there. so? so, go get them. why me? I got my new suit on. I don't want to climb into that filthy thing. get the goods. you'll be able to buy 100 suits. sure? not if I have to wait 5 more seconds for you. ok, I'm going. but you coulda told me not to dress up today. nice suit too. for a few more seconds


09 Feb 2009 1 710
how far to where we're going? it's across town. we'll grab a cab. you sure he'll be there? he better be. but what if he ain't? we'll wait up for him. then it's a good thing I brought my puzzle book. damn, I forgot mine.

war of the worlds

01 Mar 2009 1 806
something moved. yeah? yeah. in there. check it out. it looks exactly like that fat guy eating a hot dog. dude! you know what? I think this thing is replicating us! ever hear the word 'reflection' dodo? oh, yeah.

global warning

01 Mar 2009 820
the ion-heat beam is working perfectly, sire. indeed. their primitive structures are beginning to glow. yes. soon they will be in flames. they will no doubt blame it on global warming. excellent deception, o wise one. pathetic humans! ha ha! ha ha ha!


15 Feb 2009 821
I've spotted the fugitive humans, sire. good. have our forces move in. shall we use the ion-beam to subdue them? no need. a tug from a mid-tentacle will suffice. excellent, sire. bring them to me. it's already past dinner. anything else, sire? a little tabasco sauce. humans are rather bland tasting. thank god for tabasco, eh? indeed.


11 Feb 2009 1 1165
damn this is clever. what is, sir? they've hidden the bomb codes in this neon sign. how'd they do that? it's just a sign. that's what makes them smarter than you, son. oh. get the steganographer over here, pronto. who? call HQ. they'll know. and bring me a deli sandwich. no way I'm working tonight on an empty stomach. bomb codes or no bomb codes.

entrance to hell

13 Feb 2009 1 845
where are we? better you don't ask. where does this go? doesn't matter. it's too late anyway. I don't like that smell. nobody does. you'll get used to it. can't we turn back? that's not allowed. man, you are definitely bringing me down. you ain't seen nothing yet. wait'll you meet the boss.

shop till you drop

09 Feb 2009 4 2 760
he's in the store. what's he doing there? I dunno. buying something. you're paid to know these things. hey, maybe it's his wife's birthday. he ain't buying for his wife. how do you know? he's in a victoria's secret. oh, yeah.


11 Feb 2009 3 2 1318
you got the package? I got it. ok. deliver it to the 44th floor. don't forget. don't worry, I can handle it. 44. I'll remember. yeah? like last time? hey, we were in Rome. c'mon. I don't speak Italian. numbers are numbers, you moron. even in Italian? forget it.

watch tower

11 Feb 2009 1 3 1059
movement at 300 yards, sir. notify recon. they're tracking. can you identify? enemy, sir. in loose formation. they're flying. ok, engage. but watch out for those stingers. do they die when they sting, sir? negative. these are not bees, dammit. they're huge, nasty, alien bugs, don't forget it. whatever you say. and they're hard to kill with one shot. yes, sir. and they fucking stink too.

what lies below

09 Feb 2009 3 1 781
what are we doing here? waiting. for what? for something to happen. like what? like someone or something to emerge from this thing. then what? that depends. either we say 'who the fuck are you?' or we run like hell. neither of those sounds too pleasant. that's why they pay us the big bucks.

high rise

09 Feb 2009 2 7 1054
one floor down. one window over. got it? yeah. oh man, do I ever. ok, what are they doing? there's no way to describe it. ok. I'm sending in the A-team. this has gone on long enough. but you just have to admire it, know what I mean? on some level, I see it. but not now. they're history. too bad. it's perfect. all good things must come to an end. including printing untraceable, perfect counterfeit bills. it almost makes me want to cry. have a donut. you'll get over it.


09 Feb 2009 6 2 1354
where'd it come from? outer space, they say. it just appeared. is it dangerous? I'm not touching it, that's for sure.

19 items in total