Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: Goliath

Chaumont - Basilique Saint-Jean-Baptiste

09 Apr 2021 111
Chaumont (pop. ~ 22.000) is located in the centre of Haute Marne. Peasants and artisans settled around an early existing fortified motte and so started the development of Chaumont, owned since the 12th century by the Counts of Champagne. - "Saint-Jean-Baptiste" was built at the beginning of the 13th century to meet the needs of a growing population. It was made a collegiate church in 1474 by Pope Sixtus IV and raised to "basilica minor" in 1948 by Pope Pius XII. -The "Tree of Jesse" was carved 1530/40. The limestone sculpture is 4,50m high and (at the base) 3,20m wide. Jesse sitting in the centre is asleep. The tree is crowned with a Madonna and Child. On the first branch, on the left, sits David carrying his harp. Below him on the ground lies Goliath's enormous head.

La Chaise-Dieu

16 Feb 2020 1 184
La Chaise-Dieu was founded in 1043 by Robert de Turlande. It was named "Casa Dei", from which La Chaise-Dieu developed. From the 11th to the 13th century, the abbey experienced rapid and significant development. When the founder died in 1067, already 300 monks lived here. In the Auvergne La Chaise-Dieu gained importance similar to that of the Burgundian Cluny Abbey. The abbey received many donations from noble families and administered 42 daughter monasteries. Popes who visited the abbey include Urban II, Calixt II, Alexander III. and Innocent II. In 1342, Pierre Roger, who had lived as a monk in La Chaise-Dieu, became Pope in Avignon under the name Clement VI. He financed a new building of the abbey church, in which he was finally buried. The building was completed in 1378 under the pontificate of Gregory XI, a nephew of Clement VI. Since 1516 La Chaise-Dieu, like most other French abbeys, became "in commendam" so the commendatory abbot drew the revenue of the monastery but without fulfilling the duties of the abbot or even residing at the monastery. Calvinist troops looted the abbey in August 1562. After most of the monastery buildings were destroyed by fire in 1695, they were rebuilt by the monks in the decades that followed. In 1786, Cardinal de Rohan, who was involved in the "Affair of the Diamond Necklace" was exiled to La Chaise-Dieu. While the abbey had 40 monks at that time, religious life ended at the beginning of the French Revolution. La Chaise-Dieu is known for the tapestries, once woven to embellish the monks´ choir. They were commissioned by Jacques de Saint-Nectaire and were woven by a Flemish workshop between 1501 and 1518. The collection includes 14 tapestries of which two are different and may have been ordered by the abbot for his personal use. The 12 other tapestries constitute a complete continuation of the Annunciation to the Last Judgment. An inventory prior to the Revolution mentions 18 tapestries, so four tapestries have therefore disappeared. The tapestries were only exhibited during major liturgical feasts. They were rolled up and kept during the troubles during the Wars of Religion and the Revolution. In 2013 the tapestries were removed. They got restored and returned to the abbey in July 2019. I was lucky to see them in August 2019. In the centre is Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, left is David holding the head of Goliath, to the right the "Prophets from Jericho" ( 2 Kings 2:15).

Andlau - Saints-Pierre-et-Paul

22 Feb 2011 94
Richardis, wife of Charles III (aka "Charles the Fat") and so "Holy Roman Empress", founded the abbey in Andlau ca 880. Later she lived here (as the abbess). She was known for her piety and so she was canonised, when Pope Leo IX paid a visit to the abbey in 1049. Flanking the arch of the former main entrance of Saints-Pierre-et-Paul are two biblical fights from the Old Testament. His is one. Small (and rather weathered) David standing triumphantly on the knees of the beaten Goliath. On the very right is the slingshot, David´s weapon.

Remagen - Pfarrhoftor

24 Feb 2013 168
One of the first printed records about this gate stated in 1859 "Of all old monuments in the Rhine valley, none as mysterious as the portal (...) near the church in Remagen". The Pfarrhoftor (= Gateway to the parish close) still is enigmatic. It may have been erected for a nearby monastery, that centered around an St. Apollinaris shrine, it may have been in deed a gate to a parish close. Actually it known since the 17th century, when parts of it were found, walled in between the rectory and the encircling wall. The parts were recovered and like pieces of a puzzle joined together. Though the cope stone was lost, the large arch was easy to reconstruct. Wether the smaller side portal originally was left or right is unclear. The 22 carved reliefs here have triggered more than a dozend different theories. I will quote some. The carving style was not appreciated by the art-historians. Already Wilhelm Bode ("Geschichte der Deutschen Plastik") wrote in 1887 that the carver was "without any artistic ambition". For me this portal has parallels in Linden and Goegging. All three portals are roughly carved - and enigmatic, blending christian, pagan and ancient icons. The only point, that is undisputed is, that the portal was erected in the second half of the 12th century. In 1902, when the neo-Romanesque church St. Peter and Paul was erected, the Pfarrhoftor got placed here, next to the new church. A person equipped with helmet, shield and spear standing / posing on the bones of an slaughtered enemy. This may be St. Michael, triumphing over the dragon (with a human face), but there are no wings, no nimbus. For church historian Dr. Koeniger (1947) the icon offers criticism to the knighthood, as the person defiles the bones of an enemy. Or is this virtue triumphing over vice..? Or David (Humalitas) and Goliath (Superbia)? Undisputed is that the triumphator wears a garment, that was widely used by the nobility within the 12th century.

Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire - Abbey

30 Jan 2015 257
The abbey at Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire (originally known as Fleury Abbey) was founded on the banks of the Loire river mid 7th century. It is one of the oldest abbeys of the Benedictine rule in France. The story starts in 672, when some of its monks traveled to Montecassino (Italy), dug up the remains of St. Benedict of Nursia (+ 547) and his sister St. Scholastica and brought them home. After the relics had reached at Fleury Abbey it which was renamed Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire - and due to the relics became a major place of pilgrimage. A famous school and a scriptorium existed here in the late 10th century. The erection of the church started around 1071. When the church was consecrated in 1108, the long nave was not completed. The abbey thrived, but times got rougher. In 1562, the abbey was pillaged by Huguenots. The buildings were restored, but looted and destroyed again during the French Revolution. Saint-Benoît's monks left the abbey and so the history of the convent ended after more than 1100 years. The abbey church had escaped destruction and got restored in the 19th century. In 1944, the convent was refounded the abbey buildings were rebuilt by Benedictine monks after World War II. So the history of the convent was just interrupted for about 150 years. The church, that stands today, was not the first church here. When it was erected, they abbey existed already longer than 400 years. I have the impression, that some spolia from the older structure were "reused" in the left walls. Here are two reliefs, just "glued" together. On the left is a hunting scene (lion + deer). It seems that the relief got rotated, to fit in. The large carving to the right is very damaged, it may depict Goliath and David (does the small person hold a slingshot?). 1 Samuel 17 4-7 "A champion named Goliath, who was from Gath, came out of the Philistine camp. His height was six cubits and a span. He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels; on his legs he wore bronze greaves, and a bronze javelin was slung on his back. His spear shaft was like a weaver’s rod, and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels."