Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: sarcophagus
Cambuskenneth Abbey
19 Feb 2025 |
Cambuskenneth Abbey was an Augustinian monastery now is largely reduced to its foundations, however its bell tower remains.
King David I founded Cambuskenneth Abbey around 1140. It was one of the most important abbeys in Scotland, partly due to its proximity to the royal city of Stirling. The abbey was a frequent visitor to royalty, including King Edward of England and the future Scottish King Robert the Bruce. Robert I held his parliament here in 1314, shortly after the Battle of Bannockburn, and again in 1326, the latter to confirm the succession of his son David and ultimately to arrange the transfer of the kingship to the Stuart family in the event of his death without heirs, which would occur with the coronation of Robert Stuart in 1371. Cambuskenneth was burned down by the army of King Richard II of England in 1383 and was subsequently rebuilt.
In 1486 Margaret of Denmark died near Stirling Castle and was buried in the abbey. When her husband James III was defeated and killed by rebellious nobles (including his 15-year-old son) at the Battle of Sauchieburn in 1488, just five kilometres south of the abbey, his body was also brought to the abbey for burial. Rumors of James III's death quickly spread. The new regime under James IV tried to distance itself from the murder and blamed "vile and obsure persons".
In 1865, the tomb was opened by Sir James Alexander, who found two skeletons that had largely disintegrated. The neoclassical sarcophagus with coat of arms and Latin inscription that can be seen today dates from the 1860s. It was donated by Queen Victoria
Cosenza - Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
22 Nov 2022 |
The town known as Consentia was first mentioned in connection with the expedition of the Molossian king Alexander I from Epirus to southern Italy around 330 BC. In 204 BC. it came under Roman rule but was heavily influenced by Greek culture.
In 410, Alaric I, king of the Visigoths, is said to have died in Cosenza after the sack of Rome and was buried with his booty in the riverbed of the Busento. The grave has never been found. German poet von Platen wrote the ballad "Das Grab im Busento" about it in 1820.
After the end of the Roman Empire, Cosenza fell to the Byzantines and was then fiercely disputed between the Lombards and Saracens. In the 7th century, it became the seat of a diocese. In the 11th century the city came under the rule of the Normans. Under the Staufers, it was the seat of the Calabrian court. Subsequently, Cosenza fiercely resisted the rule of the Angevins. In 1461 it was conquered by Roberto Orsini, suffering serious damage. From 1500 it was under the control of Spain.
Today it is a thriving city with a population of about 70.000 and not enough parking lots, so we could not really dive into it.
The current cathedral stands on the same site as an older church, built in the 11th century and almost completely destroyed by an earthquake in 1184. Construction of the new building began a few years later. The church was consecrated in 1222 in the presence of Emperor Frederick II. In the centuries that followed, numerous renovations were carried out. Restorations were carried out in the 20th century to largely restore the original condition.
Henry (VII) of Germany, son and co-ruler of Emperor Frederick II, is buried in this cathedral. When Henry had allied himself with his father's German enemies and lost them in a battle, Frederick II judged his son in Worms in 1135, dethroned him, imprisoned him, and put him in prison. When he was about to be transferred to another prison in 1142, he fell with his horse and died. Some chroniclers report that this was a suicide attempt. This could be Henry VII's sarcophagus, but I couldn't find any clue in the church.
Ravenna - Basilica di Sant'Apollinare in Classe
14 Sep 2022 |
In Roman times Ravenna was a lagoon city surrounded by water, with at times up to 50.000 inhabitants. The second largest naval base of the Roman Empire was located here.
In the late 5th century, Roman authority in the West dissolved, and Romulus Augustulus was deposed by the general Odoacer in 476. Odoacer ruled as king of Italy for 13 years, but in 489 the eastern emperor Zeno sent the Ostrogoth king Theoderic to reconquer Italy. After losing the Battle of Verona, Odoacer retreated to Ravenna, where he withstood a three-year siege. In 493, Theoderic finally took Ravenna and supposedly killed Odoacer with his own hands. Ravenna became the capital of the Ostrogothic kingdom in Italy.
Theodoric died in 526 and various Ostrogothic military leaders took the Kingdom of Italy, but none was really successful. Meanwhile, the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I opposed both Ostrogoth rule. In 535 his general Belisarius invaded Italy and in 540 conquered Ravenna. After the conquest of Italy was completed in 554, Ravenna became the seat of the Byzantine government in Italy. Under Byzantine rule, the archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ravenna held second place in Italy after the pope and played an important role during this period.
In 751 Lombard king, Aistulf conquered Ravenna, thus ending Byzantine rule in northern Italy. King Pepin of the Franks attacked the Lombards and Ravenna gradually came under the direct authority of the Popes. Pope Adrian I authorized Charlemagne to take away anything from Ravenna that he liked, and Roman columns, mosaics, statues, and other portable items were taken north to enrich his capital of Aachen.
In 1198 Ravenna led a league of Romagna cities against the Emperor. After the war of 1218, the Traversari family was able to impose its rule in the city, but after a short period, Ravenna was returned to the Papal States in 1248 and again to the Traversari until 1275. One of the most illustrious residents of Ravenna at this time was the exiled Florentine poet Dante. In 1441 the city was annexed to the Venetian territories.
The construction of the Basilica of Sant' Apollinare in Classe began under Bishop Ursicinus (officiating 533-536) and was consecrated by Bishop Maximian in 549.
It is (like seven more churches in Ravenna) part of the UNESCO World Heritage List, which described it as "an outstanding example of the early Christian basilica in its purity and simplicity of its design and use of space and in the sumptuous nature of its decoration".
The name in Classe comes from the ancient Roman city of Civitas Classis at the then (later silted up) port of Ravenna.
The interior (55.58 × 30.30 m) consists of three naves separated by two rows of twelve columns each made of Greek marble with Byzantine capitals. The elongated church is not vaulted - as was common in late antiquity - but covered with wooden trusses; the original coffered ceiling is no longer preserved. Only remains of the formerly mosaic-decorated floor have survived.
A late antique sarcophagus with round lid
Find more photos from Ravenna in this album
Taranto - Cattedrale di San Cataldo
02 Nov 2020 |
Taranto located on a peninsula was founded by Greek settlers and during the period of Greek colonization in Southern Italy, the city was among the most important in "Magna Graecia". During the Second Punic War, Taranto supported Hannibal in Italy and opened it´s doors to his troops in 212 BC, but when Romans recaptured Taranto three years later, they massacred the citizens and looted the town. It became a Roman colony later.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Taranto got fortified. In 547 Taranto asked a Byzantine general for support. He greatly reduced the size of the city in order to be able to defend it. So he separated the part of the isthmus from the actual city area, making an island out of the peninsula and fortified it strongly. Nevertheless, three years later, the city was conquered by the Ostrogoth troops of Totila. Later Taranto was ruled by Langobards. The city was conquered by the Saracens in 839 and an emirate existed up to 880 when it was taken by a Byzantine army, but in 927 the Saracens were back looted and destroyed the city. It was rebuilt under Byzantine power from 967 on. Normans conquered Taranto in the second half of the 11th century and founded the "Principality of Taranto" 1086, later bequeathed by Frederic II to his son Manfred.
The Old Town ("Città Vecchia") still retains the same street layout of 967, when the Byzantines rebuilt it after Saracen troops had razed to the ground in 927. Still in 1746 the entire population of Taranto resided in Old Town. By 2013 the population of the Old Town was just 1000 while the wider city had more than 200000 inhabitants. Today the structural structure of the old town in this area is currently in a disastrous state. Many houses are abandoned, in danger of collapsing or already in ruins. The old town today is a drastic example of an urban state of neglect.
The Taranto Cathedral is located in the centre of the old town in a place, where the Greek settlers had a temple already. The construction of the church was started in the second half of the 10th century by the Byzantines during the reconstruction of the city. End of the 11th century the Byzantine structure was remodelled and enlarged by Norman builders. The current cathedral, dedicated Saint Cataldo, an Irish monk, who became bishop here in the 7th century, was built, "reusing" large parts of the Byzantine building and so creating a Romanesque basilica on a Latin Cross.
The cathedral measures 84 meters in length and 24 in width, has a central nave, two side aisles and a transept.
The large crypt dates back to the preexisting church. The sarcophagus in the crypt is adorned with a Christian icon two angels carry the soul up to heaven.
Nouaillé-Maupertuis - Abbaye Saint-Junien
04 May 2020 |
The abbey was founded at the end of the 7th century by monks from the abbey Saint-Hilaire de Poitiers. In the early years only a small convent existed, dependent from the abbey in Poitiers, just 15kms away. Since 830, when the remains of Saint Junien de Poitou were transferred to the convent, it is known as "Abbaye Saint-Junien". At that time a church was built, equipped with a crypt, to receive the relics.
In the 11th century, under the protection of the Counts of Poitou, the abbey prospered and restorations were undertaken. In the 12th century, the vaulted nave was completed and the belltower got erected.
During the 100 Years´ War, it was necessary to fortify the abbey. Walls and ditches surrounded the complex in the 14th century. After a century of prosperity, when again buildings got added, the Wars of Religion started and during the siege of Poitiers in 1569, the Protestant army of Gaspard II de Coligny pillaged and burned the abbey. When the troops left choir and cloister were gone, while the nave was relatively spared.
The restoration of the damage took a century. In 1734 the abbey only had seven monks, in 1790, when the Revolution had taken over there were only four. The abbey was sold in 1792, the church since then serves the parish. Today large parts are privately owned.
The sarcophagus that contains the holy relics of Saint Junien, a legendary hermit and performer of miracles of the 6th century. The transfer of the remains was done in 830 amd the sarcophagus is from Carolingian times. It is decorated with paintings of the same time.
Palermo - Cattedrale di Palermo
05 Jul 2019 |
Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, has a long history, that starts around 8000 BC, but later there were Phoenician, Carthaginian, Greek and Roman periods. After the Roman Empire had fallen apart the Vandals tried to take over the island but failed. Finally, the Ostrogoths took possession.
Mid of the 6th century Sicily was conquered by troops of the Byzantine Empire. After the advent of Islam, Sicily got attacked by the Arab forces. Raids seeking loot continued until the mid-8th century.
A Muslim army was sent to the island in 827 but met with much resistance. So it took a century to conquer it and even later revolts constantly occurred
In 1038 the Byzantines invaded the island supported by Norman mercenaries, led by Roger. In 1072, after the siege of Palermo, most of Sicily was under Norman control. Roger´s son Roger II raised the status of the island to a kingdom in 1130. During this period, the Kingdom of Sicily was prosperous and powerful,
The court of Roger II became melting out of culture from Europe and the Middle East. This attracted scholars, scientists, artists, and artisans. Muslims, Jews, Greeks, Lombards, and Normans cooperated and created some extraordinary buildings.
In 1186 the last descendant of Roger, Constance of Sicily married Emperor Henry VI, the second son of Barbarossa. So the crown of Sicily was passed on to the Hohenstaufen Dynasty. Frederick II, the only son of Constance, was crowned King of Sicily at the age of four in 1198. He became "Stupor Mundi", one of the greatest and most cultured men of the Middle Ages.
Palermo, founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians, became a possession of Carthage and later was part of the Roman Empire. From 831 to 1072 the city was under Arab rule. Following the Norman conquest, Palermo became the capital of a new Kingdom of Sicily and the capital of the Holy Roman Empire under Emperor Frederick II and King Conrad IV.
Today Palermo is a bustling city with a population of about 700.000 plus - many many tourists.
Where the Palermo Cathedral ist now, was a Byzantine basilica, probably founded by Pope Gregory I, in the 6th century. After their conquest of the city in the 9th century, the Saracens converted this building into the "Grand Mosque". When the Normans under Roger I took over Palermo the mosque became again a cathedral and the seat of the archbishop.
After an earthquake had severely damaged the old building, it was decided to demolish and rebuild it. The new cathedral was erected from 1184 on. In the 14th to 16th centuries, the building underwent continuous expansions and Gothic remodelling. A rebuilding process from 1781 to 1801 changed the cathedral fundamentally. A classical dome above the crossing was erected. So today the cathedral is a 3D-puzzle of bits and pieces of different times and different styles.
Since the 19th century renovation, the monumental tombs of kings and emperors, moved to a chapel in the west of the cathedral.
Resting in front of his spouse´s sarcophagus and next to his son Frederick II is Henry VI (1167-1197), son of Barbarossa. Henry VI was Holy Roman Emperor from 1191and King of Sicily. He played an important role in the imprisonment of Richard Lionheart. Leopold V of Austria handed over the prominent prisoner to Henry VI , who imprisoned im at Trifels Castle. He held him for a ransom of 150,000 silver marks. Richard procured his release in exchange for this huge ransom, a further interest payment, and his oath of allegiance to Henry.
Palermo - Cattedrale di Palermo
05 Jul 2019 |
Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, has a long history, that starts around 8000 BC, but later there were Phoenician, Carthaginian, Greek and Roman periods. After the Roman Empire had fallen apart the Vandals tried to take over the island but failed. Finally, the Ostrogoths took possession.
Mid of the 6th century Sicily was conquered by troops of the Byzantine Empire. After the advent of Islam, Sicily got attacked by the Arab forces. Raids seeking loot continued until the mid-8th century.
A Muslim army was sent to the island in 827 but met with much resistance. So it took a century to conquer it and even later revolts constantly occurred
In 1038 the Byzantines invaded the island supported by Norman mercenaries, led by Roger. In 1072, after the siege of Palermo, most of Sicily was under Norman control. Roger´s son Roger II raised the status of the island to a kingdom in 1130. During this period, the Kingdom of Sicily was prosperous and powerful,
The court of Roger II became melting out of culture from Europe and the Middle East. This attracted scholars, scientists, artists, and artisans. Muslims, Jews, Greeks, Lombards, and Normans cooperated and created some extraordinary buildings.
In 1186 the last descendant of Roger, Constance of Sicily married Emperor Henry VI, the second son of Barbarossa. So the crown of Sicily was passed on to the Hohenstaufen Dynasty. Frederick II, the only son of Constance, was crowned King of Sicily at the age of four in 1198. He became "Stupor Mundi", one of the greatest and most cultured men of the Middle Ages.
Palermo, founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians, became a possession of Carthage and later was part of the Roman Empire. From 831 to 1072 the city was under Arab rule. Following the Norman conquest, Palermo became the capital of a new Kingdom of Sicily and the capital of the Holy Roman Empire under Emperor Frederick II and King Conrad IV.
Today Palermo is a bustling city with a population of about 700.000 plus - many many tourists.
Where the Palermo Cathedral ist now, was a Byzantine basilica, probably founded by Pope Gregory I, in the 6th century. After their conquest of the city in the 9th century, the Saracens converted this building into the "Grand Mosque". When the Normans under Roger I took over Palermo the mosque became again a cathedral and the seat of the archbishop.
After an earthquake had severely damaged the old building, it was decided to demolish and rebuild it. The new cathedral was erected from 1184 on. In the 14th to 16th centuries, the building underwent continuous expansions and Gothic remodelling. A rebuilding process from 1781 to 1801 changed the cathedral fundamentally. A classical dome above the crossing was erected. So today the cathedral is a 3D-puzzle of bits and pieces of different times and different styles.
Since the 19th century renovation, the monumental tombs of kings and emperors, moved to a chapel in the west of the cathedral.
As well in the cleaning process and next to Roger´s sarcophagus is the tomb his daughter Constance I (1154 – 1198), Queen regnant of Sicily in 1194–98 and heiress of the Norman kings. She was also Holy Roman Empress by marriage to Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor.
Palermo - Cattedrale di Palermo
05 Jul 2019 |
Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, has a long history, that starts around 8000 BC, but later there were Phoenician, Carthaginian, Greek and Roman periods. After the Roman Empire had fallen apart the Vandals tried to take over the island but failed. Finally, the Ostrogoths took possession.
Mid of the 6th century Sicily was conquered by troops of the Byzantine Empire. After the advent of Islam, Sicily got attacked by the Arab forces. Raids seeking loot continued until the mid-8th century.
A Muslim army was sent to the island in 827 but met with much resistance. So it took a century to conquer it and even later revolts constantly occurred
In 1038 the Byzantines invaded the island supported by Norman mercenaries, led by Roger. In 1072, after the siege of Palermo, most of Sicily was under Norman control. Roger´s son Roger II raised the status of the island to a kingdom in 1130. During this period, the Kingdom of Sicily was prosperous and powerful,
The court of Roger II became melting out of culture from Europe and the Middle East. This attracted scholars, scientists, artists, and artisans. Muslims, Jews, Greeks, Lombards, and Normans cooperated and created some extraordinary buildings.
In 1186 the last descendant of Roger, Constance of Sicily married Emperor Henry VI, the second son of Barbarossa. So the crown of Sicily was passed on to the Hohenstaufen Dynasty. Frederick II, the only son of Constance, was crowned King of Sicily at the age of four in 1198. He became "Stupor Mundi", one of the greatest and most cultured men of the Middle Ages.
Palermo, founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians, became a possession of Carthage and later was part of the Roman Empire. From 831 to 1072 the city was under Arab rule. Following the Norman conquest, Palermo became the capital of a new Kingdom of Sicily and the capital of the Holy Roman Empire under Emperor Frederick II and King Conrad IV.
Today Palermo is a bustling city with a population of about 700.000 plus - many many tourists.
Where the Palermo Cathedral ist now, was a Byzantine basilica, probably founded by Pope Gregory I, in the 6th century. After their conquest of the city in the 9th century, the Saracens converted this building into the "Grand Mosque". When the Normans under Roger I took over Palermo the mosque became again a cathedral and the seat of the archbishop.
After an earthquake had severely damaged the old building, it was decided to demolish and rebuild it. The new cathedral was erected from 1184 on. In the 14th to 16th centuries, the building underwent continuous expansions and Gothic remodelling. A rebuilding process from 1781 to 1801 changed the cathedral fundamentally. A classical dome above the crossing was erected. So today the cathedral is a 3D-puzzle of bits and pieces of different times and different styles.
Since the 19th century renovation, the monumental tombs of kings and emperors, moved to a chapel in the west of the cathedral.
Just behind of the sarcophagus of his grandson Frederick II., is the tompb of Roger II of Sicily. Created as well from porphyry and supported by two pairs of kneelig youths carved from marble und a mosaic decorated canopy. To keep it like it is, it has to be cleaned and repaired from time to time.
Palermo - Cattedrale di Palermo
04 Jul 2019 |
Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, has a long history, that starts around 8000 BC, but later there were Phoenician, Carthaginian, Greek and Roman periods. After the Roman Empire had fallen apart the Vandals tried to take over the island but failed. Finally, the Ostrogoths took possession.
Mid of the 6th century Sicily was conquered by troops of the Byzantine Empire. After the advent of Islam, Sicily got attacked by the Arab forces. Raids seeking loot continued until the mid-8th century.
A Muslim army was sent to the island in 827 but met with much resistance. So it took a century to conquer it and even later revolts constantly occurred
In 1038 the Byzantines invaded the island supported by Norman mercenaries, led by Roger. In 1072, after the siege of Palermo, most of Sicily was under Norman control. Roger´s son Roger II raised the status of the island to a kingdom in 1130. During this period, the Kingdom of Sicily was prosperous and powerful,
The court of Roger II became melting out of culture from Europe and the Middle East. This attracted scholars, scientists, artists, and artisans. Muslims, Jews, Greeks, Lombards, and Normans cooperated and created some extraordinary buildings.
In 1186 the last descendant of Roger, Constance of Sicily married Emperor Henry VI, the second son of Barbarossa. So the crown of Sicily was passed on to the Hohenstaufen Dynasty. Frederick II, the only son of Constance, was crowned King of Sicily at the age of four in 1198. He became "Stupor Mundi", one of the greatest and most cultured men of the Middle Ages.
Palermo, founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians, became a possession of Carthage and later was part of the Roman Empire. From 831 to 1072 the city was under Arab rule. Following the Norman conquest, Palermo became the capital of a new Kingdom of Sicily and the capital of the Holy Roman Empire under Emperor Frederick II and King Conrad IV.
Today Palermo is a bustling city with a population of about 700.000 plus - many many tourists.
Where the Palermo Cathedral ist now, was a Byzantine basilica, probably founded by Pope Gregory I, in the 6th century. After their conquest of the city in the 9th century, the Saracens converted this building into the "Grand Mosque". When the Normans under Roger I took over Palermo the mosque became again a cathedral and the seat of the archbishop.
After an earthquake had severely damaged the old building, it was decided to demolish and rebuild it. The new cathedral was erected from 1184 on. In the 14th to 16th centuries, the building underwent continuous expansions and Gothic remodelling. A rebuilding process from 1781 to 1801 changed the cathedral fundamentally. A classical dome above the crossing was erected. So today the cathedral is a 3D-puzzle of bits and pieces of different times and different styles.
Since the 19th century renovation, the monumental tombs of kings and emperors moved to a chapel in the west of the cathedral.
Just behind of the sarcophagus of his grandson Frederick II. is the tomb of Roger II of Sicily. Created as well from porphyry and supported by two pairs of kneeling youths carved from marble and a mosaic decorated canopy.
Palermo - Cattedrale di Palermo
04 Jul 2019 |
Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, has a long history, that starts around 8000 BC, but later there were Phoenician, Carthaginian, Greek and Roman periods. After the Roman Empire had fallen apart the Vandals tried to take over the island but failed. Finally, the Ostrogoths took possession.
Mid of the 6th century Sicily was conquered by troops of the Byzantine Empire. After the advent of Islam, Sicily got attacked by the Arab forces. Raids seeking loot continued until the mid-8th century.
A Muslim army was sent to the island in 827 but met with much resistance. So it took a century to conquer it and even later revolts constantly occurred
In 1038 the Byzantines invaded the island supported by Norman mercenaries, led by Roger. In 1072, after the siege of Palermo, most of Sicily was under Norman control. Roger´s son Roger II raised the status of the island to a kingdom in 1130. During this period, the Kingdom of Sicily was prosperous and powerful,
The court of Roger II became melting out of culture from Europe and the Middle East. This attracted scholars, scientists, artists, and artisans. Muslims, Jews, Greeks, Lombards, and Normans cooperated and created some extraordinary buildings.
In 1186 the last descendant of Roger, Constance of Sicily married Emperor Henry VI, the second son of Barbarossa. So the crown of Sicily was passed on to the Hohenstaufen Dynasty. Frederick II, the only son of Constance, was crowned King of Sicily at the age of four in 1198. He became "Stupor Mundi", one of the greatest and most cultured men of the Middle Ages.
Palermo, founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians, became a possession of Carthage and later was part of the Roman Empire. From 831 to 1072 the city was under Arab rule. Following the Norman conquest, Palermo became the capital of a new Kingdom of Sicily and the capital of the Holy Roman Empire under Emperor Frederick II and King Conrad IV.
Today Palermo is a bustling city with a population of about 700.000 plus - many many tourists.
Where the Palermo Cathedral ist now, was a Byzantine basilica, probably founded by Pope Gregory I, in the 6th century. After their conquest of the city in the 9th century, the Saracens converted this building into the "Grand Mosque". When the Normans under Roger I took over Palermo the mosque became again a cathedral and the seat of the archbishop.
After an earthquake had severely damaged the old building, it was decided to demolish and rebuild it. The new cathedral was erected from 1184 on. In the 14th to 16th centuries, the building underwent continuous expansions and Gothic remodelling. A rebuilding process from 1781 to 1801 changed the cathedral fundamentally. A classical dome above the crossing was erected. So today the cathedral is a 3D-puzzle of bits and pieces of different times and different styles.
Since the 19th century renovation, the monumental tombs of kings and emperors, moved to a chapel in the west of the cathedral.
Here is the sarcophagus of Frederick II. Created from porphyry, supported by four lions holding human figures in their paws and topped by a monumental baldachin with six red marble columns.
Frederick II, who died in 1250, was "stupor mundi" but still is a very disputed emperor. When he died very sudden in Lucera, rumours arose, that Papal spies may have poisened him. The body got embalmed (probably in Salerno) and buried here a year later.
The tomb was opened a couple of times over the centuries. The last time in 1998, when a high tech "cleanroom" had been built around the sarcophag. The body of Frederick II was still embalmed and dressed , but there were two skeletons as well. It came out, that one was from an unknown woman, the other is the skelton of Peter II of Sicily, who obviously was killed by an axe.
It was known, that during the renovation the tomb had been opened for a longer period and some precious items had been stolen at that time. The scientist proved, that Frederick II did not die from poison, but probably from dysentery.
Palermo - Cattedrale di Palermo
04 Jul 2019 |
Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, has a long history, that starts around 8000 BC, but later there were Phoenician, Carthaginian, Greek and Roman periods. After the Roman Empire had fallen apart the Vandals tried to take over the island but failed. Finally, the Ostrogoths took possession.
Mid of the 6th century Sicily was conquered by troops of the Byzantine Empire. After the advent of Islam, Sicily got attacked by the Arab forces. Raids seeking loot continued until the mid-8th century.
A Muslim army was sent to the island in 827 but met with much resistance. So it took a century to conquer it and even later revolts constantly occurred
In 1038 the Byzantines invaded the island supported by Norman mercenaries, led by Roger. In 1072, after the siege of Palermo, most of Sicily was under Norman control. Roger´s son Roger II raised the status of the island to a kingdom in 1130. During this period, the Kingdom of Sicily was prosperous and powerful,
The court of Roger II became melting out of culture from Europe and the Middle East. This attracted scholars, scientists, artists, and artisans. Muslims, Jews, Greeks, Lombards, and Normans cooperated and created some extraordinary buildings.
In 1186 the last descendant of Roger, Constance of Sicily married Emperor Henry VI, the second son of Barbarossa. So the crown of Sicily was passed on to the Hohenstaufen Dynasty. Frederick II, the only son of Constance, was crowned King of Sicily at the age of four in 1198. He became "Stupor Mundi", one of the greatest and most cultured men of the Middle Ages.
Palermo, founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians, became a possession of Carthage and later was part of the Roman Empire. From 831 to 1072 the city was under Arab rule. Following the Norman conquest, Palermo became the capital of a new Kingdom of Sicily and the capital of the Holy Roman Empire under Emperor Frederick II and King Conrad IV.
Today Palermo is a bustling city with a population of about 700.000 plus - many many tourists.
Where the Palermo Cathedral ist now, was a Byzantine basilica, probably founded by Pope Gregory I, in the 6th century. After their conquest of the city in the 9th century, the Saracens converted this building into the "Grand Mosque". When the Normans under Roger I took over Palermo the mosque became again a cathedral and the seat of the archbishop.
After an earthquake had severely damaged the old building, it was decided to demolish and rebuild it. The new cathedral was erected from 1184 on. In the 14th to 16th centuries, the building underwent continuous expansions and Gothic remodelling. A rebuilding process from 1781 to 1801 changed the cathedral fundamentally. A classical dome above the crossing was erected. So today the cathedral is a 3D-puzzle of bits and pieces of different times and different styles.
Since the 19th century renovation, the monumental tombs of kings and emperors, moved to a chapel in the west of the cathedral.
Here is the sarcophagus of Frederick II. Created from porphyry, supported by four lions holding human figures in their paws and topped by a monumental baldachin with six red marble columns.
Frederick II, who died in 1250, was "stupor mundi" but still is a very disputed emperor. When he died very sudden in Lucera, rumours arose, that Papal spies may have poisened him. The body got embalmed (probably in Salerno) and buried here a year later.
The tomb was opened a couple of times over the centuries. The last time in 1998, when a high tech "cleanroom" had been built around the sarcophag. The body of Frederick II was still embalmed and dressed , but there were two skeletons as well. It came out, that one was from an unknown woman, the other is the skelton of Peter II of Sicily, who obviously was killed by an axe.
It was known, that during the renovation the tomb had been opened for a longer period and some precious items had been stolen at that time. The scientist proved, that Frederick II did not die from poison, but probably from dysentery.
Palermo - Cattedrale di Palermo
03 Jul 2019 |
Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, has a long history, that starts around 8000 BC, but later there were Phoenician, Carthaginian, Greek and Roman periods. After the Roman Empire had fallen apart the Vandals tried to take over the island but failed. Finally, the Ostrogoths took possession.
Mid of the 6th century Sicily was conquered by troops of the Byzantine Empire. After the advent of Islam, Sicily got attacked by the Arab forces. Raids seeking loot continued until the mid-8th century.
A Muslim army was sent to the island in 827 but met with much resistance. So it took a century to conquer it and even later revolts constantly occurred
In 1038 the Byzantines invaded the island supported by Norman mercenaries, led by Roger. In 1072, after the siege of Palermo, most of Sicily was under Norman control. Roger´s son Roger II raised the status of the island to a kingdom in 1130. During this period, the Kingdom of Sicily was prosperous and powerful,
The court of Roger II became melting out of culture from Europe and the Middle East. This attracted scholars, scientists, artists, and artisans. Muslims, Jews, Greeks, Lombards, and Normans cooperated and created some extraordinary buildings.
In 1186 the last descendant of Roger, Constance of Sicily married Emperor Henry VI, the second son of Barbarossa. So the crown of Sicily was passed on to the Hohenstaufen Dynasty. Frederick II, the only son of Constance, was crowned King of Sicily at the age of four in 1198. He became "Stupor Mundi", one of the greatest and most cultured men of the Middle Ages.
Palermo, founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians, became a possession of Carthage and later was part of the Roman Empire. From 831 to 1072 the city was under Arab rule. Following the Norman conquest, Palermo became the capital of a new Kingdom of Sicily and the capital of the Holy Roman Empire under Emperor Frederick II and King Conrad IV.
Today Palermo is a bustling city with a population of about 700.000 plus - many many tourists.
Where the Palermo Cathedral ist now, was a Byzantine basilica, probably founded by Pope Gregory I, in the 6th century. After their conquest of the city in the 9th century, the Saracens converted this building into the "Grand Mosque". When the Normans under Roger I took over Palermo the mosque became again a cathedral and the seat of the archbishop.
After an earthquake had severely damaged the old building, it was decided to demolish and rebuild it. The new cathedral was erected from 1184 on. In the 14th to 16th centuries, the building underwent continuous expansions and Gothic remodelling. A rebuilding process from 1781 to 1801 changed the cathedral fundamentally. A classical dome above the crossing was erected and the roofs of the aisles got replaced by a series of smaller domes that now obscure the outer facade of the nave.
So today the cathedral s a 3D-puzzle of bits and pieces of different times and different styles.
Since Norman times, the crypt was the burial ground for the archbishops. The first buried here, was Walter Ophamil ("Walter von Palermo"), King William II's minister and archbishop of Palermo up to 1190. There are 23 sarcophagi here, 11 of them are of Roman pagan age. These got "reused" in Christian times.
Beaune - Sarcophagus
08 Jan 2019 |
Before Beaune became the center of the wine-business in Burgundy and way before it got a town privilege in 1203, it was a Celtic sanctuary around a mystic spring. The Romans later erected a fort here and after they left a small Chistian community will have lived here, as this sarcophagus with Christian symbols is dated to the end of the 6th century.
It was found with more than 300 tombs, when in 1987/88, near the old city walls, a underground parking lot was constructed an so an old necropole got unearthed.
Milan - Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio
20 Oct 2017 |
Milan is the city capital of the Lombardy and the second most populous city in Italy after Rome. Known during Roman times as "Mediolanum" it was the place, where in 313 Constantine I and Licinius met and "signed" the "Edict of Milan", giving Christianity a legal status within the Roman empire.
At the end of the Roman empire Milan was besieged by the Visigoths in 402, looted by the Huns in 452, and taken by the Ostrogoths in 539. Only 30 years later is belonged to the Kingdom of the Lombards, until in 774 Charlemagne defeated the Langobards and added Milan to the Carolingian empire. During Barbarossa´s (Frederik I) "Italian Campaigns" Milan was taken and destroyed to a great extent.
The "Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio" is much older and was not destroyed by Barbarossa´s troops. It is one of the most ancient churches in Milan, built by St. Ambrose in 379–386, outside the city of Milan on the site of a cemetery, where the martyrs of the Roman persecutions had been buried. The first name of the church was "Basilica Martyrum".
Ambrose, born into a noble family about 340 in (present-day) Trier (Germany), was governor of Liguria and Emilia for two years before he became the Bishop of Milan in 374 by popular acclamation. He was a staunch opponent of Arianism.
Only very few traces of the first church can still be found, as in the centuries after its construction, the basilica underwent numerous restorations and reconstructions. The current Romanesque church, mostly built in brickwork, was begun around 1080.
In 789, a Benedictine monastery was established here. The canons of the basilica, however, retained their own community. So two separate communities shared the basilica. In the 11th century, the canons adopted orders and became Canons Regular. From then on two separate monastic orders following different rules lived in the basilica. The canons were in the northern building, the cloister of the canons, while the monks were in the two southern buildings.
The two towers symbolize the division in the basilica. The 9th century Torre dei Monaci ("Tower of the Monks") tower was used by the monks. However, the canons did not have a bell tower and were not allowed to ring bells until they finished the Canons' bell tower in the 12th Century. This tower got two additional levels in 1889.
In 1943 the basilica got severely damaged by bombings. It took a decade to rebuilt and reconstruct the church.
The ambo stands on the left side of the nave. From here the monks and canons read the Gospel. The ambo, supported by nine slender ancient columns, was built over a 4th century sarcophagus, known as "Stilicho's Sepulchre", between 1130 and 1143. When the roof of the basilica collapsed in 1196, the ambo got severely damaged, but it got rebuilt already in 1201.
"Stilicho's Sepulchre" was probably already here, when Saint Ambrose had the first church erected here.
It is not the sarcophagus of Flavius Stilicho (359 – 408) a powerful "magister militum" in the Roman army and relative of Thedodosius I. Stilicho is connected to the nearby Basilica di San Lorenzo, but not to Sant'Ambrogio.
It is unknown, for whom this wonderful early Christian sarcophagus was made about 1700 years ago. It was surely important enough to be placed here and used as the base of the ambo. I´m not sure about the large scene, but above is swaddled Jesus, guarded by ox and ass.
Milan - Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio
20 Oct 2017 |
Milan is the city capital of the Lombardy and the second most populous city in Italy after Rome. Known during Roman times as "Mediolanum" it was the place, where in 313 Constantine I and Licinius met and "signed" the "Edict of Milan", giving Christianity a legal status within the Roman empire.
At the end of the Roman empire Milan was besieged by the Visigoths in 402, looted by the Huns in 452, and taken by the Ostrogoths in 539. Only 30 years later is belonged to the Kingdom of the Lombards, until in 774 Charlemagne defeated the Langobards and added Milan to the Carolingian empire. During Barbarossa´s (Frederik I) "Italian Campaigns" Milan was taken and destroyed to a great extent.
The "Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio" is much older and was not destroyed by Barbarossa´s troops. It is one of the most ancient churches in Milan, built by St. Ambrose in 379–386, outside the city of Milan on the site of a cemetery, where the martyrs of the Roman persecutions had been buried. The first name of the church was "Basilica Martyrum".
Ambrose, born into a noble family about 340 in (present-day) Trier (Germany), was governor of Liguria and Emilia for two years before he became the Bishop of Milan in 374 by popular acclamation. He was a staunch opponent of Arianism.
Only very few traces of the first church can still be found, as in the centuries after its construction, the basilica underwent numerous restorations and reconstructions. The current Romanesque church, mostly built in brickwork, was begun around 1080.
In 789, a Benedictine monastery was established here. The canons of the basilica, however, retained their own community. So two separate communities shared the basilica. In the 11th century, the canons adopted orders and became Canons Regular. From then on two separate monastic orders following different rules lived in the basilica. The canons were in the northern building, the cloister of the canons, while the monks were in the two southern buildings.
The two towers symbolize the division in the basilica. The 9th century Torre dei Monaci ("Tower of the Monks") tower was used by the monks. However, the canons did not have a bell tower and were not allowed to ring bells until they finished the Canons' bell tower in the 12th Century. This tower got two additional levels in 1889.
In 1943 the basilica got severely damaged by bombings. It took a decade to rebuilt and reconstruct the church.
The ambo stands on the left side of the nave. From here the monks and canons read the Gospel. The ambo, supported by nine slender ancient columns, was built over a 4th century sarcophagus, known as "Stilicho's Sepulchre", between 1130 and 1143. When the roof of the basilica collapsed in 1196, the ambo got severely damaged, but it got rebuilt already in 1201.
"Stilicho's Sepulchre" was probably already here, when Saint Ambrose had the first church erected here.
It is not the sarcophagus of Flavius Stilicho (359 – 408) a powerful "magister militum" in the Roman army and relative of Thedodosius I. Stilicho is connected to the nearby Basilica di San Lorenzo, but not to Sant'Ambrogio.
It is unknown, for whom this wonderful early Christian sarcophagus was made about 1700 years ago. It was surely important enough to be placed here and used as the base of the ambo.
The Magi visiting Herod? They wear the phrygian caps, just like the "early" Magi I saw in Ravenna.
Milan - Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio
20 Oct 2017 |
Milan is the city capital of the Lombardy and the second most populous city in Italy after Rome. Known during Roman times as "Mediolanum" it was the place, where in 313 Constantine I and Licinius met and "signed" the "Edict of Milan", giving Christianity a legal status within the Roman empire.
At the end of the Roman empire Milan was besieged by the Visigoths in 402, looted by the Huns in 452, and taken by the Ostrogoths in 539. Only 30 years later is belonged to the Kingdom of the Lombards, until in 774 Charlemagne defeated the Langobards and added Milan to the Carolingian empire. During Barbarossa´s (Frederik I) "Italian Campaigns" Milan was taken and destroyed to a great extent.
The "Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio" is much older and was not destroyed by Barbarossa´s troops. It is one of the most ancient churches in Milan, built by St. Ambrose in 379–386, outside the city of Milan on the site of a cemetery, where the martyrs of the Roman persecutions had been buried. The first name of the church was "Basilica Martyrum".
Ambrose, born into a noble family about 340 in (present-day) Trier (Germany), was governor of Liguria and Emilia for two years before he became the Bishop of Milan in 374 by popular acclamation. He was a staunch opponent of Arianism.
Only very few traces of the first church can still be found, as in the centuries after its construction, the basilica underwent numerous restorations and reconstructions. The current Romanesque church, mostly built in brickwork, was begun around 1080.
In 789, a Benedictine monastery was established here. The canons of the basilica, however, retained their own community. So two separate communities shared the basilica. In the 11th century, the canons adopted orders and became Canons Regular. From then on two separate monastic orders following different rules lived in the basilica. The canons were in the northern building, the cloister of the canons, while the monks were in the two southern buildings.
The two towers symbolize the division in the basilica. The 9th century Torre dei Monaci ("Tower of the Monks") tower was used by the monks. However, the canons did not have a bell tower and were not allowed to ring bells until they finished the Canons' bell tower in the 12th Century. This tower got two additional levels in 1889.
In 1943 the basilica got severely damaged by bombings. It took a decade to rebuilt and reconstruct the church.
The ambo stands on the left side of the nave. From here the monks and canons read the Gospel. The ambo, supported by nine slender ancient columns, was built over a 4th century sarcophagus, known as "Stilicho's Sepulchre", between 1130 and 1143. When the roof of the basilica collapsed in 1196, the ambo got severely damaged, but it got rebuilt already in 1201.
"Stilicho's Sepulchre" was probably already here, when Saint Ambrose had the first church erected here.
It is not the sarcophagus of Flavius Stilicho (359 – 408) a powerful "magister militum" in the Roman army and relative of Thedodosius I. Stilicho is connected to the nearby Basilica di San Lorenzo, but not to Sant'Ambrogio.
It is unknown, for whom this wonderful early Christian sarcophagus was made about 1700 years ago. It was surely important enough to be placed here and used as the base of the ambo.
Here is (young, beardless) Jesus, flanked by the (older) apostles. The sarcohagus was made probably for the couple in the medaillon above. I have the impression, that left and right are the Magi. They wear the phrygian caps, just like the "early" Magi I saw in Ravenna. On the right, where the heads are lost, they carry presents.
Milan - Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio
19 Oct 2017 |
Milan is the city capital of the Lombardy and the second most populous city in Italy after Rome. Known during Roman times as "Mediolanum" it was the place, where in 313 Constantine I and Licinius met and "signed" the "Edict of Milan", giving Christianity a legal status within the Roman empire.
At the end of the Roman empire Milan was besieged by the Visigoths in 402, looted by the Huns in 452, and taken by the Ostrogoths in 539. Only 30 years later is belonged to the Kingdom of the Lombards, until in 774 Charlemagne defeated the Langobards and added Milan to the Carolingian empire. During Barbarossa´s (Frederik I) "Italian Campaigns" Milan was taken and destroyed to a great extent.
The "Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio" is much older and was not destroyed by Barbarossa´s troops. It is one of the most ancient churches in Milan, built by St. Ambrose in 379–386, outside the city of Milan on the site of a cemetery, where the martyrs of the Roman persecutions had been buried. The first name of the church was "Basilica Martyrum".
Ambrose, born into a noble family about 340 in (present-day) Trier (Germany), was governor of Liguria and Emilia for two years before he became the Bishop of Milan in 374 by popular acclamation. He was a staunch opponent of Arianism.
Only very few traces of the first church can still be found, as in the centuries after its construction, the basilica underwent numerous restorations and reconstructions. The current Romanesque church, mostly built in brickwork, was begun around 1080.
In 789, a Benedictine monastery was established here. The canons of the basilica, however, retained their own community. So two separate communities shared the basilica. In the 11th century, the canons adopted orders and became Canons Regular. From then on two separate monastic orders following different rules lived in the basilica. The canons were in the northern building, the cloister of the canons, while the monks were in the two southern buildings.
The two towers symbolize the division in the basilica. The 9th century Torre dei Monaci ("Tower of the Monks") tower was used by the monks. However, the canons did not have a bell tower and were not allowed to ring bells until they finished the Canons' bell tower in the 12th Century. This tower got two additional levels in 1889.
In 1943 the basilica got severely damaged by bombings. It took a decade to rebuilt and reconstruct the church.
The ambo stands on the left side of the nave. From here the monks and canons read the Gospel. The ambo, supported by nine slender ancient columns, was built over a 4th century sarcophagus, known as "Stilicho's Sepulchre", between 1130 and 1143. When the roof of the basilica collapsed in 1196, the ambo got severely damaged, but it got rebuilt already in 1201.
"Stilicho's Sepulchre" was probably already here, when Saint Ambrose had the first church erected here.
It is not the sarcophagus of Flavius Stilicho (359 – 408) a powerful "magister militum" in the Roman army and relative of Thedodosius I. Stilicho is connected to the nearby Basilica di San Lorenzo, but not to Sant'Ambrogio.
It is unknown, for whom this wonderful early Christian sarcophagus was made about 1700 years ago. It was surely important enough to be placed here and used as the base of the ambo. Two birds hold a chrismom, flanked by Alpha and Omega.
Milan - Basilica di Sant'Eustorgio
27 Sep 2017 |
Milan is the city capital of the Lombardy and the second most populous city in Italy after Rome. Known during Roman times as "Mediolanum" it was the place, where in 313 Constantine I and Licinius met and "signed" the "Edict of Milan", giving Christianity a legal status within the Roman empire.
At the end of the Roman empire Milan was besieged by the Visigoths in 402, looted by the Huns in 452, and taken by the Ostrogoths in 539. Only 30 years later is belonged to the Kingdom of the Lombards, until in 774 Charlemagne defeated the Langobards and added Milan to the Carolingian empire. During Barbarossa´s (Frederik I) "Italian Campaigns" Milan was taken and destroyed to a great extent.
Only a few large structures survived the fury. One of them was the Basilica di San Lorenzo (see previous uploads). The Basilica di Sant'Eustorgio, located only about 500 ms south of the Basilica di San Lorenzo, existed already since centuries at that time, as it was founded in the 4th century. The name refers to Eustorgius I, the bishop of Milan (~350).
It is attributed to Eustorgius to have translated the relics of the Magi to the city from Constantinople in 344, a present of Roman Emperor Constantius II (337-361). This legend came up in the 12th century, when the "new" Basilica di Sant'Eustorgio was erected in Romanesque style.
When Milano was sacked by Frederick Barbarossa, the relics of the Magi were appropriated and subsequently taken to Cologne by his close advisor Rainald of Dassel, Archbishop of Cologne. Actually the relics are still in the Cologne Cathedral, where the are kept in the "Shrine of the Three Kings". Some fragments of the holy bones were sent back from Cologne to Milano in 1903.
Milano had been a center of pilgrimage over a long time, but since 1164 the relics of the Magi attracted a stream of pilgrims to Cologne, what was very important for that city.
From the 13th century the church was the main Milanese seat of the Dominican Order, who promoted its rebuilding - and radically altered it with the construction of the south transept, the main crossings and within the 15th century by adding chapels (for noble families). The alterations of the 17th and 18th century were elimimnated by the restyling work of the 19th century "recreating" the original Lombard Romanesque forms.
A huge sarcophagus was the "home" of the Magi´s relics upto the day, when Rainald von Dassel, who had just become Archbishop of Cologne and Archchancellor of Italy, entered the Basilica. In 1164 he brought the bones of the Magi with him to Cologne as loot from Milan and as a gift of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. Here is the inscription on the sarcophagus.
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