amylsacks' photos with the keyword: sweet

Magical Desserts With Whip 'N Chill (10), 1965/70

24 Aug 2020 1 168
Inside back covers from 1965 (l) and from 1970 (r). In the first image, the hypnotic spiral surface of the dessert yet appears earthbound, but in the second, its extraterrestrial origin is revealed at last!

Magical Desserts With Whip 'N Chill (9),1965/70

24 Aug 2020 1 169
The connection between trendy dessert and your elderly Aunt's favorite church hats becomes obvious as our ode to obsolete mixes nears its finish...

Magical Desserts With Whip 'N Chill (8), 1965/70

24 Aug 2020 1 199
Feminist scholars have finally found that missing place setting from Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party , but we still don't know who was supposed to be sitting here...

Magical Desserts With Whip 'N Chill (7), 1965/1970

24 Aug 2020 1 164
Truly, the saddest looking "Petis Fours" I've ever seen. But nothing in the whole volume pleads more desperately for love than the "Four Flavor Loaf." :P

Magical Desserts With Whip 'N Chill (6), 1965/1970

24 Aug 2020 1 174
Is anyone else feeling dizzy from all the heat & flashing lights? o_0

Whip N Chill (4), 1970

24 Aug 2020 1 142
1965 had different text than 1970. It was "Magic In A Minute." However, neither version points out that Pear Lime Creamy Whip is what William S. Burroughs would serve at a ladies luncheon, if he ever catered those.

Magical Desserts With Whip 'N Chill, 1965/70

23 Aug 2020 1 181
Inside front covers from 1965 (l) and from 1970 (r). It was the trippy electric purple-pink foil effect which was supposed to let everyone know that they weren't having dessert in Kansas anymore...

Magical Desserts With Whip 'N Chill, 1970

23 Aug 2020 1 166
Also, I think they forgot to make it taste good. :P But still... those colors! Those shapes! That "cupcake frosting" which looks like some kind of milk-fed Tribble and the citrus-y spaceship that clearly brought them down to Earth! It makes you proud, doesn't it? Double Strawberry, Lemon Ripple, Chocolate Swirl Pie (front). Triple Citrus Creamy Whip, Ribbon Loaf, Easy Frosting on cupcakes (back).

Magical Desserts With Whip 'N Chill, 1965

23 Aug 2020 1 217
You've got Vanilla Berry, Raspberry Supreme, Lemon Twist, Snow-Capped Chocolate Pie, Heavenly Mocha Cream (front). Then Mocha Dream, Triple Citrus Creamy Whip, Citrus Duet & Berry Duet, Chocolate Swirl Pie, and Strawberry & Raspberry Supreme (back). What you don't have is a product which survived as long as its forbears: Jell-O and Dream Whip. I guess people figured out that they already could do what this stuff did. Front cover of a 46-page promotional published by General Foods Corporation, White Plains, New York. (This series was originally posted to flickr on February 1st, 2011.)