Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: toad

Tudela - Catedral de Santa Maria

16 Jan 2014 1 208
The Catedral de Santa Maria in Tudela was erected late 12th century on the place, where the Great Mosque of Tudela (9th c.) had stood before. The cathedral is really large (65m x 52m) but unfortunately was closed, so I could not see the well known cloister. I was very impressed by the late-Romanesque "Puerta del Juicio". The slightly pointed portal, created wirthin the 13th century, has eight archivolts and 122 different icons. On the left side is an insight view into hell, demons and devils at work. Two evil-looking devils hold a Luxuria. The left (horned?) devil holds a round object behind the Luxuria´s head. Maybe a mirror, symbol of vanity.

Plettenberg - Christuskirche

24 Feb 2012 450
The construction of the late-romanesque hall-church started around 1230. It was dedicated to "St. Lambertus", what is a connection the "Engelbert III von der Mark", a regional noble, who was bishop in Liege, where martyr St. Lambert (aka "Lambert of Maastricht" had been a bishop as well. Engelbert, who later was bishop in Cologne, had a great influence in the area. After the Reformation, the parish converted to Protestantism, but the church was still "St. Lambertus" for a long time. Later, in very sober times, the name was changed to "Evangelische Hauptkirche" (= "Protestant Main Church"). In 1953 a new name was introduced - and since then this is the "Christuskirche". A capital of the late romanesque southern portal. This is the very left capital on the right side of the portal. Unfortunately it is very weathered. Not many details are left. On very first sight, I was sure to see a typical Luxuria, a medieval symbol of lust ("voluptas"), an so a kind of icon for one of "The Seven Deadly Sins". Luxurias can be found often in France (eg Moissac, Blessle, Vienne..), but not in Westphalia. Then I tended to a "Master of the Beasts", what can be found in the area (Balve). Later I returned to Luxuria... The person in the center is a woman. Baids hang down to the shoulders. It is hard to see the arms. I had the impression, that the left arm (her right) goes up - ends in a huge fist, holding the beast, but then I would expect, to see the same/similar on the other side. This is not the case. Two beasts are hanging down the sidewards. Luxurias are mostly connected with suckling snakes or toads. Here are two (ugly, fat) lizard like creatures (salamanders?), that either are just being breastfed (the breasts are lost) or bite into the stomach. The person either wears a kind of skirt - or stands ontop of a small brick-built structure (tower, chimney). Too many details are missing, but - at this moment - I think this is a Luxuria, what would be pretty special for the area.

Charlieu - L’abbaye Saint-Fortuné

21 Jul 2011 236
Charlieu Abbey, founded already in 872 was dedicated to Saint Fortunatus, who like Saint Hilary, whom we met in Semur-en-Brionnais, was bishop of Poitiers (600/610). In 932 the abbey was annexed by Cluny, one of the first acquisitions of Cluny, that was founded 910. Pope Urban II consecrated the new church here in 1094. This has been already the third church here. The narthex was added 1130. The layout of the church is similar to that one of the priory church in Anzy-le-Duc (25kms to the north). Both churches have architectural "roots" in Cluny II, that got demolished in 1088 to make room for Cluny III. The Benedictine community went through the centuries, the village Charlieu prospered. Times got harder for the monks in the 18th century. In September 1792 a Revolutionary mob broke into the abbey - and burnt all records. In 1795 the church was sold as a quarry for building materials. The eastern side of the church is gone since then. Of the church only the narthex and the westernmost bay still exist - as ruins. Some parts of the monastery, like the cloister, were reconstructed. Next to the entrance gate of the narthex (left side) is a Luxuria. As this sculpture was in easy reach, not much is left. She obviously wore a kind of elegant bathrobe with a girdle around her waist. On her right arm are the leftovers of the snake, while the toad on the left is pretty intact.