Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: MOB

Zamora - San Cipriano

21 Sep 2023 1 77
Zamora straddles the Douro River. The Romans named the settlement "Occelum Durii" ("Eye of the Duero"). For the Visigoths, the place was "Semure". In the 710s the town was conquered and a Berber garrison was left in there, but some decades later it was seized by Alfonso I of Asturias. A diocese was established in the town in the early 10th century. Ibn al-Qitt unsuccessfully tried to invade the city in 901, Almanzor eventually seized the city in 966. The place returned to Christian control during the reign of Alfonso V of León. Since the early 11th century the place saw planned repopulating efforts. City walls were also erected in the 11th century. The most notable historical episode in Zamora was the assassination outside the city walls of the King Sancho II of Castile in 1072. Ferdinand I of León had divided his kingdoms between his three sons. To his daughter Urraca, he had bequeathed Zamora. All three sons warred among themselves, till the ultimate winner, Sancho, was left victorious. Zamora, under his sister who was allied with Leonese nobles, resisted. Sancho II of Castile, assisted by El Cid, laid siege to Zamora. King Sancho II was murdered by Bellido Dolfos, a duplicitous noble of Zamora, Bellido Dolfos. After the death of Sancho, Castile reverted to his deposed brother Alfonso VI of León. The Romanesque church of San Cipriano originally dates from the 11th century. It was built with three naves , of which only one still exists today. The exact age is not known, it existed when Fernando II was in Zamora in 1159. Most scholars date it to the 1020s. There are reliefs in various places on and inside the building, one with an inscription from 1093. The church was renovated and rebuilt around 1980. Daniel in the lions' den. A "Master of Beasts"

Almazán - San Miguel

28 Aug 2023 61
Almazán is a small town about 30 km south of Soria. The city was probably founded by the Cordobesian Emir and Caliph Abd ar-Rahman III. (+ 961) founded and heavily fortified. In 1068, Almazán was conquered by the Christian army of Alfonso VI of León, but soon after was recovered for al-Ándalus. In 1128, it was repopulated by Alfonso I, although after his death in 1134, the town fell into Castilian hands and was granted by Alfonso VII of León to the bishops of Sigüenza. The construction of the Romanesque church of San Miguel began in the mid-12th century, after the town's incorporation into Castile. A Master of the Beasts

Soria - Concatedral de San Pedro

24 Aug 2023 2 1 83
Soria is located on the Douro River at about 1065 meters above sea level. A strategic enclave due to the struggles for territory between the kingdoms of Castile, Navarre, and Aragon, Soria became part of Castile definitively in 1134, during the reign of Alfonso VII. Alfonso VIII was born in Soria in 1155. Booming during the Late Middle Ages thanks to its border location and its control over the cattle industry. In 1380, a court order forbade the Jews to try their own criminal cases in court. In addition, a decree was confirmed, according to which Jews were not allowed to be employed in the royal administration or among the nobility. These resolutions served as the basis for hate speeches that led to the massacre of the Jewish population in 1391. Soria went into a slow decline over the next few centuries. It was damaged greatly during the Peninsular War. The original church may have its origins in the years when Alfonso I the Warrior, was repopulating Soria (1109-1114). The church was donated by the Council of Soria to Bishop Juan II de Osma in 1148. In 1152, the Bishop of Osma, donated the church to the Augustinian canons, raising it to the collegiate church. After the canons formed a monastic community, they decided to demolish the old church and build a new one. In return, they enjoyed the favor of the Castilian monarchs, which was reflected in numerous donations and privileges. A spacious Romanesque church with three naves was built. The monastic community was secularized in 1437 and in 1467 the north pediment of the transept was opened in its present form by a large pointed arch and a Plateresque-style portal. The church collapsed around 1543. Reconstruction work began immediately. At the end of the century the new collegiate church was completed with the construction of the bell tower. Parts of the old monastery survived the collapse of the church in the 16th century. The Romanesque cloister is preserved. A person holding two animals (here are griffins) by the neck. This icon is commonly known as "Master of the Beasts".

Moirax - Notre-Dame

15 Apr 2023 77
In 1049, Guillaume Arnaud, lord of Moirax, donated land to Cluny Abbey to found a Benedictine priory here, where a 9th-century church existed. Pierre de Moirax, the founder's son, was the first prior. The construction of the current church was started around 1060 and spanned for about a century. The priory is located on the heights of the Garonne Valley, not far from Agen, on the way to Santiago de Compostela. A large pride of lions cavorts on the capitals. Daniel sits in between.

Fidenza - Cattedrale di San Donnino

05 Feb 2023 3 77
In 1927, which is quite recent, the town "Borgo San Donnino" changed its name to "Fidenza" as it was known as "Fidentia Julia" in Roman times. The city was given its name and the Duomo within the walls was dedicated to San Donnino di Fidenza (aka 'Donninus of Fidenza'), who was martyred nearby in 291. A legend tells, that when Charlemagne passed through "Borgo San Donnino", an angel told him, where to dig for San Donnino´s relics. He is connected to the city and the duomo. Sigeric the Serious, Archbishop of Canterbury, made a pilgrimage to Rome on the Via Francigena around 990. His contemporary accounts of this voyage still exist (and are the source of modern guidebooks). He reached "Sce Domnine" after 36 days, which is pretty fast for 1000+ km. Frederick Barbarossa had entrusted "Borgo San Donnino" to the Pallavicino family from Piacenza. In 1268, after a siege, the city was conquered by the troops of Parma, who plundered and burned it completely. All houses were destroyed at that time, only the unfinished Duomo was saved. The erection of the Cattedrale di San Donnino had started in the 11th century, the first consecration took place in 1106, though the building process continued. From around 1200 on Master Benedetto Antelami and his workshop worked here, not only as Master masons. Antelami may as well be the architect of the facade. The Magi visting Herod and (above) adorating

Saint-Benoît - Abbaye Saint-Benoît de Quinçay

30 Apr 2020 170
The Abbaye Saint-Benoît de Quinçay was founded around 670 by Saint Achard (Acardo), who later became abbot in Jumièges. It was known under the name Quinciacus Monasterium. In 868 the monks fled, as during the Norman Invasions the monastery got destroyed and burned down. Isembert I, Bishop of Poitiers, ordered the reconstruction in the early 11th century. In 1027 it exists under the name of "Abbas Sancti Benedicti de Quinciaco" as at that time the remains of Saint Benedict of Aizenay arrived. The abbey was depended on the chapter of the cathedral of Poitiers. In 1569, when Poitiers was besieged during the Wars of Religions, infamous Gaspard II de Coligny installed the headquarters here. The chapter house was the cloister got destroyed and the chapter house was transformed into a stable. Under Louis XIV , the church was restored. The abbey rapidly declined and already in 1762 the abbey church was taken over by the parish. The French Revolution chased away the last monks and put the abbey up for sale. The buildings were acquired by the municipality in 1993 and got restored. The very most of the cloister was destroyed during the Wars of Religions. The portal of the chapter house has some nice capitals. Here is a weathered "Master of Beasts" holding two lions.

Souvigny - Prieuré Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul

12 May 2017 305
In 915 Aymar de Bourbon, ancestor of the House of Bourbon, gave land in Souvigny to the Cluny Abbey for the construction of a monastery. At that time the "Abbaye de Cluny" was just 5 years old, as it had been founded 910 by William I, Duke of Aquitaine, (aka "William the Pious"). Souvigny was one of the first priories, dependent from the Cluny Abbey, so it was known later as "one of the five eldest daughters of Cluny". Cluny developed into the most powerful abbey in the Middle Ages, when the Cluniac Reforms changed the monastic life in Europe. German historian Dr. Joachim Wollasch ("Cluny, Licht der Welt"), estimates that in its haydays, more than 10.000 monks were parts of this network´, that stretched all over Europe. The pelerinage to Santiago de Compostella was one of the great "themes", developed and strongly supported by Cluny. The priory in Souvigny, located about 130kms west of Cluny, was such an important convent, that two of the powerful abbots of Cluny, Majolus (+ 994) and Odilo (+ 1049) died here. Their graves were a place of pilgrimage site soon after. To cope with the growing number of pilgrims, the priory´s church got enlarged already within the 10th century. Mayeul (= Majolus) was the 4th, Odilon (= Odilo) was the 5th abbot of the Abbey of Cluny. Odilo "invented" and established the "All Souls' Day" (2. November), that was adopted in the whole Western church. The church, probably built after the model of Cluny III, with five aisles structure and two transepts, crumbled, when the times got tougher in the next centuries. A renovation was done in the 15th century, but the interior structure is still "clearly" Romanesque. It got recently renovated. In 1793 French revolutionaries raged here with furor, destroyed the tombs and beheaded the sculptures, they believed to be connected to the Pope, Abbots or Bourbons. They did not touch (most of) the capitals. A "Master of the Beasts" handling two quadrupeds (lions?). Above him are two large birds with interlocking their long necks.