Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: Ghibellines

Urbino - San Bernardino

18 Sep 2022 85
The city, once known as Urbinum Mataurense, was a stronghold during the Gothic Wars in the 6th century. In 538 it was conquered by the Ostrogoths through the Byzantine general Belisarius. Pepin the Short gave Urbino to the papacy in 754.The town was later somewhat independent until about 1200 when it became the property of the House of Montefeltro. They obtained the office of Podesta in 1213, but the population rebelled and allied with the municipality of Rimini (1228), which finally regained its independence in 1234. However, the nobles of Montefeltro eventually took control again and kept it until 1508. In the battles between the Guelfs and the Ghibellines, when the factions supported either the papacy or the Holy Roman Empire, the Montefeltro lords of Urbino were the leaders of the Ghibellines in Marche in the 13th and 14th centuries. This almost completely preserved Renaissance city acquired essential parts of its current appearance in the 15th century, under the rule of Duke Federico da Montefeltro, who wanted to build an "ideal city" with Urbino. San Bernardino is a Franciscan church located on a hill about 2,5 km outside Urbino. The church was built between 1482 and 1491 by order of Federico da Montefeltro as a ducal mausoleum. The execution of the work is today attributed to the architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini, who was assisted by the young and promising Donato Bramante. The building has an architectural clarity typical of the Renaissance in Urbino. The church was damaged by an earthquake in 1741.

Urbino - Caffetteria

18 Sep 2022 46
The city, once known as Urbinum Mataurense, was a stronghold during the Gothic Wars in the 6th century. In 538 it was conquered by the Ostrogoths through the Byzantine general Belisarius. Pepin the Short gave Urbino to the papacy in 754.The town was later somewhat independent until about 1200 when it became the property of the House of Montefeltro. They obtained the office of Podesta in 1213, but the population rebelled and allied with the municipality of Rimini (1228), which finally regained its independence in 1234. However, the nobles of Montefeltro eventually took control again and kept it until 1508. In the battles between the Guelfs and the Ghibellines, when the factions supported either the papacy or the Holy Roman Empire, the Montefeltro lords of Urbino were the leaders of the Ghibellines in Marche in the 13th and 14th centuries. This almost completely preserved Renaissance city acquired essential parts of its current appearance in the 15th century, under the rule of Duke Federico da Montefeltro, who wanted to build an "ideal city" with Urbino. Caffetteria Flli Boni

Urbino - Edicola Cartoleria

18 Sep 2022 1 76
The city, once known as Urbinum Mataurense, was a stronghold during the Gothic Wars in the 6th century. In 538 it was conquered by the Ostrogoths through the Byzantine general Belisarius. Pepin the Short gave Urbino to the papacy in 754.The town was later somewhat independent until about 1200 when it became the property of the House of Montefeltro. They obtained the office of Podesta in 1213, but the population rebelled and allied with the municipality of Rimini (1228), which finally regained its independence in 1234. However, the nobles of Montefeltro eventually took control again and kept it until 1508. In the battles between the Guelfs and the Ghibellines, when the factions supported either the papacy or the Holy Roman Empire, the Montefeltro lords of Urbino were the leaders of the Ghibellines in Marche in the 13th and 14th centuries. This almost completely preserved Renaissance city acquired essential parts of its current appearance in the 15th century, under the rule of Duke Federico da Montefeltro, who wanted to build an "ideal city" with Urbino. Edicola Cartoleria is "il Chiosco" (the Kiosk)

Urbino - Duomo

18 Sep 2022 81
The city, once known as Urbinum Mataurense, was a stronghold during the Gothic Wars in the 6th century. In 538 it was conquered by the Ostrogoths through the Byzantine general Belisarius. Pepin the Short gave Urbino to the papacy in 754.The town was later somewhat independent until about 1200 when it became the property of the House of Montefeltro. They obtained the office of Podesta in 1213, but the population rebelled and allied with the municipality of Rimini (1228), which finally regained its independence in 1234. However, the nobles of Montefeltro eventually took control again and kept it until 1508. In the battles between the Guelfs and the Ghibellines, when the factions supported either the papacy or the Holy Roman Empire, the Montefeltro lords of Urbino were the leaders of the Ghibellines in Marche in the 13th and 14th centuries. This almost completely preserved Renaissance city acquired essential parts of its current appearance in the 15th century, under the rule of Duke Federico da Montefeltro, who wanted to build an "ideal city" with Urbino. The first cathedral on this site was built around 1021, replacing another that stood outside the city walls. Under the patronage of Count Federico da Montefeltro, reconstruction took place in the 15th century to a design by Francesco di Giorgio Martini. After damage from the 1781 earthquake, the dome collapsed in 1789 after another strong earthquake and had to be rebuilt. This project was completed in 1801. The reconstruction was carried out in the neoclassical style. The dome

Urbino - Duomo

18 Sep 2022 1 51
The city, once known as Urbinum Mataurense, was a stronghold during the Gothic Wars in the 6th century. In 538 it was conquered by the Ostrogoths through the Byzantine general Belisarius. Pepin the Short gave Urbino to the papacy in 754.The town was later somewhat independent until about 1200 when it became the property of the House of Montefeltro. They obtained the office of Podesta in 1213, but the population rebelled and allied with the municipality of Rimini (1228), which finally regained its independence in 1234. However, the nobles of Montefeltro eventually took control again and kept it until 1508. In the battles between the Guelfs and the Ghibellines, when the factions supported either the papacy or the Holy Roman Empire, the Montefeltro lords of Urbino were the leaders of the Ghibellines in Marche in the 13th and 14th centuries. This almost completely preserved Renaissance city acquired essential parts of its current appearance in the 15th century, under the rule of Duke Federico da Montefeltro, who wanted to build an "ideal city" with Urbino. The first cathedral on this site was built around 1021, replacing another that stood outside the city walls. Under the patronage of Count Federico da Montefeltro, reconstruction took place in the 15th century to a design by Francesco di Giorgio Martini. After damage from the 1781 earthquake, the dome collapsed in 1789 after another strong earthquake and had to be rebuilt. This project was completed in 1801. The reconstruction was carried out in the neoclassical style.

Urbino - Duomo

17 Sep 2022 3 2 95
The city, once known as Urbinum Mataurense, was a stronghold during the Gothic Wars in the 6th century. In 538 it was conquered by the Ostrogoths through the Byzantine general Belisarius. Pepin the Short gave Urbino to the papacy in 754.The town was later somewhat independent until about 1200 when it became the property of the House of Montefeltro. They obtained the office of Podesta in 1213, but the population rebelled and allied with the municipality of Rimini (1228), which finally regained its independence in 1234. However, the nobles of Montefeltro eventually took control again and kept it until 1508. In the battles between the Guelfs and the Ghibellines, when the factions supported either the papacy or the Holy Roman Empire, the Montefeltro lords of Urbino were the leaders of the Ghibellines in Marche in the 13th and 14th centuries. This almost completely preserved Renaissance city acquired essential parts of its current appearance in the 15th century, under the rule of Duke Federico da Montefeltro, who wanted to build an "ideal city" with Urbino. The first cathedral on this site was built around 1021, replacing another that stood outside the city walls. Under the patronage of Count Federico da Montefeltro, reconstruction took place in the 15th century to a design by Francesco di Giorgio Martini. After damage from the 1781 earthquake, the dome collapsed in 1789 after another strong earthquake and had to be rebuilt. This project was completed in 1801. The reconstruction was carried out in the neoclassical style.

Urbino - Duomo

17 Sep 2022 55
The city, known as Urbinum Mataurense, was a stronghold during the Gothic Wars in the 6th century. In 538 it was conquered by the Ostrogoths through the Byzantine general Belisarius. Pepin the Short gave Urbino to the papacy in 754.The town was later somewhat independent until about 1200 when it became the property of the House of Montefeltro. They obtained the office of Podesta in 1213, but the population rebelled and allied with the municipality of Rimini (1228), which finally regained its independence in 1234. However, the nobles of Montefeltro eventually took control again and kept it until 1508. In the battles between the Guelfs and the Ghibellines, when the factions supported either the papacy or the Holy Roman Empire, the Montefeltro lords of Urbino were the leaders of the Ghibellines in Marche in the 13th and 14th centuries. This almost completely preserved Renaissance city acquired essential parts of its current appearance in the 15th century, under the rule of Duke Federico da Montefeltro, who wanted to build an "ideal city" with Urbino. The first cathedral on this site was built around 1021, replacing another that stood outside the city walls. Under the patronage of Count Federico da Montefeltro, reconstruction took place in the 15th century to a design by Francesco di Giorgio Martini. After damage from the 1781 earthquake, the dome collapsed in 1789 after another strong earthquake and had to be rebuilt. This project was completed in 1801. The reconstruction was carried out in the neoclassical style.


17 Sep 2022 1 61
The city, known as Urbinum Mataurense, was a stronghold during the Gothic Wars in the 6th century. In 538 it was conquered by the Ostrogoths through the Byzantine general Belisarius. Pepin the Short gave Urbino to the papacy in 754.The town was later somewhat independent until about 1200 when it became the property of the House of Montefeltro. They obtained the office of Podesta in 1213, but the population rebelled and allied with the municipality of Rimini (1228), which finally regained its independence in 1234. However, the nobles of Montefeltro eventually took control again and kept it until 1508. In the battles between the Guelfs and the Ghibellines, when the factions supported either the papacy or the Holy Roman Empire, the Montefeltro lords of Urbino were the leaders of the Ghibellines in Marche in the 13th and 14th centuries. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino is better known as Raphael. He was born in Urbino in 1483. This almost completely preserved Renaissance city acquired essential parts of its current appearance in the 15th century, under the rule of Duke Federico da Montefeltro, who wanted to build an "ideal city" with Urbino.

Urbino - Raphael

17 Sep 2022 52
The city, known as Urbinum Mataurense, was a stronghold during the Gothic Wars in the 6th century. In 538 it was conquered by the Ostrogoths through the Byzantine general Belisarius. Pepin the Short gave Urbino to the papacy in 754.The town was later somewhat independent until about 1200 when it became the property of the House of Montefeltro. They obtained the office of Podesta in 1213, but the population rebelled and allied with the municipality of Rimini (1228), which finally regained its independence in 1234. However, the nobles of Montefeltro eventually took control again and kept it until 1508. In the battles between the Guelfs and the Ghibellines, when the factions supported either the papacy or the Holy Roman Empire, the Montefeltro lords of Urbino were the leaders of the Ghibellines in Marche in the 13th and 14th centuries. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino is better known as Raphael. He was born in Urbino in 1483. Together with Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, he forms the traditional trinity of great masters of that period.

Spoleto - San Pietro extra moenia

28 Aug 2016 186
The site was once a (probably Roman) cemetery. A church, dedicated to St. Peter existed here already within the 5th century. This was erected by the local Bishop Achilleo, to house the chains that supposedly once had bound St. Peter. The chains are meanwhile back in Rome and can be seen in San Pietro in Vincoli. "Extra moenia" means, that the church was outside the city walls (= extra muros). The present church was built between the 12th and 13th centuries. It was severely damaged by the Ghibellines in 1329, but was rebuilt in the following decades. The interior was transformed at the end of the seventeenth century - and so by now is Baroque. The facade, decorated with all kinds of reliefs, still is in a good condition. Here are two biblical scenes: "Washing of the Feet" John 13:14-17 "If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them." "Jesus Walks on the Sea" John 6:16-20 "Now when evening came, His disciples went down to the sea, got into the boat, and went over the sea toward Capernaum. And it was already dark, and Jesus had not come to them. Then the sea arose because a great wind was blowing. So when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat; and they were afraid. But He said to them, "It is I; do not be afraid.""

Spoleto - San Pietro extra moenia

27 Aug 2016 1 179
The site was once a (probably Roman) cemetery. A church, dedicated to St. Peter existed here already within the 5th century. This was erected by the local Bishop Achilleo, to house the chains that supposedly once had bound St. Peter. The chains are meanwhile back in Rome and can be seen in San Pietro in Vincoli. "Extra moenia" means, that the church was outside the city walls (= extra muros). The present church was built between the 12th and 13th centuries. It was severely damaged by the Ghibellines in 1329, but was rebuilt in the following decades. The interior was transformed at the end of the seventeenth century - and so by now is Baroque. The facade, decorated with all kinds of reliefs, still is in a good condition (see previous upload). Here a closer look to the facade´s "ground level" and the main entrance.

Spoleto - San Pietro extra moenia

27 Aug 2016 1 204
The site was once a (probably Roman) cemetery. A church, dedicated to St. Peter existed here already within the 5th century. This was erected by the local Bishop Achilleo, to house the chains that supposedly once had bound St. Peter. The chains are meanwhile back in Rome and can be seen in San Pietro in Vincoli. "Extra moenia" means, that the church was outside the city walls (= extra muros). The present church was built between the 12th and 13th centuries. It was severely damaged by the Ghibellines in 1329, but was rebuilt in the following decades. The interior was transformed at the end of the seventeenth century - and so by now is Baroque. The facade, decorated with all kinds of reliefs, still is in a good condition.