amylsacks' photos with the keyword: paint

Safeway Products Ad, 1959

26 Jul 2020 1 2 248
Dad and Little Bobby have to hurry and get Mom and Little Susie back into the house. Any more time outside and the ladies would become tan and ruddy, too. Imagine the scandal! From the August issue of Family Circle .

Super Kem-Tone Paint Ad, c1956

05 Mar 2020 1 180
The famous Spanish Olive color scheme strikes again! From Sunset magazine.

Strathmore/Pastose Art Materials Ads, 1951

03 Sep 2019 1 163
L. "Fred, when you do the final drawing, please don't have that disembodied woman's chest right behind us. It's weird!" R. I'm pretty sure that crack-proof oil paint is like run-proof stockings. :P From the April issue of American Artist

Weber Paint Ad, 1951

01 May 2019 1 2 184
Half a century on this Earth and I'm still constantly misspelling the word "palette." No wonder I never made it in the art biz. From the April issue of American Artist .

Lexington Brush Ad, 1951

01 May 2019 1 182
"Oh, wow Look at him now! Lexington's famous pig..." From the April issue of American Artist .

Palette Postcard, c1920

20 Dec 2018 2 172
No date or stamp on the back. Someone started to fill it out, but I guess they decided to keep it. I can't really blame them. It's a great image. (Shown slightly larger than original size.)

Spatter Spray It, 1958

15 Aug 2011 234
Always remember to put on your good white shirt and expensive velvet Capris before getting out the paints. Also, work gloves and safety masks are unpatriotic. From the July issue of Popular Mechanics magazine.

B&W Ads, 1952

18 Aug 2011 1 242
Make the kids' footwear double as scarves, paint the storage shed, start an earring business, tithe to the Canadian Empire, con an omnivore into avoiding meat... Wow! It's been a busy day! Clipped from the February issue of Good Housekeeping magazine.

B&W Ads, 1950s

17 May 2013 196
Ah, Fifties. What an easygoing time you were. "Vanishing Shelves" were cause for rejoicing rather than one more surface to try and keep clean. Local schools gave away giant vats of peanut butter to enamored youth. Nobody minded if you spilled paint all over the desert, and keeping the walls clean was more fun to the average woman than a dream date with Sinatra. (Well, actually I agree on that one. I can't stand Sinatra.) Clipped from (Clockwise, left) Sunset , April 1950; Family Circle , August 1953; Sunset , April 1950; Family Circle , May 1950.

Boysen Colorizer Paint Ad, 1950

13 May 2013 176
After she posed for the illustrator, Eileen's friends started calling her "Dot" all time. Just about drove her bats! From the April issue of Sunset magazine.

Bishop Conklin/Treasure Tones Paint Ad, 1950

12 May 2013 154
In the upper left hand corner, you can see what became of certain elves who fell far from the hollow tree... if you get my drift. From the April issue of Sunset magazine.