amylsacks' favorite photos

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Cat's pajamas

Clora Bryant

Elizabeth Jennings Graham: Refused to Leave A Whit…

Changes to the Actions menu

A. F. Moore, M.D., Winsted, Connecticut, ca. 1883

Potatoes and Barrels

Girl with Fancy Sleeves

Man with Bicycle, Bloody Lane, Antietam Battlefiel…

Sliced Butter-Nut Bread


Duke Spoils the Picture

Hershey's Banjo, Fudjo, and Creamsicle Ice Cream B…

Amos P. Jones

Chiquita Banana's Recipe Book


The Car of Tomorrow at the World of Tomorrow, 1939

17442 Sgt, Harold Littlewood (1892-1916) "Pitman C…

161 items in total