Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: Guebwiller

Guebwiller - Eglise Saint-Léger

01 Mar 2011 128
The construction of the church Saint-Léger (= Leodegar, Ludger) in Guebwiller started in 1182 and took about 100 years. The church was built from local red sandstone in a style between late romanesque and early gothic. The most interesting point I found is, that the architects of this church obviously spent a lot of time in Rosheim, about 70kms north. They studied the church Saints-Pierre-et-Paul, that is only about 30 years older. The triangel on the roof between nave and transept gives room for a remarkable large sculpture in Rosheim. This idea was copied here, as it even seems to be the same old man, holding his long beard. A medieval "copy and paste". Actually the copy is a bit clumsy, compared to the original. Here is the original

Guebwiller - Eglise Saint-Léger

22 Jun 2011 99
The construction of the church Saint-Léger (= Leodegar, Ludger) in Guebwiller started in 1182 and took about 100 years. The building, built from red local sandstone, is pretty huge and the style is between late romanesque and early gothic. I have the impression, that the architects of this church obviously spent a lot of time in Rosheim, studying the church Saints-Pierre-et-Paul, that is only about 30 years older. Standing at the western end of the nave, looking to the choir. The structure of the nave differs clearly from the church in Rosheim. The nave here is still romanesque, the vaulting is early gothic style - and the far away choir, added to the church after 1336 is "very" gothic.

Guebwiller - Eglise Saint-Léger

01 Mar 2011 117
The construction of the church Saint-Léger (= Leodegar, Ludger) in Guebwiller started in 1182 and took about 100 years. The church was built from local red sandstone in a style between late romanesque and early gothic. The most interesting point I found is, that the architects of this church obviously spent a lot of time in Rosheim, studying the church Saints-Pierre-et-Paul, that is only about 30 years older. The structure is huge and the crossing tower is impressive. The choir, seen here, was added around 1350 and is gothic. Please note the otherwise unspectacular triangel, that I marked. What was an architectural "invention" in Molsheim - here simply got copied.

Guebwiller - Eglise Saint-Léger

20 Jun 2011 143
The construction of the church Saint-Léger (= Leodegar, Ludger) in Guebwiller started in 1182 and took about 100 years. The building, built from red local sandstone, is pretty huge and the style is between late romanesque and early gothic. An interesting point I found is, that the architects of this church obviously spent a lot of time in Rosheim, studying the church Saints-Pierre-et-Paul, that is only about 30 years older. The tympanum depicts three persons. Jesus in the middle, having a large cross-nimbus, holding the bible in his left hand, while his right hand forms the blessing gesture. Exactly this liturgical gesture was introduced by Pope Innocent III (1198-1216). The thumb and the stretched middlefinger and forefinger stand for the Trinity, while the two bent fingers symbolize the divine and human natures of Christ. The person to the right has a plain nimbus. If this would be St. Leodegar, he would probably hold a sword, as he is a martyr, but the person holds a script roll (?) and probably is one of the four evangelists. The person sitting to the right has no nimbus - but a crown. He holds in his hands a flower, that obviously is the fleur-de-lys, symbol of all french kings. The construction of the church started 1182 and took about 100 years. Considering, that the liturgical gesture came from Pope Innocence ( 1216) and it took some time to travel to Guebwiller, I think this is either: Philip II of France (aka "Philippe Auguste") ruled 1180 - 1223. He was one of the most important medieval kings. He battled the House of Plantagenet (Richard Lionheart, John Lackland). By beating Otto IV (Battle of Bouvines 1214) he paved the way for Frederick II, from the House of Hohenstaufen. or: Louis IX of France (aka "Saint Louis"), ruled 1226-1270: He was grandson of Philip II and as well one of the very important french kings. He went on two cruisade, made peace with the House of Plantagenet - and was known for his pious life. He was canonized 1297. It is interesting to see, that the fleur-de-lys here is shown by a french king, while only some decades earlier in Rosheim (90kms north) this symbol forms the end of a dragon´s tail. A dragon coming straight from hell. Capetian influence here - influence of the House of Welf there.

Guebwiller - Eglise Saint-Léger

21 Jun 2011 150
The construction of the church Saint-Léger (= Leodegar, Ludger) in Guebwiller started in 1182 and took about 100 years. The building, built from red local sandstone, is pretty huge and the style is between late romanesque and early gothic. I have the impression, that the architects of this church obviously spent a lot of time in Rosheim, studying the church Saints-Pierre-et-Paul, that is only about 30 years older. There are two heads, carrying the lintel under the tympanum. This is the right one. The carver was not one of the really genius masters working in the Alsace during that time. The face seems a bit "uninspired". The type of beard is strange but very unique. Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As the beholders liked that stylish beard, the carver gave another sculpture the same beard:

Guebwiller - Eglise Saint-Léger

21 Jun 2011 131
The construction of the church Saint-Léger (= Leodegar, Ludger) in Guebwiller started in 1182 and took about 100 years. The building, built from red local sandstone, is pretty huge and the style is between late romanesque and early gothic. I have the impression, that the architects of this church obviously spent a lot of time in Rosheim, studying the church Saints-Pierre-et-Paul, that is only about 30 years older. A capital of one of the six pillars at the main portal, depicts pigeons. Very symetrical.

Guebwiller - Eglise Saint-Léger

20 Jun 2011 140
The construction of the church Saint-Léger (= Leodegar, Ludger) in Guebwiller started in 1182 and took about 100 years. The building, built from red local sandstone, is pretty huge and the style is between late romanesque and early gothic. The most interesting point I found is, that the architects of this church obviously spent a lot of time in Rosheim, studying the church Saints-Pierre-et-Paul, that is only about 30 years older. There are details in Rosheim, copied here. But the masters working here, never reached the elegant style seen in Rosheim. The main portal under the arches of the westwork like façade. The pillars are very well and delicately carved, as well as the wall behind, covered with geometrical floral patterns. But the heads under the lintel - and the tympanum itself seem a bit clumsy. There is a very small face on top of the archivolts. Is this a self-portait of the carver?

Guebwiller - Eglise Saint-Léger

20 Jun 2011 89
The construction of the church Saint-Léger (= Leodegar, Ludger) in Guebwiller started in 1182 and took about 100 years. The building, built from red local sandstone, is pretty huge and the style is between late romanesque and early gothic. The most interesting point I found is, that the architects of this church obviously spent a lot of time in Rosheim, studying the church Saints-Pierre-et-Paul, that is only about 30 years older. There are details in Rosheim, copied here. But the masters working here, never reached the elegant style seen in Rosheim. I had visited Guebwiller in autumn 2010, now I was back in spring. The light had changed - not the building. - Early morning - sunlight sparkling into the camera....

Guebwiller - Eglise Saint-Léger

28 Feb 2011 102
The construction of the church Saint-Léger (= Leodegar, Ludger) in Guebwiller started in 1182 and took about 100 years. The building, built from red local sandstone, is pretty huge and the style is somehwere between late romanesque and early gothic. The most interesting point I found is, that the architects of this church obviously spent a lot of time in Rosheim, studying the church Saints-Pierre-et-Paul, that is only about 30 years older. There are details in Rosheim, copied here. The towers of Saint-Léger are so high, I could not find a good point of view, to take a photo, so - sorry for that white van, that is parked in front. I waited for nearly an hour, but the driver was on holidays maybe, as the van was still standing there a day later....