amylsacks' photos with the keyword: tabby

Puss 'n Boots Ad, 1957

05 Apr 2011 206
Cuddly kittens + peppy cursive typeface + SCIENCE!! + grisly fish dissection = Everything I love about ads from before I was born. Clipped from September's Good Housekeeping.

El Sid At Work (2)

01 May 2018 1 166
...And he's not even sorry! Anyway, it's a brand new month, and I'll try to do better. Thanks for your patience. ;)

El Sid At Work (1)

01 May 2018 1 173
I'm sorry I haven't been updating this account lately. But as you can see, my "editor" has been sitting on vital material, not to mention the scanner...

Kittens and Cats (9), 1957

31 Jan 2012 182
"Always keep immediately available the name and address of your cat's best friend in case of sickness or accident-- the veterinarian."

Kittens and Cats (6), 1957

31 Jan 2012 170
It's important that your cat or kitten match the paneling in the guest room!

Kittens and Cats (5), 1957

31 Jan 2012 159
"Handle the newcomer as little as possible. Unless he is obviously starving, don't feed him immediately..." Unless it's Puss 'N Boots brand Cheezburgers™.

Kittens and Cats (2), 1957

31 Jan 2012 1 201
"Remember, Kids. Never whiz in the geranium beds... while anyone's looking."

Kittens and Cats, 1957

31 Jan 2012 164
Front cover of a 42-page promotional, published by "Coast Fisheries, Division of the Quaker Oats Company, (and manufacturers of Puss 'N Boots cat food) Chicago, Illinois."