amylsacks' photos with the keyword: Giro

New Cake Secrets (7), 1931

30 May 2011 263
And think of what all those hours of quadruple sifting will do for your upper body strength, Ladies!

New Cake Secrets (6), 1931

30 May 2011 249
"Swans Down Cake Flour will not only help you to achieve perfection in cake making, but it will make all your fine baking better than it could ever be, if you used ordinary flour. Swans Down will give extra crispness to your cookies-- extra lightness and tenderness to your biscuits, muffins, shortcakes, griddle cakes, and waffles-- wonderful lightness and flaky tenderness to your pastries! Follow these recipes and prove it!..."

New Cake Secrets (5), 1931

30 May 2011 234
"Frosting Frills For Special Occasion Cakes: ...The pastry bag may be made of a three-cornered piece of heavy paper folded into cornucopia shape and pinned in place, or, better still, of a piece of heavy muslin or light-weight canvas stitched in the desired shape. This can be washed after using and so kept clean..."

New Cake Secrets (4), 1931

30 May 2011 209
In the lower left hand corner of the "Caramel Layer Cake," you can just make out the illustrator's name: "Giro." I don't know anything about them. But these really are terrific pictures.

New Cake Secrets (3), 1931

30 May 2011 240
Some clippings from inside the booklet, slightly enlarged. I'm not sure what the "lightning" in "Lightning Layer Cake" was in reference to, since all of these cakes seem like pretty drawn-out productions. Usually the devoted cook sifted the flour 3-4 times, and presumably didn't own an electric mixer.

New Cake Secrets (2), 1931

30 May 2011 202
Inside front cover and first page from the booklet. Considering that the Depression was in full swing, this is a pretty lavish production. The cover is heavy cardstock and the papers inside are thick. Nice Art Deco stylings on the typeface and pictures, too.

New Cake Secrets, 1931

30 May 2011 245
Front and back cover of a 50-page promotional booklet published by Igleheart Brothers, Inc. ("Established 1856") of Evansville, Indiana, and General Foods Corporation. I don't know what the punched hole was for. A string holding an extra coupon or a small trinket went there, maybe.