amylsacks' photos with the keyword: Walter Chandoha

Puss 'n Boots Ad, 1957

05 Apr 2011 206
Cuddly kittens + peppy cursive typeface + SCIENCE!! + grisly fish dissection = Everything I love about ads from before I was born. Clipped from September's Good Housekeeping.

Puss 'n Boots Ad, 1959

12 Sep 2019 1 244
"Hey put away that damn can. We're here for the crawfish boil!" From March's Good Housekeeping. (Originally posted to flickr on April 5th, 2011.)

Puss 'N Boots Cat Food Ad, 1960

02 Jun 2011 1 260
From the August issue of Woman's Day.

Which Cat Is Your Wife?, 1952

14 Jun 2011 172
Hahahah!! Ladies, your husband thinks you're a domestic animal! C'mon! It's FUNNYYY!!! [groan] Well, the photographs are nice, at least. :/ (I don't know whether Chandoha himself wrote the "jokes," or if the actual writer understandably refused to take credit.) From the October issue of Everywoman's magazine.

Kittens and Cats (13), 1957

31 Jan 2012 190
"Hmmm... still no growth after almost two years. Maybe we should change the formula!"

Kittens and Cats (11), 1957

31 Jan 2012 195
"The more formal contests are conducted under rules prescribed by a recognized organization of cat fanciers. They're tremendously exciting to attend whether you've entered a cat or not-- and, incidentally, you can enter your cat even if you don't belong to the club or own a pedigreed cat."

Kittens and Cats (12), 1957

31 Jan 2012 201
"Contrary to popular opinion, the size of a cat has little bearing on its ability to win shows. Often a large cat may simply have a handsome coat and nothing underneath it to conform to the judge's standards. On the other hand, an extremely small cat may have the bone structure (as well as coat) that enables it to walk off with a blue ribbon."

Kittens and Cats (10), 1957

31 Jan 2012 192
"Just as there are cats and cats, so are there cat shows and cat shows. These range from events at Madison Square Garden to determine All-Breed Champions, to competitions in children's club houses for the purpose of selecting the cat with the fuzziest tail."

Kittens and Cats (9), 1957

31 Jan 2012 183
"Always keep immediately available the name and address of your cat's best friend in case of sickness or accident-- the veterinarian."

Kittens and Cats (8), 1957

31 Jan 2012 180
"Some cats are natural explorers. Others flee from new sounds and subjects. But either instinct can push your pet beyond his agility or sense of direction. That's when firemen stretch ladders to kittens caught on rooftops, when Lost & Found columns carry messages about missing pets, when traffic takes its sad toll..."

Kittens and Cats (7), 1957

31 Jan 2012 184
My half-Abyssinian is "playful" all right, if by that they mean loves diving into the trash, crashing into CD towers, and mauling the humans at random intervals.

Kittens and Cats (6), 1957

31 Jan 2012 171
It's important that your cat or kitten match the paneling in the guest room!

Kittens and Cats (5), 1957

31 Jan 2012 159
"Handle the newcomer as little as possible. Unless he is obviously starving, don't feed him immediately..." Unless it's Puss 'N Boots brand Cheezburgers™.

Kittens and Cats (4), 1957

31 Jan 2012 162
A brand new navy blue sofa has just been delivered, and the kitten on the right can't contain her glee.

Kittens and Cats (3), 1957

31 Jan 2012 186
The illustrations in this booklet weren't credited, unfortunately.

Kittens and Cats (2), 1957

31 Jan 2012 1 201
"Remember, Kids. Never whiz in the geranium beds... while anyone's looking."

Kittens and Cats, 1957

31 Jan 2012 164
Front cover of a 42-page promotional, published by "Coast Fisheries, Division of the Quaker Oats Company, (and manufacturers of Puss 'N Boots cat food) Chicago, Illinois."

The Harassed Housewife, 1953

11 Apr 2012 201
A probable sequel to this . As before, I'd suggest focusing on the pictures and not the "jokes."