amylsacks' photos with the keyword: landscape

Salem Cigarette Ad, 1957

25 Sep 2023 1 3 138
Yeah, I'm like this, too. Whenever I see a lovely green space I immediately want to strew cigarette butts all over it. :/ From the April issue of Everywoman's magazine.

"La Foret Des Pins, Le Cannet", Pierre Bonnard, 19…

06 Aug 2023 1 97
Notes from an April 24th, 1985 Sotheby's catalogue: "Signed Oil on canvas "22 by X 18 1/2 in. 56 X 47 cm. Painted in 1924 " Provenance Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, Paris Gaston Bernheim de Villers, Paris Wildenstein and Co. (sold to Mrs. Gould in 1957) " Exhibited Nice, Palais de la Mediterranee, Peintes de Nice et sur la Cote d'Azur 1860-1960 , 1960, no. 3, pl. 1, illustrated... "$175,000 - 225,000"

"King and Queen," Henry Moore 1952-53

24 Feb 2023 1 173
From A Concise History Of Modern Sculpture by Herbert Read, 1964, Published by Frederick A. Praeger, Inc. "Bronze. H. 64 1/2 " (163.5) Collection W. J. Keswick, Glenkiln, Scotland Photo the artist" Sorry for the distortion at left. This is a thick, heavy book. Not easy to press flat on the scanner. But I really wanted this photo online, because it's an unusual view. There's something special about seeing what the sculptor himself wanted us to see when he arranged a picture. The Tate's website has lots more to see and learn for anyone who's interested.

Western Family, 1951

12 Oct 2019 2 319
The artist's signature could be *Kramer*. But unfortunately there's nothing more specific about them inside. From the October 18th issue of Western Family .

Palette Postcard, c1920

20 Dec 2018 2 172
No date or stamp on the back. Someone started to fill it out, but I guess they decided to keep it. I can't really blame them. It's a great image. (Shown slightly larger than original size.)

Garden Bulbs In Color (2), 1938/1945

24 Jul 2012 208
"We wish to acknowledge the cooperation of the following firms in making possible the use of many of the color plates in this book. Bobbink & Atkins, Rutherford, N.J. Joseph Breck & Sons, Boston, Mass. William E. Clark, Sharon, Mass. The Conrad-Pyle Company, West Grove, Pa. H.G. Hastings Company, Atlanta, Ga. Wm. M. Hunt & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y. Henry F. Mitchell Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Reuter Seed Company, Inc., New Orleans, La. Max Schling Seedsmen, Inc., New York, N.Y. Stumpp & Walter Co., New York, N.Y. Hosea Waterer, Philadelphia, Pa..."

Garden Bulbs In Color, 1938/1945

24 Jul 2012 189
Frontispiece of a 296-page hardback "by J. Horace McFarland, L.H.D., R. Marion Hatton, Daniel J. Foley, designed by Walt R. Huber. "Published by J. Horace McFarland Company, Harrisburg, Penna. Distributed by the MacMillan Company, New York..."

Garden Bulbs In Color (4), 1938/1945

26 Jul 2012 228
"...To be able to get faithful photographs and accurate color reproductions for his work, Dr. McFarland has long conducted series of tests of tulip and other bulbs in his own Breeze Hill Gardens, where literally thousands of varieties have been grown and photographed. The artists from Mount Pleasant Press have been able to work directly in the garden or from flowers freshly cut only a few moments before they were brought into the studio. For this reason, the colors are very true to variety..."

Garden Bulbs In Color (11), 1938/45

03 Sep 2012 202
"Lilies have a place in our garden understanding second only to roses. Yet those same gardens have but few of the Lilies possible in America... The beginner in lily culture should always select easily grown kinds, choosing them according to his own individual taste..."

Swift/Vigoro Garden Aids Ad, 1950

30 Apr 2013 182
Ah, the timeless glory of chemical cocktails... dead songbirds... dead honeybees... dead wildflowers... I LOVE nature! From the April issue of Sunset magazine.

Sunset, 1950

14 Apr 2013 176
"Landscape architect John H. Staley, Jr., of the firm of Osmundson and Staley, worked out the plan presented here. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Townsend of Oakland, California, contributed heart and hand to the project..." This morning, I was still running the furnace as I readied this for posting. (Like the climate wimp I am.) Bah! From the April issue.

Garden Bulbs In Color (15), 1938/45

17 Dec 2012 206
"Everybody knows and loves the cheery Crocuses which brave the winds and frosts of declining winter. No other early flower does more to herald the coming of spring. From the mountain regions of Europe and Asia these members of the iris family have been gathered to brighten our gardens. The name is the Greek equivalent for the Saffron Crocus, and its history is tied up with the Sanskrit and Indian languages..."

Garden Bulbs In Color (6), 1938/1945

29 Jul 2012 197
"...The first of the more important bulbs to brighten our spring gardens... Natives of the eastern hemisphere, they are found wild in Europe, Asia and Northern Africa. They have spread with civilization to the four corners of the earth..."

Garden Bulbs In Color (20), 1938/1945

03 Mar 2013 187
"With a fragrance that is rich and sometimes overpowering, the familiar Dutch Hyacinths take their early place in the spring garden. They are hybrids of Hyacinthus orientalis from the warm shores of the Meditarranean. As formal bedding plants they have been widely grown since the late sixteenth century..."

Garden Bulbs In Color (22), 1938/1945

04 Mar 2013 189
"The Beardless kinds include the Japanese Iris, I. Kaempferi; the Siberian Iris, I. sibirica; the wild Blue Flag, I. versicolor; the Yellow Flag, I. pseudacorus..."