Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: Abraham

Soria - Concatedral de San Pedro

24 Aug 2023 1 76
Soria is located on the Douro River at about 1065 meters above sea level. A strategic enclave due to the struggles for territory between the kingdoms of Castile, Navarre, and Aragon, Soria became part of Castile definitively in 1134, during the reign of Alfonso VII. Alfonso VIII was born in Soria in 1155. Booming during the Late Middle Ages thanks to its border location and its control over the cattle industry. In 1380, a court order forbade the Jews to try their own criminal cases in court. In addition, a decree was confirmed, according to which Jews were not allowed to be employed in the royal administration or among the nobility. These resolutions served as the basis for hate speeches that led to the massacre of the Jewish population in 1391. Soria went into a slow decline over the next few centuries. It was damaged greatly during the Peninsular War. The original church may have its origins in the years when Alfonso I the Warrior, was repopulating Soria (1109-1114). The church was donated by the Council of Soria to Bishop Juan II de Osma in 1148. In 1152, the Bishop of Osma, donated the church to the Augustinian canons, raising it to the collegiate church. After the canons formed a monastic community, they decided to demolish the old church and build a new one. In return, they enjoyed the favor of the Castilian monarchs, which was reflected in numerous donations and privileges. A spacious Romanesque church with three naves was built. The monastic community was secularized in 1437 and in 1467 the north pediment of the transept was opened in its present form by a large pointed arch and a Plateresque-style portal. The church collapsed around 1543. Reconstruction work began immediately. At the end of the century the new collegiate church was completed with the construction of the bell tower. Parts of the old monastery survived the collapse of the church in the 16th century. The Romanesque cloister is preserved. A psichostasia, on the right, stands Archangel Michael holding the scale, and in the center, Abraham carrying the souls to heaven. To the left a giant devilish creature

Soria - Concatedral de San Pedro

24 Aug 2023 92
Soria is located on the Douro River at about 1065 meters above sea level. A strategic enclave due to the struggles for territory between the kingdoms of Castile, Navarre, and Aragon, Soria became part of Castile definitively in 1134, during the reign of Alfonso VII. Alfonso VIII was born in Soria in 1155. Booming during the Late Middle Ages thanks to its border location and its control over the cattle industry. In 1380, a court order forbade the Jews to try their own criminal cases in court. In addition, a decree was confirmed, according to which Jews were not allowed to be employed in the royal administration or among the nobility. These resolutions served as the basis for hate speeches that led to the massacre of the Jewish population in 1391. Soria went into a slow decline over the next few centuries. It was damaged greatly during the Peninsular War. The original church may have its origins in the years when Alfonso I the Warrior, was repopulating Soria (1109-1114). The church was donated by the Council of Soria to Bishop Juan II de Osma in 1148. In 1152, the Bishop of Osma, donated the church to the Augustinian canons, raising it to the collegiate church. After the canons formed a monastic community, they decided to demolish the old church and build a new one. In return, they enjoyed the favor of the Castilian monarchs, which was reflected in numerous donations and privileges. A spacious Romanesque church with three naves was built. The monastic community was secularized in 1437 and in 1467 the north pediment of the transept was opened in its present form by a large pointed arch and a Plateresque-style portal. The church collapsed around 1543. Reconstruction work began immediately. At the end of the century the new collegiate church was completed with the construction of the bell tower. Parts of the old monastery survived the collapse of the church in the 16th century. The Romanesque cloister is preserved. A psichostasia, on the right, stands Archangel Michael holding the scale, and in the center, Abraham carrying the souls to heaven. To the left a giant devilish creature

Modena - Duomo

31 Aug 2022 2 67
Modena, an Etruscan foundation, was an important city in the Roman Empire and a stronghold against the barbarian attacks at its end. It is said that it was never sacked by Attila, for a dense fog hid it (a miracle said to be provided by Saint Geminianus, patron of Modena), but it was eventually buried by a great flood in the 7th century and abandoned. Towards the end of the 9th century, Modena was rebuilt and fortified by its bishop Ludovicus. When the construction of the cathedral began in 1099, the city was part of the possessions of Margravine Matilda of Tuscia. But when the building was consecrated by Lucius III in 1184, it was a free commune. In the wars between Frederick II and Gregory IX, it sided with the emperor. Two churches built since the 5th century on the site of the present cathedral were both destroyed when Modena got resettled. A church was erected that soon was too small and a large cathedral was planned. Work on the present cathedral began in 1099 under the direction of the master builder Lanfranco. The first stone was laid in 1099 with the support of Matilda of Tuscia. A plaque outside the main apse gives 23 May 1099 as the date of the foundation of the new Modena Cathedral and also the name of the architect Lanfranco. The cathedral was consecrated by Pope Lucius III in 1184. However, the cathedral was not completed until 1322. The marble parape is supported by columns.

Rostock - Marienkirche

28 Oct 2021 73
With more than 200.000 inhabitants Rostock is the largest city in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Small Slavic settlements existed already in the 8th century. A settlement named Roztok was founded in the 11th century by Polabian Slavs. This town was burnt down by troops of the Danish king Valdemar I in 1161. Afterwards the place was settled by German traders. After 1226 Rostock became the seat of the Lordship of Rostock. In the 1250s the city became a member of the Hanseatic League. In the 14th century it was a powerful seaport town with 12,000 inhabitants and the largest city in Mecklenburg. Ships for cruising the Baltic Sea were constructed in Rostock. Until the last Hansa Convention in 1669, Rostock took a leading role in the Baltic Sea behind Lübeck. - Marienkirche is a large Brick Gothic church. Built in the 13th century, it was enlarged and modified at the end of the 14th century into the present basilica. The first reference to a church on this site is in 1232, which is thought to be the predecessor of the current building. The triple-nave cross-shaped basilica is in Brick Gothic, a building style typical of the Hanseatic port cities. The huge tower with a baroque lantern at the top was not completed until the end of the 18th century. In 1419, the University of Rostock was founded, the oldest university in the Baltic Sea area. It was ceremoniously opened in the Marienkirche. The parish priest of the church, Nikolaus Türkow, was personally involved in the founding of the university and the church remained closely associated with it for a long time. Even today, the "professors' pews" indicate that St. Mary's Church had the function of a university and council church until the turn of the century around 1900. Valuable fabrics and embroideries were part of the furnishings of large churches in the Middle Ages. Only a few have survived the test of time. Here is a small section of the so-called "Marienteppich", which was used as a wall hanging. Abraham´s "Binding of Isaac

Bad Goegging - St. Andreas

04 Jan 2013 100
The former parish church St. Andreas in Bad Goegging has a very winding and interesting history. This is the second church here. The predecessing one was built once over the basin of a Roman thermal bath, used by the Roman troops for recreation. There is a speculation, that Christians lived here already during the late Roman times. It is proven that this place was a Christian center during the time of the early missionaries. Only about 12kms north is Weltenburg Abbey, the oldest Bavarian monastery founded by iro-scottish monks in 617 - and there may have been connections to Goegging. The northern portal of St. Andreas is so elaborate, that this church must have been important during the 12th century. The entrance is flanked by two small lions, guarding the door. The portal so outstanding, it has been connected to the "Magistri Comacini" from Northern Italy, but the style seen here is rather rough. The Lombardic master masons mostly carved in a more elegant, softer style (eg Koenigslutter). There are many "interpretations" of all the different icons found here. There are 14 framed reliefs in Bad Goegging. Peter Leuschner ("Romanische Kirchen in Bayern") refers to late Dr. J. Reichart, an archeologist from nearby Ingolstadt, who divided them in to three groups. Following Dr. Reichart, seven carvings illustrate the seven deadly sins, three depicts scene from the Old and four scenes of the New Testament. I am not completely sure about these interpretations. What looks like two well dressed arm wrestlers on first sight. might be - following Dr. Reichart´s interpretation - Melchizedek handing over bread and wine to Abraham. Genesis 14, 18ff Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And praise be to God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand.”

Bad Goegging - St. Andreas

07 Jan 2013 112
The former parish church St. Andreas in Bad Goegging has a very winding and interesting history. This is the second church here. The predecessing one was built once over the basin of a Roman thermal bath, used by the Roman troops for recreation. There is a speculation, that Christians lived here already during the late Roman times. It is proven that this place was a Christian center during the time of the early missionaries. Only about 12kms north is Weltenburg Abbey, the oldest Bavarian monastery founded by iro-scottish monks in 617 - and there may have been connections to Goegging. The northern portal of St. Andreas is so elaborate, that this church must have been important during the 12th century. The entrance is flanked by two small lions, guarding the door. The portal so outstanding, it has been connected to the "Magistri Comacini" from Northern Italy, but the style seen here is rather rough. The Lombardic master masons mostly carved in a more elegant, softer style (eg Koenigslutter). There are many "interpretations" of all the different icons found here. There are 14 framed reliefs in Bad Goegging. Peter Leuschner ("Romanische Kirchen in Bayern") refers to late Dr. J. Reichart, an archeologist from nearby Ingolstadt, who divided them in to three groups. Following Dr. Reichart, seven carvings illustrate the seven deadly sins, three depicts scene from the Old and four scenes of the New Testament. I am not completely sure about these interpretations. A large frame, very roughly carved, from the right side of the portal. Following Dr. Reichart´s interpretation this depicts Genesis 22:13 "And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold, behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns." The animal seen is a ram, but why should Abraham be in such a position. He does not even have feet. I have the impression, that the person on the right is not Abraham, but the angle, who is just placing/pushing the ram "in the thicket". As angels can fly - there are no feet.

Otranto - Cattedrale di Otranto

06 Oct 2020 2 180
Otranto occupies the site of an ancient Greek city. It gained importance in Roman times, as it was the nearest port to the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. After the end of the Roman Empire, it was in the hands of the Byzantine emperors until it surrendered to the Norman troops of Robert Guiscard in 1068. The Normans fortified the city and built the cathedral, that got consecrated in 1088. When Henry VI., son of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, married Constanze of Sicily in 1186 Otranto came under the rule of the Hohenstaufen and later in the hands of Ferdinand I of Aragón, King of Naples. Between 1480 and 1481 the "Ottoman invasion" took place here. Troops of the Ottoman Empire invaded and laid siege to the city and its citadel. Legends tell that more than 800 inhabitants were beheaded after the city was captured. The "Martyrs of Otranto" are still celebrated in Italy, their skulls are on display in the cathedral. A year later the Ottoman garrison surrendered the city following a siege by Christian forces and the intervention of Papal forces. - Otranto had been one of the last Byzantine strongholds in Apulia, but finally Robert Guiscard could take it. It had probably been such a stronghold, as Otranto had hosted an autocephalous bishopric, only dependent of the patriarchal see of Byzantium since 968. So (Roman) Catholicism had to perform something "convincing" for the so long (Byzantine) Orthodox christians. One was to erect a huge church. The Otranto Cathedral was erected, over ruins of a Paleo-christian church from 1080 on and was consecrated in 1088. It is 54 metres long by 25 metres wide and is built on 42 monolithic granite and marble columns. I had come to Otranto, to see the mosaic. I had planned to stay one night in Otranto, I spent three nights - and still had not seen all the details. I was so overwhelmed, that I took hundreds of photos, but the mosaic is "endless". I will upload only a couple. It was created by a monk named Pantaleon and his workshop between 1163 and 1165. Pantaleon lived at the monastery San Nicola di Casole, located a few kilometres south of Otranto. The mosaic covers the nave, both aisles, the apse and the presbytery. This sums up to a total of 1596 m². About 10 000000 (10 million!) "tesserae" were used. There are scholars, who have counted up to 700 different "stories", that are told here. Though, these "stories" are often disputed, as today's interpretations are mostly very "vague". German historian Carl Arnold Willemsen published the most important book about the mosaic in Italian " L'enigma di Otranto", that since the 1970s is translated in many languages. I followed his theories. As the church is a parish church, there are benches placed on the mosaic floor. Only for the Sunday service, the ropes are open so that the parishioners can reach the benches. I stayed up to Sunday to mix with the locals. The left aisle has like the nave and the right aisle a tree in the middle. Here it separates hell (right) from heaven (left). Here the damage of the mosaic is obvious. The souls are welcomed to heaven by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but not much more than the elbow and the name of Jacob survived the times. The icon refers to Lk 16,22–23 "And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom."

Abbaye de Cadouin

21 Apr 2020 3 148
A hermitage was founded here by Géraud de Salles, a friend of Robert de Arbrissel, the of the Cistercian abbey of Fontevrault. In 1119 the hermitage was made an abbey, connected to the Abbaye de Pontigny. The Abbaye de Cîteaux ceded twelve monks to Cadouin for the first settlement of the monastery. Around 1200 the monastery came into possession of the "Saint-Suaire de Cadouin". This was believed to be the facecloth from the tomb of Christ, said to have been brought from Antioch by a priest after the first crusade. This relic made the abbey an important place of pilgrimage on the way to Santiago and brought it great prestige and wealth. Even Louis IX of France ("St. Louis"), Richard I of England ("Richard the Lionheart") and Emperor Charles V ("Charles Quint") visited Cadouin to see the relic. The war of the 14th century let the pilgrimage come to an end and let the abbey decline. In 1357 the abbey was ruined and only two monks stayed to guard the shroud, that was transferred to Toulouse in 1392. This transport of shroud to Toulouse deprived the abbey of donations. The shroud returned and with the strong support of the French Kings, the abbey recovered after 1455. Thanks to royal protection, the cloister was rebuilt in an extravagant way. The abbey was affiliated to the Cistercian order, but not founded by it. This is one reason, that may explain the enormous creativity here, as "normally" the Cistercian art is very sober. Though the authenticity of the shroud was attested in 1644, the abbey did never fully recover after the Wars of Religions. During the French Revolution, the abbey was dissolved and got looted. In 1793 the abbey, apart from the church, was sold as a national property. The mayor of Cadouin hid the shroud during the Revolution until it was returned to worship in 1797. It was the Bishop of Perigueux in the mid 19th century, who "relaunched" the pilgrimage, that prospered again up to 1934. That year, a historian dated the shroud thanks to the presence of decorative bands decorated with a text. An inscription was found in Kufic style, opened by the "fatiha", the Islamic profession of faith, the text then indicates that the veil was woven at the time of Al-Musta'li, the caliph of Fatimid Egypt, at the end of the 11th century. The extravagant cloister has many very interesting carvings. The "Binding of Isaac" Genesis 22.9 -13 "When they came to the place that God had told him about, Abraham built the altar and arranged the wood on it. Then he tied up his son Isaac and laid him on top of the wood on the altar. Next, Abraham picked up the knife and took it in his hand to sacrifice his son. But the Messenger of the Lord called to him from heaven and said, “Abraham! Abraham!” "Yes?"” he answered. "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you did not refuse to give me your son, your only son." When Abraham looked around, he saw a ram behind him caught by its horns in a bush. So Abraham took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering in place of his son."

Benet - Sainte-Eulalie

07 Apr 2017 222
A Benedictian piory existed here since the 11th century. A large church for the convent was erected from the 12th century on. Of this church only the western facade survived. Though weathered and vandalized the facade still has many elements of the Romanesque church. When the church got rebuilt, after the naves had collapsed, in the 15th century large buttresses were needed, to stabilize the structure. During the French Revolution served as a Temple of Reason and was later used as a saltpeter factory, what means explosive gunpowder (sulfur + charcoal + saltpeter was produced here. Benet is a small town, west of Niort, in the Vendée, the deprtament where in 1793 the "War in the Vendée", an uprise against the young republic, was fought. The counterrevolutionary rebellion ended, when tens of thousands of civilians were massacred by the Republican army. A closer look onto Sainte-Eulalie´s facade. The elaborate archivolt around the central window makes clear, why this is known as a "bible de pierre", a bible from stone. Many biblical scenes can be found here. The carving style is delicate and reminds on works in the Charente (eg Fenioux). Here is the "Sacrifice of Isaac". Genesis 22:9-13 "When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!” "Here I am," he replied. "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son." Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son."

Bordeaux - Saint-Seurin

29 Mar 2017 256
Saint-Seurin was originally built outside the city walls close to an ancient necropolis. The Abbey of St. Seurin bears the name of the venerated fourth bishop of Bordeaux. A first building, confirmed towards mid 5th century, got destroyed by the Normans in the 8th century. It was reconstructed above the crypt of St. Seurin from the 11th to 13th centuries. The church underwent many modifications and got a new facade during the 19th century. Behind this facade parts of the Romanesque portal got saved. This capital (seen from two sides) depicts Abraham´s sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22). Bordeaux was one of the major halts on the Via Turonensis. The grave of Saint-Seurin was an important place for the many pilgrims. Another precious relic, shown here, was the ivory horn of Roland, who died at Roncevaux and whose (legendary) burial place most pilgrims will have seen in Blaye. Tradition claims that the horn "olifant", still reported in the 17th century and lost before the French Revolution, had been left by the Charlemagne on the altar of St. Seurin.

Le Teil - Saint-Étienne de Mélas

15 Jan 2017 232
A church is known in Mélas (now part of Le Teil), located at the Roman road connecting Lyon and Nîmes, since merovingien times. A noble lady named Fredegonde founded a nunnery in Mélas end of the 6th century, dedicated to Saint-Étienne and Saint Saturnin. Today´s church is younger. It consists out of three parts built in different times. The oldest part is an octogonal chapel, dated the the 9th/10th century (see previous uploads). Two of the three aisles were erected in the 12th/13th century. Here are some Romanesque capitals. This capital depicts the "Sacrifice of Isaac". Genesis 22:9-13 "When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!” "Here I am," he replied. "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son." Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son."

Parma - Duomo di Parma

07 Nov 2016 215
Parma, part of the Holy Roman Empire since Charlemagne´s times, was locally ruled by its bishops. During the long Investiture Controversy, Parma was (mostly) member of the Imperial party ("Ghibellini"). Two of Parma´s bishops even became antipopes: Càdalo as Honorius II and Guibert as Clement III. A paleochristian basilica had existed here in the 6th century. This church burnt down and got replaced in the 9th century by Bishop Wibod. This cathedral was destroyed by fire in 1055. Bishop Càdalo (= antipope Honorius II) begun the construction of the Duomo di Parma in 1059. The Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta got consecrated in 1106, but the new church was heavily damaged by the earthquake in 1117 and had to be restored. Originally the Duomo was erected on a Latin cross plan, with a nave and two transept arms. Later chapels and structures were added, so by now, the plan is pretty complex. It is actually not allowed, to take photos inside the Duomo di Parma, but nevertheless I took a few. Very few. The golden capital depicts Abraham, stopped by an angel, to sacrifice his son Isaac.

Fidenza - Cattedrale di San Donnino

27 Oct 2016 1 240
In 1927, what is pretty recent, the city "Borgo San Donnino" changed it´s name to "Fidenza", as in Roman times it was known as "Fidentia Julia". The city was named and the Duomo inside the walls was dedicated to San Donnino di Fidenza (aka "Domninus of Fidenza"), who was martyred nearby in 291. Sigeric the Serious, Archbishop of Canterbury, made the pilgrimage to Rome following the Via Francigena around 990. His contemporary records of this journey still exist (and are source for the modern guide books). He reached "Sce Domnine" after 36 days, what is pretty fast for more than 1000kms. The erection of the Cattedrale di San Donnino started in the 11th century, the first consecration took place in 1106, though the building process continued. From around 1200 on Master Benedetto Antelami and his workshop worked here, not only as Master masons. Antelami may as well be the architect of the facade. Frederick Barbarossa had entrusted "Borgo San Donnino" to the Pallavicino family of Piacenza. In 1268 - after a siege - the city was conquered by the troops of Parma, who looted and burnt down it completely. All houses got destroyed at that time just the Duomo was saved, but it was not completed at that time. The building process came to a stop - and was never continued. A detail of the facade, carved by Benedetto Antelami and/or his workshop. The "Bosom of Abraham" above a group of saint ladies.

Ravenna - San Vitale

26 Sep 2016 232
The "Basilica di San Vitale" was erected on an octagonal plan from 526 on, when Ravenna was under the rule of the Ostrogoths, followers of the Arianism. It was completed and got consecrated in 547, when Ravenna was part of the Byzantine Empire. The church combines Roman with Byzantine elements. It is most famous for its wealth of Byzantine mosaics, the largest and best preserved outside of Constantinople. It is one of the most important examples of early Christian Byzantine art and architecture in Europe. The impact, that this church had on the Wesern European architecture, can hardly be overestimated. The Palatine Chapel in Aachen, commisioned by Charlemagne, has strong parallels to San Vitale. Here are Abraham and his wife Sarah. Genesis 18:1-10 "The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground. He said, "If I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your servant by. Let a little water be brought, and then you may all wash your feet and rest under this tree. Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way—now that you have come to your servant." "Very well," they answered, "do as you say." So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah. "Quick," he said, "get three seahs of the finest flour and knead it and bake some bread." Then he ran to the herd and selected a choice, tender calf and gave it to a servant, who hurried to prepare it. He then brought some curds and milk and the calf that had been prepared, and set these before them. While they ate, he stood near them under a tree. "Where is your wife Sarah?" they asked him. "There, in the tent," he said. Then one of them said, "I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son." Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him."

Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire - Abbey

30 Jan 2015 211
The abbey at Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire (originally known as Fleury Abbey) was founded on the banks of the Loire river mid 7th century. It is one of the oldest abbeys of the Benedictine rule in France. The story starts in 672, when some of its monks traveled to Montecassino (Italy), dug up the remains of St. Benedict of Nursia (+ 547) and his sister St. Scholastica and brought them home. After the relics had reached at Fleury Abbey it which was renamed Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire - and due to the relics became a major place of pilgrimage. A famous school and a scriptorium existed here in the late 10th century. The erection of the church started around 1071. When the church was consecrated in 1108, the long nave was not completed. The abbey thrived, but times got rougher. In 1562, the abbey was pillaged by Huguenots. The buildings were restored, but looted and destroyed again during the French Revolution. Saint-Benoît's monks left the abbey and so the history of the convent ended after more than 1100 years. The abbey church had escaped destruction and got restored in the 19th century. In 1944, the convent was refounded the abbey buildings were rebuilt by Benedictine monks after World War II. So the history of the convent was just interrupted for about 150 years. The nave got vaulted probably end of the 12th century, some decades later a side-portal was created in Gothic style. On the lintel the "translatio" of St. Benedict´s relics is "told". Seen here are the returning monks, carrying the reliquary to the abbey. Fortunately the Huguenots and/or Revolutionists obviously had no ladders, when the vandalized the church, so only the jamb statues, that were in easy reach, are very damaged.

Bareyo - Santa Maria

25 Nov 2014 1 281
The "Iglesia de Santa Maria" was built in the second half of the 12th century. From the little hill, the shoreline can be seen. The "Camino del Norte" (aka "Camino de la Costa"), the oldest known "camino" to Santiago de Compostela run along the northern coast, as moorish troops roamed the inland. Even in the 12th century, when this church was erected, this way was popular as the pilgrims could visit the Monastery of Santo Toribio de Liébana. As the largest part of the "True Cross" (aka "Lignum Crucis") was venerated in that monastery, it had the privilege of perpetual indulgences. The "Iglesia de Santa Maria" is known for some extraordinary Romanesque carvings. Here are Abraham and his son Isaac. They are probably waiting for an angel to come.

Perros-Guirec - Saint-Jacques

23 Oct 2014 241
The first church ever built here, was near the sea, where Saint Guirec, a missionary from Wales, went ashore in the 6th century. The parish church seen here was erected little inland, on a hill ("Perros" - "Pen-roz") and was dedicated to Saint Guirec. Within the 11th century, the first pilgrims on their way to Santiago passed through and so Saint-Jaques was added. Five bays of the 11th century the nave still exist. The eastern 6 bays and the choir were added in Gothic style later. The old, Romanesque nave is flanked by massive, granite pillars. Some of them have strange, rough carvings. Cain and Abel? Abraham?

Laon - Cathedral

28 Jun 2014 339
In Laon, placed on a ridge and overlooking the flat Picardy plain, St. Remi founded a bishopric in 487. Laon was a very important place in the kingdom of the Franks. A Carolingian cathedral, consecrated in 800 in the presence of Charlemagne, existed here. The Carolingian structure got replaced two centuries later by a Romanesque structure, consecrated in 1071. This cathedral was torched by the citizens during the Easter Insurrection on 25 April 1112. Bishop Waldric (aka "Gaudry"), who had served as Lord Chancellor and Lord Keeper of England, from 1103 to 1107 (and described as greedy and very violent) was killed during the uproar. The cathedral got repaired, but in the end demolished to give room for the present cathedral. The construction began about 1160. The nave was completed after 1205. The "Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Laon", towering over the town, is a wonderful, early example of the Gothic style that developed in Northern France. The central portal. In the very center (trumeau) Virgin Mary standing on a dragon - and holding the child. The jamb statues seem to be prophets of the Old Testament. Abraham (and his son) to the left. The tympanum depicts death and assumption of Mary. In the center above she is seated (crowned) aside Christ. She holds a sceptre, while he holds the bible. They seem to talk.

21 items in total