AstroElectric's photos with the keyword: telephone poles

DP&L 12.5kV - Eaton, OH

10 Oct 2014 3 272
I think this might be cedar? I've seen similar breeds of poles used with sub-transmission lines from the late-1960's / early 1970's which are grey. The most difficult ones I've had finding brandings.

DP&L 12.5kV - Eaton, OH

10 Oct 2014 3 1 284
A little tall this pole is, isn't it? : P But I wonder about the vintage it is but I reckon the 1950's-early 60's. I think it's cedar. I can't wait to check the poles of the 69 or 138kV line nearby with poles* similar to this. I also check for date nails but haven't found a single one in Eaton yet. *: Those long composite line post poles. There's a 69kV AND I believe a 138kV line in the vacinity. I'm going to check EVERY pole on the line along the street for brandings. Tough to find ANY markings on those types of poles but I'm sure there's something!

DP&L 12.5kV - Eaton, OH

10 Oct 2014 4 1 321
A well-designed alley arm replacing a nice 1950's pole with shifted insulator arrangement. I managed to get this in time before the line was continued to be worked on!

DP&L 12.5kV - Eaton, OH

10 Oct 2014 4 275
This replacement occurred during the late week of July and August of this year. It's turned into a nice well-designed double wooden crossarm slack span pole. The previous pole is of typical 1970's DP&L. DP&L still uses brace-clamped crossarms sometimes but it's nice seeing they still treat double crossarm constructions the right way!

CL&P 13.8(*2)kV

09 Oct 2014 3 304
A comparison shot of good CL&P construction and... This actually makes me concerned about WMECo, NSTAR, and PSNH, I'm thinking this a CL&P stand-alone decision. I'm actually a bigger fan of UI at this point! However, who knows how long it'll take until they catch on. :( Also, it looks like Google updated (rather several years late in updating the lower res imagery from '07-'09...) a lot of imagery finally. Makes me curious on the other nearby utilities and any possible change of standards.

CL&P 13.8(*2)kV

CL&P 13.8(*2)kV

09 Oct 2014 1 1 239
I've always loved those corner poles with those chained brown disks, which looks to have originally been 27.6kV? No longer standing as of this year. : (

CL&P 13.8(*2)kV

09 Oct 2014 1 256
This pole was replaced with the fiberglass arm junction pole. Certainly a happier looking pole to me!

CL&P 13.8(*2)kV

09 Oct 2014 1 263
APS bit the dust around 2000 when new crossarms were fiberglass and the poles steel. I'd take the APS recent 12kv armless construction poles (which at least looks more easy on the eye) over this garbage. >_>

CL&P 13.8(*2)kV

09 Oct 2014 1 1 260
This seriously hurts my eyes just looking at it, and personally I think I'd rather see them begin burying the lines than change a line into poles all like this. CL&P was my top favorite utility (particularly pre-1990's actually!) and except for the period pre-2014, I'm no longer a CL&P fan. : (

CL&P 13.8(*2)kV

09 Oct 2014 1 257
This is a former 27.6/13.8kV line. It's currently 13.8(*2)kV. One of the new UGLY fiberglass-crossarm CL&P poles. Is this the death of CL&P becoming nothing more than a typical "modernizing" utility? Either way it pains me to see this happen, because I really thought they were different... :'(

DP&L 7.2kV & 345kV - West Milton, OH

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

08 Oct 2014 1 322
1950's-60's era DP&L!

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

08 Oct 2014 1 272
These shorter arms aren't as common in DP&L's territory as the 8' ones. The center phases looks to have been added at a later time. Nice classic slack span otherwise!

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

08 Oct 2014 3 400
A nice late 1950's DP&L pole. When inspecting a branding, many times the most difficult section to read is the year, unlike the brand name or the height. But the pole read: SWP 1959 SPC Class 4 40'.

DP&L 12.5kV - West Milton, OH

22 items in total