Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: Salome

Bad Krozingen - Glöcklehofkapelle

04 Jan 2021 110
Krozingen was first mentioned as "Scrozzinga" in 808 in the documents of the Abbey of Saint Gall. A settlement at the former junction of two Roman roads. Up to 1805 Krozingen belonged to "Further Austria", possessions of the House of Habsburg. While the surrounding area changed to Protestantism during the Reformation, Krozingen stayed Catholic. On the search for crude oil, the geologists came across thermal water instead, which was started the future of Krozingen as a health resort. Krozingen was awarded the title “Bad” in 1933 - and now is Bad Krozingen. The Romanesque Glöcklehofkapelle is the oldest preserved building of the town. It was built around 1000 by the Abbey of Saint Gall. It was rediscovered around 1936 by Pastor A. Pfeffer from Rottenburg, a spa guest. Later excavations showed that it was part of a medieval court complex. Inside frescoes were discovered under coats of paint in 1937. They are dated to around 1000. The frescoes show strong parallels to the illuminated manuscripts, produced by monks in the famous scriptorium of the Abbey of Reichenau at the same time. Seen here is "Herod`s Banquet". Matthew 14:6–11 "But on Herod's birthday, the daughter of Herodias danced before them: and pleased Herod. Whereupon he promised with an oath, to give her whatsoever she would ask of him. But she being instructed before by her mother, said: Give me here in a dish the head of John the Baptist. And the king was struck sad: yet because of his oath, and for them that sat with him at table, he commanded it to be given. And he sent, and beheaded John in the prison."

Nouaillé-Maupertuis - Abbaye Saint-Junien

02 May 2020 2 1 131
The abbey was founded at the end of the 7th century by monks from the abbey Saint-Hilaire de Poitiers. In the early years only a small convent existed, dependent from the abbey in Poitiers, just 15kms away. Since 830, when the remains of Saint Junien de Poitou (once befriended with Queen Radegunde) were transferred to the convent, it is known as "Abbaye Saint-Junien". At that time a church was built, equipped with a crypt, to receive the relics. In the 11th century, under the protection of the Counts of Poitou, the abbey prospered and restorations were undertaken. In the 12th century, the vaulted nave was completed and the belltower got erected. During the 100 Years´ War, it was necessary to fortify the abbey. Walls and ditches surrounded the complex in the 14th century. After a century of prosperity, when again buildings got added, the Wars of Religion started and during the siege of Poitiers in 1569, the Protestant army of Gaspard II de Coligny pillaged and burned the abbey. When the troops left choir and cloister were gone, while the nave was relatively spared. The restoration of the damage took a century. In 1734 the abbey only had seven monks, in 1790, when the Revolution had taken over there were only four. The abbey was sold in 1792, the church since then serves the parish. Today large parts are privately owned. All along the nave are some very unusual carvings. May the artistic style be not that surprising, the themes and icons are very specific. This may depict Salome´s dance - and the head of John the Baptist. Matthew 14. 6 "But on Herod's birthday, the daughter of Herodias danced before them: and pleased Herod. Whereupon he promised with an oath, to give her whatsoever she would ask of him. But she being instructed before by her mother, said: Give me here in a dish the head of John the Baptist."

Parma - Battistero di San Giovanni

02 Nov 2016 1 1 349
Parma, part of the Holy Roman Empire since Charlemagne´s times, was locally ruled by its bishops. During the long Investiture Controversy, Parma was (mostly) member of the Imperial party ("Ghibellini"). Two of Parma´s bishops even became antipopes: Càdalo as Honorius II and Guibert as Clement III. An almost independent commune was created around 1140. After the Peace of Constance confirmed the Italian communes' rights of self-governance in 1183, quarrels with the neighbouring communes (eg Piacenza and Cremona) developed over the trading lines along the Po river. When in 1248 Papist families ("Guelphs") gained control over the city, Emperor Frederick II (aka "Stupor Mundi") besieged Parma with no success. This were the circumstances, when in 1196 the City Council of Parma commissioned the building of the Battistero di San Giovanni to Benedetto Antelami. In 1216 the second tier was completed. The work stopped under a temporary roof. It continued in 1249 and the octagon, located next to the cathedral, was finally completed in 1270. The Baptistery has three (!) portals. Here is the tympanum of one of them. Seated under the semicircular Tree of Jesse is Virgin Mary, young Jesus on her knees. To the left the Magi approach (names written above them) adoring, to the right Joseph gets a message from an angel. On the lintel below Jesus is getting baptised by John the Baptist. John later gets beheaded during an evening meal of the Herodes family.

Verona - Basilica di San Zeno

28 Oct 2015 1 201
Already Theodoric the Great, King of the Ostrogoths, may have funded a church, erected over the tomb of Saint Zeno, who, following the legends, was born in Mauretania and died around 380 in Verona. The erection of the present church began in the 9th century. Soon after San Zeno´s relics were translated into the new church. At that time Charlemagne´s son Pepin (aka "Pepin of Italy") resided in Verona and a large Benedictine monastery grew all around the church. When the Magyars invaded Italy in the early 10th century, the church got severely damaged, but the relics were not harmed, as they had been taken out and were hidden. In 967, a new church was built with the patronage of Otto I. On January 3, 1117, the church was damaged by an earthquake, that ruined so many buildings in Northern Italy. The church was restored and got enlarged in 1138. It may well be, that soon after panels of a bronze door from another (destroyed?, damaged?) church were transferred to San Zeno - and so got reused here. Today the famous bronze door consists out of two panels on which the plates are fixed. The older ones (~ 1100) are often compared with the bronze works in Hildesheim, and Saxon Masters may have worked here. The younger ones (1200) are "smoother" and some scholars connect them to Benedetto Antelami, who worked in Parma 1178 ("Deposition"). Unfortunately the rooms is so small, that I was unable to take an "overview", so I could only take photos of panels and details. The head of John the Baptist is brought to Herod's table. His daughter Salome is still dancing. On the right, the head is carried away.. Mark 6:22-25 When the daughter of Herodias came in and danced, she pleased Herod and his dinner guests. The king said to the girl, "Ask me for anything you want, and I’ll give it to you." And he promised her with an oath, "Whatever you ask I will give you, up to half my kingdom." She went out and said to her mother, "What shall I ask for?" "The head of John the Baptist," she answered. At once the girl hurried in to the king with the request: "I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a platter."

Müstair - St. Johann

28 Sep 2015 342
Many churches, chapels and abbeys all over continental Europe claim to be founded by Charlemagne. Saint John Abbey in the village of Müstair (= monasterium) is - most likely - founded in deed by Charlemagne or a bishop under Charles´ order around 774. At that time Charlemagne fought war against the Langobards in Northern Italy and needed save and secure passes over the Alps for his army. Fortified monasteries played an important role in this strategy. Dendrochronological surveys found out, that some of the beams used for the construction cut around 775, what is, when Charlemagne´s soldiers conquered the Lombardy. The "Benediktinerinnenkloster St. Johann", today still a Benedictine nunnery, is since 1983 a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Most spectacular is the interior of the convent´s church, that meanwhile serves the parish. It was constructed in Carolingian times, but remodelled later, when it got a late Gothic vaulted ceiling. Around 1200 all the walls of the church and the apses were covered with Romanesque frescoes. 300 years later, they seemed "old fashioned" - and the walls got whitened. End of the 19th century art historians discovered not only the fresco paintings from 1200, there were wall paintings even from the Carolingian times, dating back to 800. A closer look onto the large fresco painting behind the altar Seen is the right side of the fresco, depicting the burial of John the Baptist. Mark 6:29 "When his disciples heard about it, they came and took his body, and laid it in a tomb."

Müstair - St. Johann

28 Sep 2015 1 399
Many churches, chapels and abbeys all over continental Europe claim to be founded by Charlemagne. Saint John Abbey in the village of Müstair (= monasterium) is - most likely - founded in deed by Charlemagne or a bishop under Charles´ order around 774. At that time Charlemagne fought war against the Langobards in Northern Italy and needed save and secure passes over the Alps for his army. Fortified monasteries played an important role in this strategy. Dendrochronological surveys found out, that some of the beams used for the construction cut around 775, what is, when Charlemagne´s soldiers conquered the Lombardy. The "Benediktinerinnenkloster St. Johann", today still a Benedictine nunnery, is since 1983 a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Most spectacular is the interior of the convent´s church, that meanwhile serves the parish. It was constructed in Carolingian times, but remodelled later, when it got a late Gothic vaulted ceiling. Around 1200 all the walls of the church and the apses were covered with Romanesque frescoes. 300 years later, they seemed "old fashioned" - and the walls got whitened. End of the 19th century art historians discovered not only the fresco paintings from 1200, there were wall paintings even from the Carolingian times, dating back to 800. A closer look onto the large fresco painting behind the altar (cross is covered prior to Easer). Seen is the death of John the Baptist. Mark 6:21-29 "But an opportunity came when Herod on his birthday gave a banquet for his courtiers and officers and for the leaders of Galilee. When his daughter Herodias came in and danced, she pleased Herod and his guests; and the king said to the girl, "Ask me for whatever you wish, and I will give it." (......) She went out and said to her mother, "What should I ask for?" She replied "The head of John the baptizer." Immediately she rushed back to the king and requested "I want you to give me at once the head of John the Baptist on a platter." The king was deeply grieved; yet out of regard for his oaths and for the guests, he did not want to refuse her. Immediately the king sent a soldier of the guard with orders to bring John’s head. He went and beheaded him in the prison, brought his head on a platter, and gave it to the girl. Then the girl gave it to her mother. When his disciples heard about it, they came and took his body, and laid it in a tomb."