Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: inscription

Bande - Santa Comba

11 Mar 2024 48
Santa Comba de Bande is a pre-Romanesque church from the Visigothic period that belonged to a monastery. It was probably built around 675. The church is dedicated to St Columba of Sens, who - according to legend - suffered martyrdom during the persecution of Christians in the French town of Sens. St Columba has been venerated in Spain since the 7th century. According to a cartulary, the Asturian King Alfonso III (866-910) ordered the repopulation of these areas around 872. In this context, lands are mentioned with "very old churches dedicated to the Virgin and Martyr Columba". Restoration work was carried out in 1932. This uncovered the foundations of square annexes that adjoined the church to the north and south. These extensions, only one of which is preserved on the northern transept, created a rectangle measuring 12 × 16 metres, from which only the apse protruded. Pilgrims or travellers were presumably accommodated in the western extensions, while the two eastern ones, which only had access to the church, were probably used as monks' cells. I found two inscriptions, which are certainly not graffiti. However, I couldn't "read" them.

Bande - Santa Comba

11 Mar 2024 72
Santa Comba de Bande is a pre-Romanesque church from the Visigothic period that belonged to a monastery. It was probably built around 675. The church is dedicated to St Columba of Sens, who - according to legend - suffered martyrdom during the persecution of Christians in the French town of Sens. St Columba has been venerated in Spain since the 7th century. According to a cartulary, the Asturian King Alfonso III (866-910) ordered the repopulation of these areas around 872. In this context, lands are mentioned with "very old churches dedicated to the Virgin and Martyr Columba". Restoration work was carried out in 1932. This uncovered the foundations of square annexes that adjoined the church to the north and south. These extensions, only one of which is preserved on the northern transept, created a rectangle measuring 12 × 16 metres, from which only the apse protruded. Pilgrims or travellers were presumably accommodated in the western extensions, while the two eastern ones, which only had access to the church, were probably used as monks' cells. I found two inscriptions, which are certainly not graffiti. However, I couldn't "read" them. Anno Domini (?)

Ancona - Santa Maria della Piazza

19 Sep 2022 1 82
Ancona was founded in 387 BC by Greek colonists from Syracuse. Today it is a port city of about 100.000 inhabitants and the capital of the Marche region. The port has always been of great importance because it was the shortest sea connection to Dalmatia. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Ancona was attacked successively by the Goths and Lombards between the 3rd and 5th centuries but recovered its strength and importance. It was one of the cities of the Pentapolis of the Exarchate of Ravenna. In 840, Saracen raiders sacked and burned the city. After 1000, Ancona became increasingly independent, eventually turning into a maritime republic, often clashing against the nearby power of Venice. In the 12th century, it was strong enough to push back the forces of the Holy Roman Empire. Its ships took part in the Crusades. In the struggle between the Popes and the Holy Roman Emperors Ancona sided with the Guelphs. The Malatesta, took the city in 1348. They were ousted in 1383. In 1532 Ancona definitively lost its freedom and became part of the Papal States. - The portal Santa Maria della Piazza was originally called Santa Maria del Canneto, because it is located in a marshy area near the port. Later it was called Santa Maria del Mercato, because the market was held in the square in front of it. It was erected between the 11th and 12th centuries. Before its construction, the site was home to two small Palaeo-Christian churches, dating to the 6th and 7th centuries. The building has a rectangular plan, with a nave and two aisles. The lower part of the façade has numerous blind arches and, in the middle a probably Byzantine statue of the Virgin Mary. The upper part of the facade collapsed in 1690 due to an earthquake and was subsequently rebuilt in bricks and closed with a large rectangular window. The master of the façade (1210) was "Master Filippo", as testified by an inscription, while the arched portal is attributed to "Master Leonardo". The upper part of the facade collapsed in 1690 due to an earthquake and was subsequently rebuilt in bricks and closed with a large rectangular window. The inscription reads AD MATREM CHRISTI QUE TEMPLO PRESIDET ISTI QUI LEGIS INGREDERE VENIAMQUE PREGANDO MERERE CUM BIS CENTENUS CLAUSISSET TEMPORA DENUS ANNUS MILLENUS FLORERET I PAPA SERENUS IMPERIIQUE DECUS PRINCEPS OTTO SUMERET EQUUS HEC PHILIPPE PIE DECORASTI TEMPLA MARIE I am not able to translate this completely and correctly. It begins with "to the mother of Christ who presides over the temple" - perhaps means "is dedicated". Mentioned further under Pope Serenus and Emperor Otto. For me important is the last line "Phillipe decorated the temple of Mary". A kind of signature.

Alpirsbach - Kloster Alpirsbach

05 Jan 2021 99
In 1095 three noblemen donated a remote piece of land in the Black Forest to the Order of Saint Benedict in 1095. The monastery, that was founded, was settled by monks from "Kloster St. Blasien". The Bishop of Constance consecrated the first stone oratorio in 1099. In 1101 the monastery was placed under papal protection by Pope Paschal II. Emperor Heinrich V confirmed these rights in 1123. The monastery was strongly influenced by Kloster Hirsau, a centre of the Cluniac Reforms. So the second and third abbots came from Hirsau. The abbey church, a flat-roofed three-aisled basilica with a transept, a choir and side choirs was completed in 1133. It was consecrated three years earlier to Saint Nicholas. The blueprint of the church followed the Cluniac/Hirsau scheme. The founders had endowed Kloster Alpirsbach with a number of villages when Count Adalbert joined the monastery around 1100, he donated property in the wine-growing Breisgau region. The monastery to prospered and entered an economic boom in the early 15th century. The decline started some decades later and at the end of that century, the abbey was heavily in debt. In 1522, Alpirsbach's prior Ambrosius Blarer left the monastery after being stripped of his position. Blarer, who had been giving Lutheran sermons at the monastery and had met and befriended the Lutheran reformer Philip Melanchthon, returned to Württemberg in 1534 to become one of Duke Ulrich's chief reformers. In 1556, Duke Christoph dissolved the monastery. The buildings were used for Protestant seminaries and boarding schools. The Alpirsbach seminary lasted from 1556 to 1595 and taught around 200 students. Today the former abbey is used for cultural events like concerts and exhibitions. There is as well a very interesting museum. The western portal. The tympanum has Christ sitting on a rainbow in a mandorla. There is an inscription, that translates to "I am the door. Who enters through here, will be saved".

Gurk - Dom

06 Jul 2017 241
In 1043 Hemma of Gurk (canonized in 1938) founded the Benedictine double monastery of Gurk Abbey, where she withdrew during the last years of her life. After Saint Hemma´s death, the abbey was dissolved by the Archbishop of Salzburg, who instead set up the Diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt in 1072. The "Gurk Cathedral" is a large Romanesque basilica, built 1140 - 1220. The crypt got consecrated already in 1174 and since then hosts the grave of Saint Hemma of Gurk, still a place of pilgrimage. This inscription is on the southern exterior wall of the cathedral, It reads HIC EXUL WIDO I P(RAE)SENS CEPIT OPUS NA(VARE??) What could be translated to Here exiled (far away from home) Wido I started the present work. It is widely believed, that Wido was one of the master builders, so this is a very early signature.

Gurk - Dom

06 Jul 2017 257
In 1043 Hemma of Gurk (canonized in 1938) founded the Benedictine double monastery of Gurk Abbey, where she withdrew during the last years of her life. After Saint Hemma´s death, the abbey was dissolved by the Archbishop of Salzburg, who instead set up the Diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt in 1072. The "Gurk Cathedral" is a large Romanesque basilica, built 1140 - 1220. The crypt got consecrated already in 1174 and since then hosts the grave of Saint Hemma of Gurk, still a place of pilgrimage. The southern portal has the basilica´s probably oldest tympanum. Christ in a blessing gesture holds a book "EG/O S/VM HO/STI/VM" (= "I am the Entrance"). The inscription of the frame is hard to read. The lower part on the lintel is mirror inverted.

Murano - Santa Maria e San Donato

25 Jun 2017 243
The first church probably existed here, on the siland of Murona, already in the 7th century. A large church, named "Santa Mariae plebis Murianensis" was erected within the 10th century. Legends connect the building to Otto I, and it is proven that it was completed in 999. This church got rebuild around 1040. In 1125, the relics of St. Donatus, that had been attained by the Venitian forces, led by Doge Domenico Michele, were translated to this church. The church and the campanile are built with red bricks. Santa Maria e San Donato, once the cathedral of the Bishops of Murano and Torcellino, is known for the fantastic floor mosaics and cosmatesque decorations, that, following the inscription, seen here, was completed 1140. These works are called "cosmatesque" after the Roman family Cosmati, who were the leading family workshop of marble craftsmen for generations. It is said, that Laurenzo Cosmati (~ 1150) was apprentice of Greek / Byzantine Masters. The floor seen here was probably completed before Laurenzo Cosmati was born. This floor was done by by Greek/Byzantine Masters.

Tauriac - Saint-Etienne

01 Apr 2017 1 296
A "villa Tauriaca" was given to the Bishop of Le Mans already in 585 by some Alderic. At that time probably a chapel existed here. The portal seen today dates to the 12th. century - and it is unusual, as it does have tympana in the flanking arches. Modifications were made, when the church got fortified in the 16th century, but meanwhile the portal is pretty much back to the original state. It is claimed, that some of the carvings may be older than the church and may have been part of the earlier (merovingien?) church. At least a tympanum like this is not typical for the "style saintongeais". There is an inscription around the Agnus Dei - and below, over the lions, but I could not decipher the words. - I had been in this area a couple of times before - and took already lots of fotos, but as I had the time now, I visited places like Tauriac again. If you want more details, just search - for "Tauriac" in my photostream.

Foligno - Abbazia di Sassovivo

06 Jul 2016 205
The "Abbazia di Sassovivo" is located on a mountain, about 6kms east of Foligno. The abbey was founded around 1070 on a site probably used already by the Umbri as sanctuary. The abbey gained power and prestige. In the 13th century it "controlled" 97 convents, 41 churches (even 1 in Rome) and 7 hospitals. Decline started in the 15th century. The abbey suffered during the Napoleonic Wars, and in 1860, after the fall of the Papal States, its properties were divided between the Italian state, the local bishopric and privates. Since 1979 the Community of the "Little Brothers of Jesus" live here. The "Abbazia di Sassovivo" is known for its fantastic cloister with 58 arcades supported by a double order of 128 columns. It was created and signed by Pietro de Maria in 1229. This inscription is Pietro de Maria´s "signature" Hoc claustri opus egregium, | Quod decorat monasterium | Donnus abbas Angelus precepit \ Multo sumptu fieri et fecit \ A magistro Petro de Maria | Romano opere et mastria \ Anno Domini milleno \ Iuncto ei bis centeno | Nono quoque cum viceno. The wonderful and expensive cloister was commissioned by Abbas Angelos and created by Master Petro de Maria in Roman style (?) in 1229 The cloisters of "San Paolo fuori le Mura" and "San Giovanni in Laterano", where Nicolo Vassaletto, Petro de Maria´s collegue had worked are very similar. Some scholars believe, that the complete cloister seen here was produced in Rome - and the transported to this secluded abbey.

Montelabate - Abbazia di Santa Maria di Valdiponte

02 Jul 2016 1 157
The "Abbazia di Santa Maria di Valdiponte" ("Abbey of Montelabate") dates back to the 9th century. In 969 a Papal Bull ordered the Abbott Pietro to restore the monastery and to start there a new Benedictine convent. Located between Perugia and Gubbio the abbey, that belonged to the Cluniac network within the 12th century, prospered over centuries, but declined from mid 16th century on, after it had become a "commanderie". The commandatory abbot recieved the abbey from the pope as a benefice and without taking up residence was entitle to the revenues of the abbey. In 1602 the abbey became the center of a large agricultural holding, before in 1749 it came into the possesion of Cistercian monks. The Abbey suffered strongly during the Napoleonic times. After the Risorgimento it became property of the State. The huge archive was transferred to public libraries, the works of art were moved to the National Gallery of Umbria. Later it passed through several private ownerships and now it is owned by the Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation based in Genova. The lower level of the cloister was completed under abbot Orator (1205-1222). There is an inscription near the entry "ISTIUS ORATOR / OPERIS FUIT EDI(FICATOR(?) /../PRO EO) SUPLICIUS ORA" (Orator commisioned this work - pray for him). A cloister is documented earlier and some parts used by Orator´s workers date back to the 9th or 10th century. We were very lucky to join a group that had booked a guided tour through the abbey.

Montelabate - Abbazia di Santa Maria di Valdiponte

02 Jul 2016 201
The "Abbazia di Santa Maria di Valdiponte" ("Abbey of Montelabate") dates back to the 9th century. In 969 a Papal Bull ordered the Abbott Pietro to restore the monastery and to start there a new Benedictine convent. Located between Perugia and Gubbio the abbey, that belonged to the Cluniac network within the 12th century, prospered over centuries, but declined from mid 16th century on, after it had become a "commanderie". The commandatory abbot recieved the abbey from the pope as a benefice and without taking up residence was entitle to the revenues of the abbey. In 1602 the abbey became the center of a large agricultural holding, before in 1749 it came into the possesion of Cistercian monks. The Abbey suffered strongly during the Napoleonic times. After the Risorgimento it became property of the State. The huge archive was transferred to public libraries, the works of art were moved to the National Gallery of Umbria. Later it passed through several private ownerships and now it is owned by the Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation based in Genova. The lower level of the cloister was completed under abbot Orator (1205-1222). There is an inscription near the entry "ISTIUS ORATOR / OPERIS FUIT EDI(FICATOR(?) /../PRO EO) SUPLICIUS ORA" (Orator commisioned this work - pray for him). A cloister is documented earlier and some parts used by Orator´s workers date back to the 9th or 10th century. We were very lucky to join a group that had booked a guided tour through the abbey.

Montelabate - Abbazia di Santa Maria di Valdiponte

02 Jul 2016 155
The "Abbazia di Santa Maria di Valdiponte" ("Abbey of Montelabate") dates back to the 9th century. In 969 a Papal Bull ordered the Abbott Pietro to restore the monastery and to start there a new Benedictine convent. Located between Perugia and Gubbio the abbey, that belonged to the Cluniac network within the 12th century, prospered over centuries, but declined from mid 16th century on, after it had become a "commanderie". The commandatory abbot recieved the abbey from the pope as a benefice and without taking up residence was entitle to the revenues of the abbey. In 1602 the abbey became the center of a large agricultural holding, before in 1749 it came into the possesion of Cistercian monks. The Abbey suffered strongly during the Napoleonic times. After the Risorgimento it became property of the State. The huge archive was transferred to public libraries, the works of art were moved to the National Gallery of Umbria. Later it passed through several private ownerships and now it is owned by the Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation based in Genova. The lower level of the cloister was completed under abbot Orator (1205-1222). There is an inscription near the entry "ISTIUS ORATOR / OPERIS FUIT EDI(FICATOR(?) /../PRO EO) SUPLICIUS ORA" (Orator commisioned this work - pray for him). A cloister is documented earlier and some parts used by Orator´s workers date back to the 9th or 10th century. We were very lucky to join a group that had booked a guided tour through the abbey.

Montelabate - Abbazia di Santa Maria di Valdiponte

02 Jul 2016 206
The "Abbazia di Santa Maria di Valdiponte" ("Abbey of Montelabate") dates back to the 9th century. In 969 a Papal Bull ordered the Abbott Pietro to restore the monastery and to start there a new Benedictine convent. Located between Perugia and Gubbio the abbey, that belonged to the Cluniac network within the 12th century, prospered over centuries, but declined from mid 16th century on, after it had become a "commanderie". The commandatory abbot recieved the abbey from the pope as a benefice and without taking up residence was entitle to the revenues of the abbey. In 1602 the abbey became the center of a large agricultural holding, before in 1749 it came into the possesion of Cistercian monks. The Abbey suffered strongly during the Napoleonic times. After the Risorgimento it became property of the State. The huge archive was transferred to public libraries, the works of art were moved to the National Gallery of Umbria. Later it passed through several private ownerships and now it is owned by the Gerolamo Gaslini Foundation based in Genova. The lower level of the cloister was completed under abbot Orator (1205-1222). There is an inscription near the entry "ISTIUS ORATOR / OPERIS FUIT EDI(FICATOR(?) /../PRO EO) SUPLICIUS ORA" (Orator commisioned this work - pray for him). A cloister is documented earlier and some parts used by Orator´s workers date back to the 9th or 10th century. The second level of the cloister was completed in 1207 (there is as well an inscription about). This level connects to the new abbey church, that was completed in 1318. We were very lucky to join a group that had booked a guided tour through the abbey.

Zadar - Santa Anastasia

13 Jan 2010 146
This sarcopahgus has the inscription: IN NOMINE SANCTE TRINITATIS HIOC REQUIESCIT CORPUS BEATE SCE ANASTASIE. DE DONIS DEI ET SCE ANASTASIA DONATUS PECATUR EPISCOPUS FECIT. DEO GRATIAS. So the remains of St. Anastasia were kept here. The sacrophagus was given to St. Anastia by the Bishop (Donatus).


24 Mar 2015 2 175
Walking the Via Turonensis I had two books with me. One was a little booklet, telling me, where to turn left or right. The most important (absolut recommendable!) book was Anne Prache´s "Ile de France Romane". Anne Prache mentions, that in the hamlet of Mervilliers is a former church with a remarkable tympanum. In found a large farm in Mervilliers, entered and tried to find anybody to ask. But there was nobody at home. This was private property and I did feel uneasy, walking around, knocking on doors and shouting "Allo" and "Coucou"...... I finally found a small wooden garden gate. I pushed it open, entered, turned around - and there was the tympanum. Here is another total. Though the tympanum is very weatherad and eroded, some names can still be found. Near the knight and the squire are the names HERBERTUS and GUILERMUS. The letters left and right of the seated person in the center are X IEORGIUS (Saint George). Over God´s head stands RENBAUDUS. The inscription of the banderole reads HERBERTUS GUILERMUS SIMILITER CUNCE(SSIT) RENBAUDUS MILES EIS (EJUS) HERES MICHI C(ON)TULIT GAZAS P(RAE)SENTES UT HABERET FINE CARENTES Herbertus and as well Guilermus gave/concedet as well as (their) heir knight Renbaudus me earthly treasures to receive treasures without end. Well, the translation may not be very precise. The French website below goes into the details: Here is a French website about the tympanum:

Argenton-Château - Saint-Gilles

17 Jan 2015 295
Since 2006 Argenton-Château and two other villages form the new commune Argenton-les-Vallées. The rocky outcrop, overlooking the valley, was a strongly fortified place in medieval times. The chateau was home of a powerful family. In 1069 the Lord of Argenton Geoffroy de Blois hands over the church of Saint-Gilles to the Benedictine monks of the Bourgueil Abbey, who since then had a priory here. This was a kind of family business, as the abbey was founded 990 by Emma de Blois, Duchess of Aquitaine. The church mentioned was a predecessor of the church seen here. From 1100 on the priory belonged to the abbey of Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes. A new church was erected in the 12 century, replacing the older one. The facade, seen here, dates back to that church, while the most parts of the church result from a reconstruction of the 15th century. Details from the fifth archivolt, that has the signs of the zodiac and the labors of the months. Unfortunately the vandals of the Revolution caused a great damage here, but the inscriptions are still readable. (...PISCES MA)RCIUS ARIES APRILI(S TAURUS...)

Argenton-Château - Saint-Gilles

17 Jan 2015 328
Since 2006 Argenton-Château and two other villages form the new commune Argenton-les-Vallées. The rocky outcrop, overlooking the valley, was a strongly fortified place in medieval times. The chateau was home of a powerful family. In 1069 the Lord of Argenton Geoffroy de Blois hands over the church of Saint-Gilles to the Benedictine monks of the Bourgueil Abbey, who since then had a priory here. This was a kind of family business, as the abbey was founded 990 by Emma de Blois, Duchess of Aquitaine. The church mentioned was a predecessor of the church seen here. From 1100 on the priory belonged to the abbey of Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes. A new church was erected in the 12 century, replacing the older one. The facade, seen here, dates back to that church, while the most parts of the church result from a reconstruction of the 15th century. Details from the fourth archivolt. The apostles have lined up, flankig Christ in the center. All sculptures have an according inscripition. Seen here is (.. MATHEAUS) EVANGLA : ANDREAS APOSTULUS IOH (EVANGLA.. ) Unfortunately the vandals of the Revolution caused a great damage here. The state the carvings have now, is the result of a decade long restoration process.

Argenton-Château - Saint-Gilles

16 Jan 2015 2 346
Since 2006 Argenton-Château and two other villages form the new commune Argenton-les-Vallées. The rocky outcrop, overlooking the valley, was a strongly fortified place in medieval times. The chateau was home of a powerful family. In 1069 the Lord of Argenton Geoffroy de Blois hands over the church of Saint-Gilles to the Benedictine monks of the Bourgueil Abbey, who since then had a priory here. This was a kind of family business, as the abbey was founded 990 by Emma de Blois, Duchess of Aquitaine. The church mentioned was a predecessor of the church seen here. From 1100 on the priory belonged to the abbey of Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes. A new church was erected in the 12 century, replacing the older one. The facade, seen here, dates back to that church, while the most parts of the church result from a reconstruction of the 15th century. Details from the second archivolt. Knights (virtues) fight beasts (vices). Here "FIDES : IDOLATRIA". Unfortunately the vandals of the Revolution did a great damage here. The state the carvings have now, is the result of a decade long restoration process.

25 items in total