Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: Rodolfo and Binello
Bevagna - San Silvestro
09 Jul 2016 |
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. One of them is San Silvestro, located opposite of San Michele on the Piazza F. Silvestri.
It was erected in 1195 as well by the architects Rodolfo and Binello.
The interior is sober Romanesque. The choir is risen. Below the choir is a large crypt. It was pretty dark - and I could not find the light switch. I could not look any longer for the switch, as the person with the key had arrived. He made very clear, that he wanted to lock the door. Now.
Bevagna - San Silvestro
09 Jul 2016 |
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. One of them is San Silvestro, located opposite of San Michele on the Piazza F. Silvestri.
It was erected in 1195 as well by the architects Rodolfo and Binello.
The interior is clear and sober Romanesque. The choir is risen.
Bevagna - San Silvestro
09 Jul 2016 |
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. One of them is San Silvestro, located opposite of San Michele on the Piazza F. Silvestri.
It was erected in 1195 as well by the architects Rodolfo and Binello.
The portal is - compared to San Silvestro´s - humble, but has as well a "signature" seen here.
Bevagna - San Silvestro
09 Jul 2016 |
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. One of them is San Silvestro, located opposite of San Michele on the Piazza F. Silvestri.
It was erected in 1195 as well by the architects Rodolfo and Binello.
The portal is - compared to San Silvestro´s - humble, but has as well a "signature" (left).
Bevagna - San Silvestro
09 Jul 2016 |
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. One of them is San Silvestro, located opposite of San Michele on the Piazza F. Silvestri.
It was erected in 1195 as well by the architects Rodolfo and Binello.
The façade is somehow incomplete. The large building to the left ist the Palazzo dei Consoli (1270).
Bevagna - San Michele
09 Jul 2016 |
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. San Michele is one of them.
The interior of San Michele is sober and clearly Romanesque. I learned, that this is the result of a reconstruction as it had been Baroque for about two centuries. Below the choir is this crypt.
Bevagna - San Michele
09 Jul 2016 |
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have three churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. San Michele is one of them.
The interior of San Michele is sober and clearly Romanesque. I learned, that this is the result of a reconstruction as it had been Baroque for about two centuries. There is a risen choir - and a crypt below.
Bevagna - San Michele
09 Jul 2016 |
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have two churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. San Michele is one of them.
San Michele´s portal has some interesting details. Below the sculpture of San Michele spearing the dragon and the "signature" of the two architects is this bird.
Actually there are even two birds, one on either side. The bird is so poorly carved, that the bird can only be a graffito. But to carve that is pretty timeconsuming - and when was it possible, to carve that, without anybody stepping in towards the vandal?
Bevagna - San Michele
09 Jul 2016 |
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have two churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. San Michele is one of them.
San Michele´s portal has some interesting details. Below the sculpture of San Michele spearing the dragon is the signature of the architects, who as well created the side portal of the cathedral in Foligno.
"Rodulfus x Binellu(s) fecer(unt) hec opera xps benedicat ilos
senper et Michael custodiat"
What translates to
"Rodulfus [and] Binellus did these works; may Christ bless them
always and may Michael protect them”.
Bevagna - San Michele
09 Jul 2016 |
Bevagna, known since Etruscian times and part of the Papal States from 778 on, was burnt down by Barbarossa´s troop in 1152, but was even then economically strong enough, to have two churches built in the center of town end of the 12th century. San Michele is one of them.
Here is San Michele´s portal, that has some interesting details.
Carved onto the wooden (not medieval) door are three ornate bull-skulls. The sides are re-used Roman carvings, "christianized" with two crosiers. There are two very rough graffiti - and a signature. This church was designed by sculptors and architects Rodolfo and Binello, who as well created the side portal of the cathedral in Foligno, just 10kms east.
Foligno - Cattedrale di San Feliciano
06 Jul 2016 |
Foligno was an Umbrian settlement, taken over by the Romans in 295 BC and named "Fulginiae". After the fall of the Roman Empire it was part of the Duchy of Spoleto. In 881 it got sacked and looted by Saracens, in 915 and again in 924 it was ruined by Magyar troops. The survivers decided to move close to the "Civitas Sancti Feliciani", a strongly fortified church where Bishop and martyr Feliciano was buried.
Thanks to Barbarossa it gained the status of free city in 1165. Siding first with the Guelph party, Foligno became Ghibelline later and was a rival of Perugia. Foligno changed hands often during the wars of the 13th century. From the the 14th century on the city flourished, controlling large territory. Foligno was part of the Papal States until 1860 (with only two short exceptions).
Foligno has suffered from a major earthquake in 1997, some traces can still be found.
The "Cattedrale di San Feliciano" was built on the site of an earlier basilica ("Civitas Sancti Feliciani") 1133-1201. It is the seat of the Bishop of Foligno. The cathedral has two façades, the principal façade, facing the Piazza Grande, and the secondary façade facing the Piazza della Repubblica.
This is a detail of the secondary façade, that has an elaborate portal.
It is the work of the sculptors and architects Rodolfo and Binello from 1201.
Depicted here is Emperor Frederick I (aka "Frederick Barbarossa"), who granted independence to Foligno in 1165.
Foligno - Cattedrale di San Feliciano
06 Jul 2016 |
Foligno was an Umbrian settlement, taken over by the Romans in 295 BC and named "Fulginiae". After the fall of the Roman Empire it was part of the Duchy of Spoleto. In 881 it got sacked and looted by Saracens, in 915 and again in 924 it was ruined by Magyar troops. The survivers decided to move close to the "Civitas Sancti Feliciani", a strongly fortified church where Bishop and martyr Feliciano was buried.
Thanks to Barbarossa it gained the status of free city in 1165. Siding first with the Guelph party, Foligno became Ghibelline later and was a rival of Perugia. Foligno changed hands often during the wars of the 13th century. From the the 14th century on the city flourished, controlling large territory. Foligno was part of the Papal States until 1860 (with only two short exceptions).
Foligno has suffered from a major earthquake in 1997, some traces can still be found.
The "Cattedrale di San Feliciano" was built on the site of an earlier basilica ("Civitas Sancti Feliciani") 1133-1201. It is the seat of the Bishop of Foligno. The cathedral has two façades, the principal façade, facing the Piazza Grande, and the secondary façade facing the Piazza della Repubblica.
This is a detail of the secondary façade, that has an elaborate portal.
It is the work of the master sculptors and architects Rodolfo and Binello from 1201.
Foligno - Cattedrale di San Feliciano
06 Jul 2016 |
Foligno was an Umbrian settlement, taken over by the Romans in 295 BC and named "Fulginiae". After the fall of the Roman Empire it was part of the Duchy of Spoleto. In 881 it got sacked and looted by Saracens, in 915 and again in 924 it was ruined by Magyar troops. The survivers decided to move close to the "Civitas Sancti Feliciani", a strongly fortified church where Bishop and martyr Feliciano was buried.
Thanks to Barbarossa it gained the status of free city in 1165. Siding first with the Guelph party, Foligno became Ghibelline later and was a rival of Perugia. Foligno changed hands often during the wars of the 13th century. From the the 14th century on the city flourished, controlling large territory. Foligno was part of the Papal States until 1860 (with only two short exceptions).
Foligno has suffered from a major earthquake in 1997, some traces can still be found.
The "Cattedrale di San Feliciano" was built on the site of an earlier basilica ("Civitas Sancti Feliciani") 1133-1201. It is the seat of the Bishop of Foligno. The cathedral has two façades, the principal façade, facing the Piazza Grande, and the secondary façade facing the Piazza della Repubblica.
This is a detail of the secondary façade, that has an elaborate portal.
It is the work of the master sculptors and architects Rodolfo and Binello from 1201.
Foligno - Cattedrale di San Feliciano
06 Jul 2016 |
Foligno was an Umbrian settlement, taken over by the Romans in 295 BC and named "Fulginiae". After the fall of the Roman Empire it was part of the Duchy of Spoleto. In 881 it got sacked and looted by Saracens, in 915 and again in 924 it was ruined by Magyar troops. The survivers decided to move close to the "Civitas Sancti Feliciani", a strongly fortified church where Bishop and martyr Feliciano was buried.
Thanks to Barbarossa it gained the status of free city in 1165. Siding first with the Guelph party, Foligno became Ghibelline later and was a rival of Perugia. Foligno changed hands often during the wars of the 13th century. From the the 14th century on the city flourished, controlling large territory. Foligno was part of the Papal States until 1860 (with only two short exceptions).
Foligno has suffered from a major earthquake in 1997, some traces can still be found.
The "Cattedrale di San Feliciano" was built on the site of an earlier basilica ("Civitas Sancti Feliciani") 1133-1201. It is the seat of the Bishop of Foligno. The cathedral has two façades, the principal façade, facing the Piazza Grande, and the secondary façade facing the Piazza della Repubblica.
This is a detail of the secondary façade, that has an elaborate portal
It is the work of the master sculptors and architects Rodolfo and Binello from 1201.
Foligno - Cattedrale di San Feliciano
05 Jul 2016 |
Foligno was an Umbrian settlement, taken over by the Romans in 295 BC and named "Fulginiae". After the fall of the Roman Empire it was part of the Duchy of Spoleto. In 881 it got sacked and looted by Saracens, in 915 and again in 924 it was ruined by Magyar troops. The survivers decided to move close to the "Civitas Sancti Feliciani", a strongly fortified church where Bishop and martyr Feliciano was buried.
Thanks to Barbarossa it gained the status of free city in 1165. Siding first with the Guelph party, Foligno became Ghibelline later and was a rival of Perugia. Foligno changed hands often during the wars of the 13th century. From the the 14th century on the city flourished, controlling large territory. Foligno was part of the Papal States until 1860 (with only two short exceptions).
Foligno has suffered from a major earthquake in 1997, some traces can still be found.
The "Cattedrale di San Feliciano" was built on the site of an earlier basilica ("Civitas Sancti Feliciani") 1133-1201. It is the seat of the Bishop of Foligno. The cathedral has two façades, the principal façade, facing the Piazza Grande, and the secondary façade facing the Piazza della Repubblica.
This is the center of the secondary façade´s portal, that dates from 1201. It is the work of the master sculptors and architects Rodolfo and Binello.
The zodiacs are on the inner archivolt, the next one has entangled vines (and grapes). The two outer archivolts consist out of nice "cosmatesque" mosaics. In the center are moon, stars and sun under an inscription of the keystone telling the onlookers, that "stars, sun, and moon reveal a time of purity”.
Pope Innocent III had crowned Otto of Brunswick as Emperor Otto IV of the Holy Roman Empire in 1209. But this was not the begin of a "time of purity”.
Otto IV broke all promises and commanded Innocent III to annul the Concordat of Worms. Innocent III promptly excommunicated Otto IV what triggered a pan European power game, that Otto IV lost, when his armee was beaten in the Battle of Bouvines in 1214. Otto IV was followed by Frederick II (aka "Stupor Mundi").
Foligno - Cattedrale di San Feliciano
05 Jul 2016 |
Foligno was an Umbrian settlement, taken over by the Romans in 295 BC and named "Fulginiae". After the fall of the Roman Empire it was part of the Duchy of Spoleto. In 881 it got sacked and looted by Saracens, in 915 and again in 924 it was ruined by Magyar troops. The survivers decided to move close to the "Civitas Sancti Feliciani", a strongly fortified church where Bishop and martyr Feliciano was buried.
Thanks to Barbarossa it gained the status of free city in 1165. Siding first with the Guelph party, Foligno became Ghibelline later and was a rival of Perugia. Foligno changed hands often during the wars of the 13th century. From the the 14th century on the city flourished, controlling large territory. Foligno was part of the Papal States until 1860 (with only two short exceptions).
Foligno has suffered from a major earthquake in 1997, some traces can still be found.
The "Cattedrale di San Feliciano" was built on the site of an earlier basilica ("Civitas Sancti Feliciani") 1133-1201. It is the seat of the Bishop of Foligno. The cathedral has two façades, the principal façade, facing the Piazza Grande, and the secondary façade facing the Piazza della Repubblica.
This is the center of the secondary façade. The portal dates from 1201. This is the work of the master sculptors and architects Rodolfo and Binello.
Foligno - Cattedrale di San Feliciano
05 Jul 2016 |
Foligno was an Umbrian settlement, taken over by the Romans in 295 BC and named "Fulginiae". After the fall of the Roman Empire it was part of the Duchy of Spoleto. In 881 it got sacked and looted by Saracens, in 915 and again in 924 it was ruined by Magyar troops. The survivers decided to move close to the "Civitas Sancti Feliciani", a strongly fortified church where Bishop and martyr Feliciano was buried.
Thanks to Barbarossa it gained the status of free city in 1165. Siding first with the Guelph party, Foligno became Ghibelline later and was a rival of Perugia. Foligno changed hands often during the wars of the 13th century. From the the 14th century on the city flourished, controlling large territory. Foligno was part of the Papal States until 1860 (with only two short exceptions).
Foligno has suffered from a major earthquake in 1997, some traces can still be found.
The "Cattedrale di San Feliciano" was built on the site of an earlier basilica ("Civitas Sancti Feliciani") 1133-1201. It is the seat of the Bishop of Foligno. The cathedral has two façades, the principal façade, facing the Piazza Grande, and the secondary façade facing the Piazza della Repubblica.
This is the secondary façade. The lower part and the portal date from 1201. This is the work of the master sculptors and architects Rodolfo and Binello. The upper part was completed in the 14th century. It was enlarged in the 15th century and restored to something resembling the original in 1904.
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