Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: San Gregorio

Castel Ritaldi - San Gregorio

22 Aug 2016 1 197
San Gregorio, located outside a hamlet, that meanwhile is part of Castel Ritaldi, is decorated with some extraordinary carvings. Seen here is a detail of the upper part of the facade. For am overview see the previous uploads. "IRREMIAS", leaning on a very elastic, fruit bearing tree and next to the head of the demon "PAMEA", who displays pretty threatening front teeth.

Castel Ritaldi - San Gregorio

22 Aug 2016 215
San Gregorio, located outside a hamlet, that meanwhile is part of Castel Ritaldi, is decorated with some extraordinary carvings. Seen here is the upper part of the facade. Most interesting are the figures and the demons, as there are inscriptions below. On the very left is "IRREMIAS" next to the head of the demon "PAMEA". The (teethless) deamon to the right is named "GENOFALUS INFERUS", next to him is "GESECHIEL P"(rophet= ?).

Castel Ritaldi - San Gregorio

22 Aug 2016 1 1 250
San Gregorio, located outside a hamlet, that meanwhile is part of Castel Ritaldi, is decorated with some extraordinary carvings. Here are the archivolts over the main door. Carved in in the outer archivolt is "AN.ML.C.XLI" = 1141. Entangling vines connect a cosmos of animals (lions, birds, a boar, a dog, a hare), mythical creatures (griffons), centered around a seraphim. There is even Samson on the left - and a "floater" on the smaller archivolt.

Castel Ritaldi - San Gregorio

22 Aug 2016 3 229
The striped facade of San Gregorio, located outside a hamlet, that meanwhile is part of Castel Ritaldi, is decorated with some extraordinary carvings. The church at some time was too small for the pious population, so it got enlarged by a rough attachment. Unfortunately the church was locked.