amylsacks' photos with the keyword: sweater

Mary Maxim Catalog (18), c1957

03 Aug 2011 193
The magic of sinuously sentient afghans and sexy sweater liners finishes out this amazing Fifties epic. Whew! I think I need a smoke now.

Mary Maxim Catalog (17), c1957

03 Aug 2011 161
Clubhouse Man looks like he wandered in from the set of some Ed Wood epic about good girls gone bad in the Big City.

Mary Maxim Catalog (16), c1957

03 Aug 2011 161
"Gaspe'" looks like a first draft for Wesley Crusher. But I would totally wear that tiger hat on a spy mission. You could fit tons of secret documents and a pearl-handled revolver and an extra pair of gloves in there, no sweat.

Mary Maxim Catalog (15), c1957

03 Aug 2011 149
"Sunny" on the right looks like she's got a pronounced case of static cling. Pretty rude of the other adults to keep staring so hard.

Mary Maxim Catalog (14), c1957

02 Aug 2011 129
Snow White really knows how to throw a party!

Mary Maxim Catalog (13), c1957

02 Aug 2011 151
I had no idea before today that the Mounties carried bows and arrows on the job. Did you?

Mary Maxim Catalog (12), c1957

02 Aug 2011 153
Everyone's all tricked out for their evening at Birdland! Look how excited Mother is!

Mary Maxim Catalog (11), c1957

02 Aug 2011 145
The baby has the most dignified outfit on the page.

Mary Maxim Catalog (10), c1957

02 Aug 2011 150
It's probably just because of the photography, but these kids look like it's taking superhuman amounts of effort for them to bend and/or raise their arms.

Mary Maxim Catalog (9), c1957

01 Aug 2011 149
Given that it was the Fifties, I'm surprised that there's no grown-up version of the "Clown & Elephant"-- with a Martini glass on the sleeve and the elephant in pink, of course.

Mary Maxim Catalog (8), c1957

01 Aug 2011 142
"I'm a Rocket Man, knitting on the streets out here, alone..."

Mary Maxim Catalog (7), c1957

01 Aug 2011 141
Beaver Kid would've looked even better if he was chewing on a piece of wood.

Mary Maxim Catalog (6), c1957

01 Aug 2011 165
I wonder why the Fourth Birdman of the Apocalypse never showed up...

Mary Maxim Catalog (5), c1957

01 Aug 2011 178
I always bundle the upper part of my body to step out into a Midwest blizzard while leaving my lower half in pantyhose and heels. Don't you?

Mary Maxim Catalog (4), c1957

01 Aug 2011 159
I am sad that Holstein Cow is not available to be my team's sports logo. Not that I have a team yet, but I like to be prepared.

Mary Maxim Catalog (3), c1957

01 Aug 2011 178
Bowling Sweater Dude looks happiest, because he's the one closest to the exit.

Mary Maxim Catalog (2), c1957

01 Aug 2011 189
If you'd go flying with a falling plane on your back, or to a bar full of drunks with a dartboard on your back... uh, you're a braver man than I, Sir.

Mary Maxim Catalog, c1957

01 Aug 2011 174
Even her hair was custom-knitted from the finest wool in 20th Century NORTH AMERICA!! Front cover of a twenty-page catalog published by Mary Maxim, Port Huron, MIchigan.