Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: hunt

Solsona - Catedral de Santa María

05 Apr 2023 87
The Iberians and the Romans have been here, Visigoths made their way to Solsona in the fifth century and, three centuries later, the Saracens settled here for about 70 years, until it came under the rule of the Franks. A monastery dedicated to Santa Maria was established in 1070 with connections to the Counts of Urgell. In the 13th century is evidence of a weekly market. The town was completely encircled by a wall (up to 16 m high) which had 21 towers. The Black Death of 1348 caused a depopulation of the region. A pre-Romanesque church existed here in 977. The first Romanesque church was consecrated in 1070. Preserved from this church are the three apses, seen on the previous upload, and the bell tower, here seen from the cloister. The present church is Gothic and was begun in the late 13th century. It was completed in the 17th century, so lot of barroque elements can be found. Upto 1593 this was a College church, from there on a Cathedral housing bishop's see, as Pope Clement VIII (on request of Philip II, created the new Diocese of Solsona. The Bishops of Solsona of course needed a comfortable place to live and work, so a neoclassical episcopal palace was added to the former monastery within the 18th century - and now houses the Diocean Museum. Objects inside museums are mostly well protected - but miss the "locus", they were produced for and where they had been for centuries. Sometimes these places just do not exist any longer and the objects are really saved. But placed inside a museum, the objects are not part of an "ensemble", what is a pity. From the "Museu Diocesà de Solsona" Three fighting men - and a hare. It looks like two bandits ambush a hunter. The left bandit holds the hunter by the hair - and tries to stab him, while the hunter defends himself with a lance. The hunter stll holds the large hare, but the second bandit has his hand already on the hare´s ears.

Cahors - Cathédrale Saint-Étienne

10 Apr 2020 1 155
The Cahors Cathedral was erected between 1080 and 1135. It got consecrated by Pope Calixtus II in 1119. The same pope, who two years later could imprison his rival "Antipope" Gregory VIII. Four years later, Calixtus ended the Investiture Controversy by agreeing with Emperor Henry V on the Concordat of Worms. During the times of medieval pilgrimage, this cathedral was an important place on the "Via Podiensis", as the "Sainte Coiffe" could be venerated here. This "Holy Headdress" was believed to have been used during Jesus' burial. Legends tell, that it had been given to the Bishop of Cahors by Charlemagne, but what is more likely it was brought to Cahors by Bishop Gerard de Cardillac after his trip to the Holy Land in 1113. A relic similar to the "Shroud of Turin". Prominent features are the two domes (a third one collapsed in the 13th century) and this Romanesque portal on the northern side. It was widely discussed, whether it was once moved from the west to this location, but since the 1980s it is proven (Bratke, Durliat), that it was constructed (after 1140) for the northern side, where it is still today. The portal was walled up 1732 and got "rediscovered" in 1840, so it survived the furore of the Revolution. Hunting scenes on the right side of the archivolt.

Murato - San Michele de Murato

10 Apr 2019 176
The island of Corsica is one of the 18 regions of France. It was colonized the Carthaginians, the Greeks, the Etruscans and the Romans. After the Roman empire collapsed, Corsica got invaded by the Vandals and the Ostrogoths. For a short while the island belonged to the Byzantine Empire, then the Franks granted the island to the Pope, in the early 11th century Pisa and Genoa together freed the island from the threat of Arab invasion. The island came under the influence of the Republic of Pisa, later it belonged to Genua for centuries. In 1755 after a long fight for independence from Genoa the independent Corsican Republic was proclaimed, but in 1769, when the island was conquered by France. As the areas near the coast over centuries have been threatened by attacks and raids of pirates many old hamlets and dwellings are wide inland, high in the mountains. So most of the old churches are in the mountains and some of them are hard to find. The small eye catching Romanesque church San Michele is easy to find, located on an isolated hill just outside Murato. It was erected from mid-12th century on and was consecrated in 1280. At that time Corsica was ruled by Pisa and so it was built in a bicolor typical Pisan style recognizable by the alternation of green (serpentine) and white (limestone) stones, very similar to the "Basilica di Saccargia" on the neighbouring island of Sardinia. The single nave church presents remarkable naive motifs on the walls that are amazing in their imagination and variety. A deer hunt.

Tauriac - Saint-Etienne

02 Apr 2017 195
A "villa Tauriaca" was given to the Bishop of Le Mans already in 585 by some Alderic. At that time probably a chapel existed here. The portal seen today dates to the 12th. century - and it is unusual, as it does have tympana in the flanking arches. Modifications were made, when the church got fortified in the 16th century, but meanwhile the portal is pretty much back to the original state. It is claimed, that some of the carvings may be older than the church and may have been part of the earlier (merovingien?) church. I do like the little "side stories", that are sometimes hidden in between. Here is a nice example, as just above the capitals a wiener dog (?) hunts a hare.

Alet-les-Bains - Abbaye Notre-Dame

08 Feb 2017 1 308
The Benedictine abbey was founded in the early 9th century. It prospered, but the times got difficult, when feudal wars arose in the area. After the Count of Carcassonne had devastated the abbey, the monks rebuilt it and erected a wall around the abbey and the adjoining village. As the monks supported the Cathar side, when the Albigensian Crusade started against the heretics, the monks got excommunicated. Decades after Simon de Monfort´s troops had finally conquered the complete area and had wiped out what ever was Cathar, some monks were allowed back. In 1318 Alet was promoted a diocese and the abbey church became a cathedral. The abbey had avoided the devastation of the Albigensian crusade, but it did not escape plunder during the Wars of Religions. Huguenot troops took and looted Alet in 1573. The episcopal palace got demolished and the cathedral got destroyed. During an assault in 1577 an uncontrolled cannonball caused the roof of the cathedral to collapse. The ruins were used as a quarry over the next centuries. First restaurations started in the 19th century. Here are four different views onto the large "double-capital" at the entrance to the chapter house, seen on the previous upload. Depicted is a deadly fight between a huge bear, two men - and a dog.

Bardone - Santa Maria Assunta

23 Oct 2016 1 1 305
A church, near an old Roman road, existed here probably during the 6th century. This road leads up to the Cisa Passand connects the Po plain with Tuscany. It was used by the Lombards and later became the Via Francigena. The large church, seen today, is known since 1004. It got modified in 1080 and 1220. Later it got enlarged and transformed a couple of times. The church houses some extraordinary carvings from the old parish church of Fornovo, but it was locked - and I could find nobody in the hamlet, who could open it. These hunting scenes framing he facade´s window (see previous upload) may well come from Fornovo too. The hunt is watched over by an Agnus Dei.

San Gemini - Abbazia di San Nicolò

22 Jun 2016 1 179
San Gemini was probably founded by people having abandoned the Roman settlement of Carsulae, now an archeological area, about 5kms north. The "Regesto di Farfa" from 1036 is the first document that mentions the city as well as the "Abbey of San Nicolò". The abbey was built on older foundations in the 11th century and has undergone numerous alterations and restoration works through the centuries. It is privately owned, but fortunately a friendly gentleman unlocked the doors for us. Mille grazie! The portal to the abbey´s church is the by far most important carving here. What you see here is actually a (pretty good) copy, as the original was sold in 1939 to some antique dealers - and then was aquired by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, where it is on display today. This is detail of the doorway´s left side. Three hunting dogs chase a boar. The dog (on top) wearing the collar is seen in a strange perspective - from above. Here is what the Metropolitan Museum writes about "This doorway is an example of the reuse of materials during the life of a single medieval church. All of the marble used to make the doorway originally came from the ruins of nearby Roman buildings. Displaying an array of styles and techniques, the principal elements were carved at different times in the eleventh century. The lions were possibly made for another location and then inserted in the portal. The whole was assembled for the church one to two centuries later. The animal imagery used in decorating the portal may refer to medieval bestiaries, books that combined descriptions of animal life with legend, thereby investing the animals depicted here with symbolic significance." Here is the website:

Cahors - Cathédrale Saint-Étienne

17 Dec 2015 1 295
consecrated by Pope Calixtus II in 1119. The same pope, who two years later could imprison his rival "Antipope" Gregory VIII. Four years later, Calixtus ended the Investiture Controversy by agreeing with Emperor Henry V on the Concordat of Worms. During the times of medieval pilgrimage this cathedral was an important place on the "Via Podiensis", as the "Sainte Coiffe" could be venerated here. This "Holy Headdress" was believed to have been used during Jesus' burial. It had been given to Aymatus, Bishop of Cahors, by Charlemagne. A relic similar to the "Shroud of Turin". On the northern side of the cathedral and intricate Romanesque portal faces the "Via Podiensis". This was what the pilgrims saw first - and this portal they used entering the basilica. The carvings are very soft and elegant. The tympanum depicts Christ in a mandorla, surrounded by angles. Very interesting are the archivolts. One of them is populated with hunters and craftsmen. A helper at a battue. His task is, to scare the animals by blowing the horn and beating sticks into an ambush.

Verona - Duomo di Verona

24 Oct 2015 225
The first cathedral here was consecrated by St. Zeno around 380 AD. This was replaced by a larger building already two centuries later. An earthquake and/or fire destroyed that structure. The basilica that got rebuilt was destroyed by the earthquake in 1117, that wrecked so many buildings in Veneto and Lombardy. The present "Cattedrale Santa Maria Matricolare" was built in 1117-38, but many renovations were made later. The two storied porch, of the cathedral´s façade, is embellished with sculptures, works of the sculptor Nicholaus (Niccolo), who as well worked at San Zeno in Verona, in Ferrara and Piacenza. Lots of interesting details can be found on the façade, many around music and hunting. Here are dogs, a bear, a boar - and (in the shadow) lurks a manticore.

Verona - Duomo di Verona

22 Oct 2015 232
The first cathedral here was consecrated by St. Zeno around 380 AD. This was replaced by a larger building already two centuries later. An earthquake and/or fire destroyed that structure. The basilica that got rebuilt was destroyed by the earthquake in 1117, that wrecked so many buildings in Veneto and Lombardy. The present "Cattedrale Santa Maria Matricolare" was built in 1117-38, but many renovations were made later. This frieze is near to the side portal (previous uploads). From left to right: two dogs chase a deer - the hunter has the spear already up, ready to kill the animal. A giant rooster - attacked by a dog. A man fights a griffin with a club. On the club is a little cross.

Verona - Duomo di Verona

22 Oct 2015 1 204
The first cathedral here was consecrated by St. Zeno around 380 AD. This was replaced by a larger building already two centuries later. An earthquake and/or fire destroyed that structure. The basilica that got rebuilt was destroyed by the earthquake in 1117, that wrecked so many buildings in Veneto and Lombardy. The present "Cattedrale Santa Maria Matricolare" was built in 1117-38, but many renovations were made later. The cathedral´s side portal still has some frescoes.

Verona - Duomo di Verona

21 Oct 2015 1 187
Approaching the "Cattedrale Santa Maria Matricolare" from the east, the tourists face this perfect apse. The first cathedral here was consecrated by St. Zeno around 380 AD. This was replaced by a larger building already two centuries later. An earthquake and/or fire destroyed that structure. The basilica that got rebuilt was destroyed by the earthquake in 1117, that wrecked so many buildings in Veneto and Lombardy. The present cathedral was built in 1117-38, but many renovations were made later. Up under the roof are wonderful friezes. Here is a detail.

Lucca - San Michele in Foro

01 Sep 2015 206
Lucca existed already in Etruscan times and became a Roman colony in 180 BC. The Diocese of Lucca dates back to the first century, legends tell, that St. Paulinus, a disciple of St. Peter, was the first Bishop of Lucca. In medieval times Lucca was the residence of the Margraves of Tuscany. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), Lucca constituted itself as an independent republic. Actually the "Republic of Lucca" existed from 1160 to 1805. San Michele in Foro was built over the ancient Roman forum in the center of Lucca. A church existed right here already end of the 9th century. Pope Alexander II, who had been bishop in Lucca before he made carreer in Rome , started the construction of the church, seen here, after 1070. It took centuries to complete this building. Diotisalvi and Guidetto da Como have worked here in the 13th century. Unfortunately (for me!) it is not always clear, wether the ornaments are 13th century - or a result of the renovation of the 19th century. Animals, even very mythical ones and hunters can be seen all over the facade. Here is a falconer (similar to his colleague on the facade of the near Duomo) in the center. On the pillar below the inlay is a mermaid.

Lucca - San Michele in Foro

01 Sep 2015 1 212
Lucca existed already in Etruscan times and became a Roman colony in 180 BC. The Diocese of Lucca dates back to the first century, legends tell, that St. Paulinus, a disciple of St. Peter, was the first Bishop of Lucca. In medieval times Lucca was the residence of the Margraves of Tuscany. After the death of Matilda of Tuscany (1115), Lucca constituted itself as an independent republic. Actually the "Republic of Lucca" existed from 1160 to 1805. San Michele in Foro was built over the ancient Roman forum in the center of Lucca. A church existed right here already end of the 9th century. Pope Alexander II, who had been bishop in Lucca before he made carreer in Rome , started the construction of the church, seen here, after 1070. It took centuries to complete this building. Diotisalvi and Guidetto da Como have worked here in the 13th century. Unfortunately (for me!) it is not always clear, wether the ornaments are 13th century - or a result of the renovation of the 19th century. Animals, even very mythical ones and hunters can be seen all over the facade. Here is a hunting scenes on the frieze. On the left a man wrestles a bear, a lion cuddles a small dragon, while a centaur hunts a deer..

Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire - Abbey

01 Feb 2015 324
The abbey at Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire (originally known as Fleury Abbey) was founded on the banks of the Loire river mid 7th century. It is one of the oldest abbeys of the Benedictine rule in France. The story starts in 672, when some of its monks traveled to Montecassino (Italy), dug up the remains of St. Benedict of Nursia (+ 547) and his sister St. Scholastica and brought them home. After the relics had reached at Fleury Abbey it which was renamed Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire - and due to the relics became a major place of pilgrimage. Of course, this did not help when the Normans rowed up the Loire and burned the buildings of the monastery. But the convent recovered and rebuilt. A famous school and a scriptorium existed here in the late 10th century. The erection of the church started around 1071. When the church was consecrated in 1108, the long nave was not completed. The abbey thrived, but times got rougher. In 1562, the abbey was pillaged by Huguenots. The buildings were restored, but looted and destroyed again during the French Revolution. Saint-Benoît's monks left the abbey and so the history of the convent ended after more than 1100 years. The abbey church had escaped destruction and got restored in the 19th century. In 1944, the convent was refounded the abbey buildings were rebuilt by Benedictine monks after World War II. So the history of the convent was just interrupted for about 150 years. "Tour de Gauzlin", the massive porch tower, erected from 1020 on, serves as a narthex for the west entrance. The columns are decorated with interesting capitals, that were probably carved around 1080. One artist, who worked here, was Unbertus. He left a signature on a carving (see one of the previous uploads) that is similar to this one. Here is a classic, corinthian capital, that even Callimachus would have liked, enriched with a Romanesque hunting scene. One stag escapes to the left, while the rider and his dog (seen over the horse´s hoof) are just catching the stag to the right. Two pheasants are undisturbed on the frieze to the right. Horses were definitely smaller 800 years ago.

Saillac - Saint Jean Baptiste

28 Mar 2014 264
Saillac, a small village south of Collonges-la-Rouge, has a remarkable parish church. Saint Jean Baptist was originally built within the 12th century. Though the church got fortified later, it suffered a lot of damage during the Wars of Religion and the French Revolution. What can be seen today is the result of major renovations carried out during the 19th and 20th century. The polychrome tympanum survived the times, well, maybe the colours have been repainted. The Adoration of the Magi. Note the trumeau with twisted bands of hounds chasing a deer. The information given locally calls this style "languedocien". It is an interesting work, but it may be added later.

Rétaud - Saint-Trojan

20 Jul 2013 175
Only about 6kms north of the wonderful Romanesque church in Rioux (see previuos uploads) is Saint-Trojan in the center of Rétaud. Both churches seem to be closely related in many ways. They shared a very similar floorplan, when they were erected end of the 12th century. It looks like only one workshop worked in both villages. Just like in Rioux there is not much known, about the history of the building, that as well may have served as a priory church. The apse looks pretty much like the apse in Rioux, and some of the icons from the corbels in Rioux can be found here as well. One of them is the hunting centaur and the deer.