amylsacks' photos with the keyword: machine

"Smart Savories from A Century of Progress" (6), 1…

24 Feb 2019 1 267
...And then follow this Feast of Progress with a stroll down the promenade to watch the cream-cheese-wrapping machine in action. Wild times, (or "Gay, happy hours,") indeed...

Marchant Calculators Ad, 1955

26 Apr 2012 185
As seen in the classic film: "Godzilla Vs. Auditron!!"

National Accounting Machine Ad, c1950

16 May 2012 212
The giant shoe-dirigible came right at her. It was indeed helmed by the monstrous two-headed Dog Boy, as in the legends told by the elder secretaries around the lunch table. Yet Gail paid the grinning beast no mind. "Mr. Jones needs those figures by 3 PM!" she thought. "I musn't let him down!"

What About Alcohol? (5), 1946

18 Aug 2012 186
"It is only natural that those who make and sell alcoholic drinks wish to make money. Those who have been in this business for any length of time usually get a lot of money from the people who acquire the habit of drinking. Now that people have learned that alcohol really does no good to the person who drinks, but often does harm, the people who make and sell liquor must use many kinds of arguments to sell their wares. Sometimes they do not tell actual untruths in so many words, but only suggest indirectly that the use of alcohol is beneficial and socially desirable..." Yeah, take that, Mr. Draper! I reject your agency's crass manipulation of my deepest feelings! In the future, I vow to drink and serve only alcohol that I brew at home, in the tub! Nyah!

Culligan Water Softener Ad, 1957

29 Nov 2012 536
Just keep refusing food until you, too, are skinnier than the water machine! Then you'll finally be as radiant as me! From the October issue of Household magazine.

Auto-Lite Catalog (details), c1947

10 May 2013 197
Four out of four nameless, voiceless proles agree that sore feet are awful, and that a cold beer would taste terrific right about now...

Auto-Lite Catalog (3), c1947

08 May 2013 198
Ah, yes. Let's return now to those golden days before fire and safety regs...

Auto-Lite Catalog (2), c1947

08 May 2013 198
I'm totally humming the second portion of Raymond Scott's "Powerhouse" as I look these over. Aren't you?