Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: bishop

Échillais - Notre-Dame

17 Oct 2024 1 41
There are no exact construction dates or documents, but it can be assumed that it was built in the second half of the 12th century. The unusually richly decorated façade makes an initial use as a parish church rather unlikely. The building apparently survived the turmoil of the Hundred Years' War and the Huguenot Wars unscathed. The richly designed yet clearly structured gable-free display wall of the west façade stands out. Its elevation is almost square and divided into two levels: The lower zone is divided into three parts - in the centre is an archivolt portal that occupies the entire height. The interior of the church is kept very sober, but has some capitals. A seated abbot or bishop

Karja - Katariina kirik

15 Jan 2022 1 97
Karja's St. Catherine's Church is located in the area of the neighbouring village of Linnaka. Around 1254, there was already a wooden church on the site. It was destroyed in 1343. The present church was built in the Gothic style between 1340 and 1350, probably by a French-influenced master from the Swedish island of Gotland. The hall church built by him has a single nave. The church has been preserved almost unchanged in its original form. It is claimed, that this church is one of the country churches with the most sculptures carved in stone in the whole of northern Europe. A bishop stands in front of a Gothic (!) church.

Barcelos - Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades

18 Apr 2018 189
Mosteiro de Vilar de Frades (aka Mosteiro de São Salvador) is located east of Barcelos. A convent may have existed here already in the second half of the 6th century. After the Reconquista the monastery was refounded and rebuilt here and in 1059 Benedictine monks lived here. During the reign of Sancho I of Portugal (1185-1211) a Romanesque church was erected of which some parts still exist. Around 1400 the monastery was given up, but revitalized from 1425 by Mestre João Vicente. The monastery got enlarged and existed upto 1834. Today the buildings house a home for disabled people and sheltered workshops. The portal of the Romanesque church is now "integrated" into the church´s facade. The portal was taken down and rebuilt in the early 19th century. So this may not the original state. There are three archivolts with some interesting (and enigmatic) carvings. Above a bishop or abbot (crozier, mitra) is a knight on horseback with sword and shield. Horses were much smaller at that time, than they are today. But for sure - not that short.

Rio Mau - Igreja de São Cristóvão

17 Apr 2018 160
This church, dedicated to St. Christopher, is the last remaining building of a monastery founded in the 11th century, and belonging to the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. The earliest reference to the monastery dates from 1103. The monastery existed upto 1443, when it was dissolved The present church is the result of a rebuilding carried out in 1151, as indicated by an inscription on the apse. The western facade and this fantastic portal was probably created late 12th century. A well dressed bishop/abbot with a crozier and a mitra is in the center. He is depicted in a blessing gesture. He is flanked by two smaller persons holding books (probably the bible) - and in the corners a bird under a sun symbol - and a small mermaid holding a moon symbol. The style is pretty rough, but impressing.

Linden - St.-Peters

07 Nov 2012 246
The exact age of the St.-Peters Church in Linden (about 6kms south of Giessen) is unknown. The church is placed on a once strongly fortified hill, mentioned in the Lorsch codex. A smaller Carolingian chapel had been here already as early as 810/820, foundations of this chapel have been found during a restauration. The church was probably erected within the 12th century. The romanesque portal is the outstanding feature of St.-Peters. It was carved around 1220/1230 and originally it had been on the southern entrance of the church, but was moved to the western facade. There are only a few of these portals in Germany - and this one is pretty unique, though it is weathered and difficult to "read". One theory claims, that the carvings are connected to the legend of Saint Wenceslaus I, the Duke of Bohemia. Saint "Wenzel" was murdered by his brother. Soon after his "martyrdom" several hagiographies were (told and) written - and these were very popular within the middle ages. This is the left side, next to the door, frontview. On the right under the siren stands a small bishop wearing a mitra on his head - and holding a small crosier. This bishop stands "next" to the person holding that banner (seen on the previous upload). On the left a large bearded man, holding an enormous axe. I saw this man as an executioner, displaying his giant tool, first. Then I noticed, that the object, he has in his left hand may be a kind of medieval straightedge. That would mean, he may be a timberman, working on a construction site. The parish has a website about the history of the church (in German):

Saint-Papoul - Abbaye de Saint-Papoul

01 Feb 2017 228
The abbey was founded within the 8th century. It is dedicated to Saint Papoul, a disciple of Saint Saturnin, missionary and first bishop of Toulouse. It was believed that Saint Papoul was martyred near the place, where the abbey is now. Later a monk named Berenger (or Berengar) lived a pious life here. After he got canonized his relics attracted the first pilgrims to this place. In the aftermath of the crusade against the Cathars the papal organisation created new (smaller) dioceses to enable a stricter control. So since 1317 the abbey church of Saint Papoul was promoted to a cathedral, holding a bishopric (upto 1801). Saint Papoul is a quiet little village, that is one of my favourite places since a long time. Yes, there are the works of the "Maître de Cabestany", who is known under this name since the 1930s when a tympanum and other carvings were found in Cabestany (near Perpignan), but there is so much more. The range of different artistic styles and icons in Saint-Papoul is enormous. The Romanesque capitals of the former abbey church / cathedral have not only a very specific, rough and "simple" style. To the left a "good" bird fights an "evil" snake. To the right stands a bishop or abbot. he does not wear a mitra, but holds a crosier and has a very long maniple.

Saint-Mandé-sur-Brédoire - Saint-Brice

25 Jan 2016 1 217
Saint-Mandé-sur-Brédoire is about 4 kms west of Aulnay, a distance an able man walked probably in less than an hour. It is absolutely clear, that the master-workshops working in Aulnay, did work here as well. Saint-Brice, a small single nave structure, has many parallels to Saint-Pierre in Aulnay. Some icons were tried here, before they were carved in another scale and another quality for Saint-Pierre. So this church may have served as a "sample book". Most surprising is Saint-Brice´s side portal. I will add details. Here are - one of the seven bishops (previous upload), a heron, two musicians and - the "Rod of Asclepius". Or is this just a snake and a tree? The snake Eve met once..?

Saint-Mandé-sur-Brédoire - Saint-Brice

25 Jan 2016 278
Saint-Mandé-sur-Brédoire is about 4 kms west of Aulnay, a distance an able man walked probably in less than an hour. It is absolutely clear, that the master-workshops working in Aulnay, did work here as well. Saint-Brice, a small single nave structure, has many parallels to Saint-Pierre in Aulnay. Some icons were tried here, before they were carved in another scale and another quality for Saint-Pierre. So this church may have served as a "sample book". Most surprising is Saint-Brice´s side portal. I will add details. Here are seven bishops (with croziers), a devil and a dragon. Mitres had a different shape in the 12th century.

Rots - Saint-Ouen

05 Sep 2014 218
The parish church of the small village Rots was a dependency of the abbey Abbaye Saint-Ouen de Rouen, founded by the merovingian nobility in the 7th century, in medieval times. The nave dates back to the 12th century, while the Gothic transept and the choir are younger. The structure of church, situated in the center of the graveyard, suffered severely by a "reconstruction" of the late 19th century, when large parts were just rebuilt, and the devastation during the Battle of Normandy (1944), when the church was hit by shells. The sides of the Romanesque is flanked by blind arches, what is pretty unique and has many carvings. Here is one of them. On the right side is a bishop (or abbot) in a blessing (or greeting) gesture. To the left were two persons once. One with a long braid (?) is still complete, while only the feet and an arm holding a hammer are left from the second. The scene may be connected to the martyrdom of Saint Quentin.

Sos del Rey Católico - Iglesia de San Esteban

16 Feb 2014 204
Sos del Rey Católico is a quaint, historic town with a population of just over 600. Founded as "Sos" by Sancho I of Pamplona during the Reconquista in the early 10th century, the town changed its name to Sos del Rey Católico, after Ferdinand II of Aragon (aka "el Católico") was born here in 1452. The town is built on a mountaintop. You enter it by foot through the medieval gates, as the old walls, that surround the town still exist. The building of the "Iglesia de San Esteban" (= Saint Steven) started already mid of the 11th century, financed by Estefania de Foix, young widow of Garcia Sanchez III of Pamplona. The church got enlarged and altered over the next centuries many times. A narthex with gothic vaults was added within the 16th century to protect this Romanesque portal from the 12th century against the weather. Just like in nearby Sangüesa (13kms northwest) statues flank the doors. There are three large ones on either side, and various small ones inbetween. This is the left side of the portal. The statues clearly lack the elegance of that ones in Sangüesa. These may be older. The style is similar. Unfortunately most of the small sculptured inbetween are severely damaged. The large figure to the left holds a kind of shrine or a gridiron. In case the object is a gridiron, this can only be Saint Lawrence, whose birthplace may be in Huesca. In the center is a bishop (crozier) - and the right one holds an illuminated book or manuscript. I will upload a close up.

Artaiz - San Martin

06 Feb 2014 1 316
This church, dedicated to Saint Martin of Tours, was a real surprise to me. The single nave structure was probably erected within the 12th century. It was built in a "walking distance" off the pilgrim routes (like "San Pedro de Echano"), as the hamlet Artaiz is just about 10kms north of the "Camino Aragonés". San Martin will have been for sure a stopover for pilgrims, who had visited the tomb of Saint Martin of Tours, following the "Via Turonensis". The portal of Saint Martin is extraordinary in the specific iconography, that in parts may reflect the relations to the Islamic neighbours (Reconquista). Some of the corbels under the roof are remarkable as well. Here on the right a little weathered bishop, wearing a mitra and holding a crozier. He is obviously blessing the pilgrims below. The corbel to the left is strange. A head with three faces can be found on one of the artful capitals of the portal, but this one is different. Actually I have the impression it is not Romanesque, but modern. It is totally unweathered and it is carved from a different stone in a very modern style. I may be wrong...

Aulnay - Saint-Pierre

20 Sep 2013 209
"Saint-Pierre d'Aulnay" is a church outside of Aulnay, in the center of an old graveyard. The setting has not changed for centuries. For the pilgrims of the 12th century this church was a major halt - and it still is for all the tourists... A predecessing church „Saint-Pierre-de-la-Tour“ had been here, that, when the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella got more and more popular, was obviously to small, as Aulnay was conveniently situated between Poitiers and Saintes on the Via Turonensis. A new, larger church was needed, so the place was handed over to the chapter of the cathedral in Poitiers. The canons then probably planned this church, that was erected from about 1130/1140 on. "Saint-Pierre d'Aulnay" is a gem of the "style saintongeais". For Peter Strafford ("Romanesque Churches Of France") this is "one of the best examples of late Romanesque architecture in what used to be Aquitaine". Saint-Pierre´s "South Porch" is what attracts busloads of tourists to stop in Aulnay. And they are right.The "South Porch" is mindblowing. The most outer archivolt is the most spectacular one. So far the icons were somehow in an expectable "christian tradition" (Elders, Saints), but here mythical beasts and fantastic hybrid creatures come to life. Some of these chimerae probably derive from medieval Bestiary, while others seem to come straight from a drug related nightmare. In the center is a sheep, luxuriously dressed like a bishop or abbot and a wolf (dog) holding a book. While the sheep is standing in a (relaxed) upright postion, the dog seems to be in a move. He bares his teeth - and it looks like he is going to tear the book apart. The is an icon from a "wolf´s school", but the schools I saw so far (Freiburg, St, Ursainne) employed monks as teachers. Sheep entered the schools only as a temptation and distraction for the wolfs. Here the sheep plays a totally different role.