Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: Agnus Dei

Avord - Saint-Hugues

11 May 2020 121
Saint-Hugues is known since 1133. The large cross with the "Agnus Dei" can be seen on more Romanesque churches in the Berry region. The place was in use much earlier, as around the church a Merovingian necropolis from the 7th century was unearthed. The sarcophagi were discovered during public works in the 1950s. There are frescoes inside - but the church was locked.

Sanremo - Concattedrale di San Siro

22 Dec 2019 127
Sanremo has Roman origins, it prospered in the Middle Age, when the population moved from the coast to high grounds. The town (named "La Pigna" was walled for protection Saracen raids. It became a free town in the 15th century. In 1753 it rose against Genoese hegemonical attempts. But Genoa built the fortress of Santa Tecla, situated the port. The fortress still exists. It was used as a prison until 2002. It is now being transformed into a museum. In 1814, Sanremo was annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia. From the middle of the 18th century, the town grew rapidly, in part due to the development of tourism, which saw the first grand hotels built and the town extended along the coast. Similar to nearby Nice the nobility holidayed here. "Sissi", Empress of Austria, loved Sanremo. Empress Maria Alexandrovna of Russia and Emperor Nicholas II of Russia spent a winter here. Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel made Sanremo his permanent home. - A church existed here already in the 9th century. The church of today was built by Comacini masters in the early twelfth century. From 1619 on the church got modified and finally, the Romanesque structure was transformed into Baroque in 1668. In 1745 a bombing carried out by an English naval formation caused the collapse of part of the roof and facade. After the revolt against the Republic of Genoa in 1753, the bell tower got demolished for punishment. It was then rebuilt in Baroque style In 1901 restoration works were started on the Romanesque aspect. These works were officially completed in 1948. An "Agnus Dei" between two date palms. Date palms were not common in Northern Italy.

Wissembourg - Saint-Ulrich d'Altenstadt

14 Jan 2011 145
The church St. Ulrich in Altenstadt (now part of Wissembourg) was built over the ruins of a roman temple within the 11th/12th century. Here the portal with it´s tympanon and lintel. The tympanon depicts an "Agnus Dei" carved into a yellowish stone. The reddish lintel below is rough, but very delicate. There are seven medaillons. The hand of God in the middle, two sheep ( = Peter and Paul) on the sides. Followed by complex symmetrical floral ornaments and kind of carolingian knots - on both sides. All seven medaillons are embedded into a floral layout. Robert Will in "Alsace romane" (Zodiaque) describes this as a kind of carved "embroidery". Well, actually he believes that the "master" of this carving was a coptic (!) embroidery. The inscription on top of the lintel is cryptic. Before entering this church Luithard, abbot in Wissembourg 1002 - 1023, should be asked, - but this church never belonged to the abbey. It was a parish church from the very beginning.

Bravães - Igreja de São Salvador

22 Apr 2018 128
A Benedictine convent existed here since ~ 1080. End of the 12th century the monastery got imncorporated into a commandry of the Knights Templar, whom the monks had to pay for protection. Later Augustin Canons lived here until the convent got dissolved and the church converted into a parish church in 1434. The "Igreja de São Salvador", erected within the 12th century, is small, but has wonderful and very unique carvings. The side portals are less elaborate than the main portal (see prev. uploads). Here is a pretty roughly carved "Agnus Dei" - and two remarkable lion heads, that support the lintel.

Rates - São Pedro de Rates

16 Apr 2018 151
The church was built over a pre-Romanesque one dating from the 8th/9th century. In 1100 the church and the convent were bestowed by Henry of Burgundy, Count of Portugal, the Cluniac priorate of La Charite-sur-Loire (about 1500kms northeast). French monks moved in, helping the pilgrims heading north to Santiago. The convent gathered impetus in the 12th century with the support of Afonso I of Portugal (aka "Dom Afonso Henriques", as he was Henry of Burgundy´s son). The church São Pedro de Rates is the the only remaining building of the former monastery. It is believed to be one of the oldest existing romanesque churches in Portugal. A little rough carved "Agnus Dei" inside the church. Another one is on the tympanum of the side portal. This one has the inscription "AGNUSD".

La Rochefoucauld - Église d’Olérat

21 Jan 2018 1 226
The "Église d’Olérat" is located next to a large abandoned greenhouse, in the former hamlet of Olérat, that is now part of La Rochefoucauld. The church, once dedicated to Saint-Étienne (Saint Steven), was erected within the 12th century. I learned, that the church is privately owned, so no wonder, it was locked. In the center of the facade is this "Agnus Dei". There is an inscription, but I was unable to read it.

Zweinitz - St. Ägidius

09 Jul 2017 1 248
The church, dedicated to St. Ägidius (= "Saint Gilles") was mentioned the first time in 1169, though a legend tells, that it was founded by Saint Hemma of Gurk. Rebuilt after a fire in 1354 it has been dependent from the Canons of Gurk upto 1781. It is located in the center of the village´s graveyard. The portal, protected by a narthex, has a strange tympanum, depicting the "Veil of Veronica", a frescoe dated 1420/30. The veil got very popular from the 13th century on - and was an attraction in Rome. The capitals on the sides and the old, Romanesque tymanum ("Agnus Dei") got saved, when the portal got "modernized".

Tauriac - Saint-Etienne

01 Apr 2017 1 296
A "villa Tauriaca" was given to the Bishop of Le Mans already in 585 by some Alderic. At that time probably a chapel existed here. The portal seen today dates to the 12th. century - and it is unusual, as it does have tympana in the flanking arches. Modifications were made, when the church got fortified in the 16th century, but meanwhile the portal is pretty much back to the original state. It is claimed, that some of the carvings may be older than the church and may have been part of the earlier (merovingien?) church. At least a tympanum like this is not typical for the "style saintongeais". There is an inscription around the Agnus Dei - and below, over the lions, but I could not decipher the words. - I had been in this area a couple of times before - and took already lots of fotos, but as I had the time now, I visited places like Tauriac again. If you want more details, just search - for "Tauriac" in my photostream.

Bardone - Santa Maria Assunta

23 Oct 2016 1 1 303
A church, near an old Roman road, existed here probably during the 6th century. This road leads up to the Cisa Passand connects the Po plain with Tuscany. It was used by the Lombards and later became the Via Francigena. The large church, seen today, is known since 1004. It got modified in 1080 and 1220. Later it got enlarged and transformed a couple of times. The church houses some extraordinary carvings from the old parish church of Fornovo, but it was locked - and I could find nobody in the hamlet, who could open it. These hunting scenes framing he facade´s window (see previous upload) may well come from Fornovo too. The hunt is watched over by an Agnus Dei.

Ravenna - San Vitale

27 Sep 2016 220
The "Basilica di San Vitale" was erected on an octagonal plan from 526 on, when Ravenna was under the rule of the Ostrogoths, followers of the Arianism. It was completed and got consecrated in 547, when Ravenna was part of the Byzantine Empire. The church combines Roman with Byzantine elements. It is most famous for its wealth of Byzantine mosaics, the largest and best preserved outside of Constantinople. It is one of the most important examples of early Christian Byzantine art and architecture in Europe. The impact, that this church had on the Wesern European architecture, can hardly be overestimated. The Palatine Chapel in Aachen, commisioned by Charlemagne, has strong parallels to San Vitale. The mosaic under the dome..

Assisi - Cattedrale di San Rufino

08 Jul 2016 163
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck. This "Cattedrale di San Rufino" of today is the third church on this spot. They had been built over the tomb of Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyred in the 3rd century. The construction of the cathedral was started in 1134. When in 1228 Pope Gregory IX was in Assisi for the canonization of Saint Francis, he consecrated the high altar of the cathedral, that was finally completed in 1253. Of course during the long time of construction, the church was in use already. Saint Francis was baptized here in 1182, Saint Clare in 1193. The Romanesque façade of the Assisi-Cathedral is one of the richest in Umbria. The left side portal is similar to the right one. Here are two lions drinking from a chalice on the tympanum (not two peacocks). Here is as well an Agnus Dei - and a bunch of mythical animals.

Assisi - Cattedrale di San Rufino

07 Jul 2016 1 162
Assisi is located on a steep slope (accessible via escalators) and a site of many a pilgrimage. Even in winter it can be very crowded - and a day before, we had to turn back, as all parking lots in the valley below were full. A day later, in heavy rain, we tried it again - and were in luck. This "Cattedrale di San Rufino" of today is the third church on this spot. They had been built over the tomb of Saint Rufinus, Bishop of Assisi, martyred in the 3rd century. The construction of the cathedral was started in 1134. When in 1228 Pope Gregory IX was in Assisi for the canonization of Saint Francis, he consecrated the high altar of the cathedral, that was finally completed in 1253. Of course during the long time of construction, the church was in use already. Saint Francis was baptized here in 1182, Saint Clare in 1193. The Romanesque façade of the Assisi-Cathedral is one of the richest in Umbria. The right side portal. There are two peacocks drinking from a chalice on the tympanum. Below on the lintel is an Agnus Dei flanked by the symbols of the four Evangelists.

Rivolta d’Adda - Maria Assunta e San Sigismondo

08 Nov 2015 166
Not much is known about the basilica "Maria Assunta e San Sigismondo" in Rivolta d’Adda, about 30 kms east of Milano. Pope Urban II may have consecrated the church in 1095/96, when he preached the crusade in France and Northern Italy. But at that time, the building was probably not completed. The 19th century narthex protects the carvings of the facade like this very unsual "Agnus Dei".

Varaize - Saint-Germain

13 Nov 2014 1 186
A priory, dependent from the Abbaye Royale in Saint-Jean-d'Angély, existed here in the 12th century, the church Saint-Germain was erected end of that century. Today it serves the parish - and is in state of urgent repair. The walls of the western facade are cracked and are temporarily stabilized by a construction of wooden beams (previous uploads). The church is known for the southern portal, a Romanesque masterpiece. Some of the capitals on the sides were "reconstructed" end of the 19th century, but the archivolts are "untouched. Here is a more detailed shot. An Agnus Dei is in the center of the inner archivolt, the Elders of the Apocalypse are seated on an outer archivolt. Revelation 4:4 "Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads." For an unknown reason, within the Poitou, the number of 24 Elders did not seem adequate. In Varaize doomsday needed a little more staff. Here are 9 (two very weathered) of 37 Elders of the Apocalypse. Saint Pierre in Aulnay has 31, Notre-Dame in Avy has 36 and the Abbaye aux Dames in Saintes even 54 Elders.

Varaize - Saint-Germain

13 Nov 2014 295
A priory, dependent from the Abbaye Royale in Saint-Jean-d'Angély, existed here in the 12th century, the church Saint-Germain was erected end of that century. Today it serves the parish - and is in state of urgent repair. The walls of the western facade are cracked and are temporarily stabilized by a construction of wooden beams (previous uploads). The church is known for the southern portal, a Romanesque masterpiece. Some of the capitals on the sides were "reconstructed" end of the 19th century, but the archivolts are "untouched. Here is a more detailed shot. An Agnus Dei is in the center of the inner archivolt, the Elders of the Apocalypse are seated on an outer archivolt. Revelation 4:4 "Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads." For an unknown reason, within the Poitou, the number of 24 Elders did not seem adequate. Here doomsday needed a little more staff. Here are 37 Elders of the Apocalypse. Saint Pierre in Aulnay has 31, Notre-Dame in Avy has 36 and the Abbaye aux Dames in Saintes even 54 Elders.

Alleaume - Notre-Dame

21 Sep 2014 222
Alleaume was once the gallo-roman settlement "Alauna", of which some ruins still exist. Meanwhile this is a suburb of Valognes. The parish church Notre Dame was erected within the 13th century but strongly remodeled in the 18th century. Some spolia of the Romanesque church got reused - and so can still be find. This relief is one of the old spolia. There is an "Agnus Dei" with a cross on the right side. On the left side are two persons, sitting under arches - and there is a bird. This bird holds a branch. Or the branch is a "sing-bubble" (aka "tweet"). The left person is barefoot and holds a large key, so this can only be Saint Peter. His neigbour is probably an apostle as well.

Saint-Junien - Saint-Junien

29 Apr 2014 222
Legends tell, that Saint Junien has lived here as a hermit for 40 years. After Junien´s death (540) Bishop Roric from nearby Limoges had an oratorium built over the tomb. The oratorium soon was a place of pilgrimage and got enlarged over the next decades Gregory of Tours was impressed, when he visited the place in 593. This church got lost within the 9th century. Two centuries later a collegiate church got erected. It got consecrated by Raynaud, Bishop of Périgueux in 1100. The church got altered and enlarged a couple of times, but the collegiate lost the importance it had during the time of pilgrimage. It existed though upto the French Revolution, when it got looted. After that the church was used as "Temple of Reason", a prison and (like many churches) as a storage room for explosive saltpetre. The structure must have been in bad condition, as the crossing tower collapsed in 1816. It it got rebuilt from wood on a smaller scale. The collegiate church got restaurated in the second half of the 19th century, but in 1922 the wooden tower collapsed and caused lots of damage. The relics of Saint Julien were kept in a sacrophag from the 6th century on. This got entombed in the 12th century in this large, precious shrine. This is the southern side of the shrine. Below the wooden door in an "Agnus Dei" in a round mandorla. The crowned men are 12 (of the 24) Elders of the Apocalypse, holding vielles and "golden vials full of odours". I will upload more details. Revelation 4:4 "Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads."

Fenioux - Notre-Dame de l’Assomption

10 Oct 2013 277
Fenioux, a small village with a population of less than 200, has this wonderful parish church "Notre-Dame de l’Assomption". Once the church was dedicated to "Saint-Savinien" and "Saint Pierre". It was built in the 12th century, about the same time, when Aulnay (27kms northeast) was under construction. The church was erected over a Carolingian oratory from the 9th century, of which some parts were integrated into the new building - and so still exist around the choir. The large, western facade, with its five archivolts is breathtaking. Though vandalized during the Wars of Religion and the French Revolution, when many sculptures here lost their heads, this is still extraordenary. There are five semicircular archivolts - and ten capitals. The inner archivolt is covered with symmetric foliage in the "traditonal style saintongue". The second archivolt has the virtues defeating the vices, the third one is populated by six angels flanking an Agnus Dei. The parable of the "Wise and Foolish Virgins" can be seen on the fourth - and the fifth archivolt has a complete zodiac - and the names of the correspnding months.

21 items in total