Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: iconoclast
La Rochelle - Rue Sean Jean du Perot
11 Oct 2018 |
La Rochelle was an important harbour already within the 12th century. When in 1152 Eleanor of Aquitaine married Henry Plantagenet (later "Henry II"), La Rochelle came under Plantagenet rule. After the first "Siege of La Rochelle" Louis VIII captured the town in 1224. From 1360 on it was English again for 12 years
In the 16th century La Rochelle adopted Calvinism. in 1560 La Rochelle and Rouen were the first French cities experiencing iconoclastic riots. Following the "Massacre of Vassy" (1562), one of the triggers of the "Wars of Religion", Protestants pillaged Catholic churches, destroyed images and killed 13 priests.
La Rochelle became a centre for the Huguenots. The city declared itself an independent "Reformed Republic", what of course led to conflicts with the central government. In 1571 the city suffered a naval blockade by the French Navy and was besieged 1572-1573. la Rochelle recovered and prospered for a while but in 1622 the next revolt started, when a fleet from La Rochelle fought a royal fleet and was defeated. Only three years later Huguenot troops invaded and occupied the Île de Ré and later the Île d'Oléron. For a while the troops controlled the Atlantic coast from Nantes to Bordeaux. In 1625 the Huguenots were finally defeated and both islands recaptured by Royal troops.
After these events Cardinal Richelieu , Louis XIII´s Chief Minister, declared the suppression of the Huguenot revolt the first priority of the kingdom. Royal troops blockaded La Rochelle in the "Siege of La Rochelle" for 14 months until the city surrendered. Over the next years many Protestant families were expelled. The persecution of the Huguenots culminated with the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, what let many families to emigrate from France.
In 2015 the "Community of Protestant Churches in Europe" bestowed La Rochelle the honoric title "European City of the Reformation".
Hundreds of thousends tourists visit La Rochelle over the summer months and they all seem to gather in the old town for dinner in the evening. Dozends of restaurants line up the Rue Sean Jean du Perot.
La Rochelle - Grosse Horloge
11 Oct 2018 |
La Rochelle was an important harbour already within the 12th century. When in 1152 Eleanor of Aquitaine married Henry Plantagenet (later "Henry II"), La Rochelle came under Plantagenet rule. After the first "Siege of La Rochelle" Louis VIII captured the town in 1224. From 1360 on it was English again for 12 years
In the 16th century La Rochelle adopted Calvinism. in 1560 La Rochelle and Rouen were the first French cities experiencing iconoclastic riots. Following the "Massacre of Vassy" (1562), one of the triggers of the "Wars of Religion", Protestants pillaged Catholic churches, destroyed images and killed 13 priests.
La Rochelle became a centre for the Huguenots. The city declared itself an independent "Reformed Republic", what of course led to conflicts with the central government. In 1571 the city suffered a naval blockade by the French Navy and was besieged 1572-1573. la Rochelle recovered and prospered for a while but in 1622 the next revolt started, when a fleet from La Rochelle fought a royal fleet and was defeated. Only three years later Huguenot troops invaded and occupied the Île de Ré and later the Île d'Oléron. For a while the troops controlled the Atlantic coast from Nantes to Bordeaux. In 1625 the Huguenots were finally defeated and both islands recaptured by Royal troops.
After these events Cardinal Richelieu , Louis XIII´s Chief Minister, declared the suppression of the Huguenot revolt the first priority of the kingdom. Royal troops blockaded La Rochelle in the "Siege of La Rochelle" for 14 months until the city surrendered. Over the next years many Protestant families were expelled. The persecution of the Huguenots culminated with the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, what let many families to emigrate from France.
In 2015 the "Community of Protestant Churches in Europe" bestowed La Rochelle the honoric title "European City of the Reformation".
The "Porte de la Grosse-Horloge" was once one of a gateways to the fortified city, originally constructed in the 12th century. It got altered many times, last time in 1746.
La Rochelle - Vieux Port
11 Oct 2018 |
La Rochelle was an important harbour already within the 12th century. When in 1152 Eleanor of Aquitaine married Henry Plantagenet (later "Henry II"), La Rochelle came under Plantagenet rule. After the first "Siege of La Rochelle" Louis VIII captured the town in 1224. From 1360 on it was English again for 12 years
In the 16th century La Rochelle adopted Calvinism. in 1560 La Rochelle and Rouen were the first French cities experiencing iconoclastic riots. Following the "Massacre of Vassy" (1562), one of the triggers of the "Wars of Religion", Protestants pillaged Catholic churches, destroyed images and killed 13 priests.
La Rochelle became a centre for the Huguenots. The city declared itself an independent "Reformed Republic", what of course led to conflicts with the central government. In 1571 the city suffered a naval blockade by the French Navy and was besieged 1572-1573. la Rochelle recovered and prospered for a while but in 1622 the next revolt started, when a fleet from La Rochelle fought a royal fleet and was defeated. Only three years later Huguenot troops invaded and occupied the Île de Ré and later the Île d'Oléron. For a while the troops controlled the Atlantic coast from Nantes to Bordeaux. In 1625 the Huguenots were finally defeated and both islands recaptured by Royal troops.
After these events Cardinal Richelieu , Louis XIII´s Chief Minister, declared the suppression of the Huguenot revolt the first priority of the kingdom. Royal troops blockaded La Rochelle in the "Siege of La Rochelle" for 14 months until the city surrendered. Over the next years many Protestant families were expelled. The persecution of the Huguenots culminated with the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, what let many families to emigrate from France.
In 2015 the "Community of Protestant Churches in Europe" bestowed La Rochelle the honoric title "European City of the Reformation".
The "Vieux Port" ("Old Harbour"), in the center of the city, was fortified by the "Tour de la Chaine" und "Tour St. Nicolas". Today the harbour it is used by many yachts and pleasure crafts.
La Rochelle
11 Oct 2018 |
La Rochelle was an important harbour already within the 12th century. When in 1152 Eleanor of Aquitaine married Henry Plantagenet (later "Henry II"), La Rochelle came under Plantagenet rule. After the first "Siege of La Rochelle" Louis VIII captured the town in 1224. From 1360 on it was English again for 12 years
In the 16th century La Rochelle adopted Calvinism. in 1560 La Rochelle and Rouen were the first French cities experiencing iconoclastic riots. Following the "Massacre of Vassy" (1562), one of the triggers of the "Wars of Religion", Protestants pillaged Catholic churches, destroyed images and killed 13 priests.
La Rochelle became a centre for the Huguenots. The city declared itself an independent "Reformed Republic", what of course led to conflicts with the central government. In 1571 the city suffered a naval blockade by the French Navy and was besieged 1572-1573. la Rochelle recovered and prospered for a while but in 1622 the next revolt started, when a fleet from La Rochelle fought a royal fleet and was defeated. Only three years later Huguenot troops invaded and occupied the Île de Ré and later the Île d'Oléron. For a while the troops controlled the Atlantic coast from Nantes to Bordeaux. In 1625 the Huguenots were finally defeated and both islands recaptured by Royal troops.
After these events Cardinal Richelieu , Louis XIII´s Chief Minister, declared the suppression of the Huguenot revolt the first priority of the kingdom. Royal troops blockaded La Rochelle in the "Siege of La Rochelle" for 14 months until the city surrendered. Over the next years many Protestant families were expelled. The persecution of the Huguenots culminated with the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, what let many families to emigrate from France.
In 2015 the "Community of Protestant Churches in Europe" bestowed La Rochelle the honoric title "European City of the Reformation".
Surprisingly La Rochelle has a beach.
Tongeren - Onze-Lieve-Vrouwebasiliek
16 Jun 2018 |
Tongeren, founded 15BC under the name of "Aduatuca Tungrorum", is the oldest town in Belgium. The Romans set up a military camp, that was later abandoned, - but the settlement, that had grown around the camp developed into an important trading center near the Roman road linking Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium (Cologne) to Bononia (Boulogne-sur-Mer). Though strongly fortified the Franks sacked the town in 275.
The Roman reign endet when the town got destroyed in 451 probably by the Huns. At that time a seat of a bishop existed here already. This see later moved on to Maastricht (595) and finally to Liege (718). In 881 Tongeren was raided and looted by the Normans. The largely destroyed city was rebuilt in the 10th century.
Tongeren prospered but in 1677 Louis XIV’s troops blew up the city walls and burned the town down. It took the town two centuries to recover from this.
Where the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwebasiliek stands now, was the bishopric see with Saint Maternus and Saint Servatius, the first bishops of the diocese founded here. In Carolingian times a collegiate convent existed and a pre-Romanesque church was erected, that later got replaced by a Romanesque structure. This church burned down during a war, fought by the prince-bishop of Liège, the Count of Loon, the Duke of Brabant and the French King.
Following the complete demolition of the burnt church, the construction of the large-scale gothic collegiate and town church began in 1240. It was completed in its present form in the 16th century.
Since some years the basilica´s treasures are displayed in the "Teseum", a museum, located in the building of the former collegiate, that adjoins the church.
From the museum, the visitor is able to enter the cloister. When the massive Gothic choir got built, the older Romanesque cloister was partly demolished. The "new" one was erected a little more east to give room for the choir.
Vandals destroyed this tympanum, they took the effort to chisel off all details. Often such vandalism happened after the French Revolution, but protestant iconoclasts did that as well.
Pont-de-Salars - Saint-Georges
10 Dec 2015 |
There may have been a settlement already in the 9th century on the banks of the river Viaur, a church was obviously erected within the 12th century.
According to a legend St. Georges´ horse jumping over the river Viaur left a mark of the hooves on a rock - inside the church. As the church was locked - I could not see the rock.
This incomplete "Majestas Domini" is over the (locked) portal.
I learned from the information given here, the carving was brought to Saint-Georges to save it from destruction, when iconoclasts raided churches in Rodez.
I do not know, where it really came from, but it must have been the center of a very large tympanum. It actually looks like a twin of the "Majestas Domini" in Conques (40kms north of Rodez). It is a little rougher than the carving in Conques, but even details are the same.
Tours - Cathédrale Saint-Gatien
28 Apr 2015 |
The first church, dedicated to Saint Maurice, was built here on order of Lidoire, bishop of Tours from 337 to 371 (preceding Saint Martin). This church burnt down 561, it was restored by Gregory of Tours in 590. This church then got replaced by a Romanesque structure, that again burnt in 1166 during the conflict between Louis VII of France and Henry II of England, who as well was Count of Anjou.
The erection of the present cathedral started around 1170
The chancel was built 1236 to 1279, but the nave took longer to build. It was completed end of the 14th century, before the Gothic facade was finished about 100 years later.
In 1562 Huguenot iconoclasts created great damages here, but they did not destroy the 13th century stained glass windows of the choir. Here is a detail from the "nativity window".
The "Dream of the Magi" and the Magi on their way home.
For many pilgrims on their way to Santiago, the Magi were ideals, as they took a long way as well. So it is no surprise, that the Magi can be found frequently along the "chemin".
Tours - Cathédrale Saint-Gatien
28 Apr 2015 |
The first church, dedicated to Saint Maurice, was built here on order of Lidoire, bishop of Tours from 337 to 371 (preceding Saint Martin). This church burnt down 561, it was restored by Gregory of Tours in 590. This church then got replaced by a Romanesque structure, that again burnt in 1166 during the conflict between Louis VII of France and Henry II of England, who as well was Count of Anjou.
The erection of the present cathedral started around 1170
The chancel was built 1236 to 1279, but the nave took longer to build. It was completed end of the 14th century, before the Gothic facade was finished about 100 years later.
In 1562 Huguenot iconoclasts created great damages here, but they did not destroy the 13th century stained glass windows of the choir. Here is a detail from the "nativity window" (previous upload).
The Magi on their way, following the star. Their visit at the palace of Herod (holding a sword). Above is the "Adoration of the Magi".
Tours - Cathédrale Saint-Gatien
28 Apr 2015 |
The first church, dedicated to Saint Maurice, was built here on order of Lidoire, bishop of Tours from 337 to 371 (preceding Saint Martin). This church burnt down 561, it was restored by Gregory of Tours in 590. This church then got replaced by a Romanesque structure, that again burnt in 1166 during the conflict between Louis VII of France and Henry II of England, who as well was Count of Anjou.
The erection of the present cathedral started around 1170
The chancel was built 1236 to 1279, but the nave took longer to build. It was completed end of the 14th century, before the Gothic facade was finished about 100 years later.
In 1562 Huguenot iconoclasts created great damages here, but they did not destroy the 13th century stained glass windows of the choir.
Tours - Cathédrale Saint-Gatien
28 Apr 2015 |
The first church, dedicated to Saint Maurice, was built here on order of Lidoire, bishop of Tours from 337 to 371 (preceding Saint Martin). This church burnt down 561, it was restored by Gregory of Tours in 590. This church then got replaced by a Romanesque structure, that again burnt in 1166 during the conflict between Louis VII of France and Henry II of England, who as well was Count of Anjou.
The erection of the present cathedral started around 1170
The chancel was built 1236 to 1279, but the nave took longer to build. It was completed end of the 14th century, before the Gothic facade was finished about 100 years later.
In 1562 Huguenot iconoclasts created great damages here, but they did not destroy the 13th century stained glass windows of the choir. Not surprising Sant Martin (aka "Martin of Tours") can be found.
Here Saint Martin cuts his cloak in half to share with the beggar.
Here Saint Martin cuts his cloak in half to share with the beggar.
The cloak became a famous relic preserved at the Marmoutier Abbey near Tours. The miraculous cloak, ("cappa Sancti Martini") was carried by the kings and used as a holy relic during royal ceremonies. It is attested in the royal treasury in 679.
The priests who cared for the cloak in its reliquary were called "cappellani". The word developed - French "chapelains", English "chaplain", German "Kaplan".
The small temporary churches built for the relic were called "capella", the word for a little cloak. This word developed as well. French "chapelle", English "chapel", German "Kapelle".
Tours - Cathédrale Saint-Gatien
27 Apr 2015 |
The first church, dedicated to Saint Maurice, was built here on order of Lidoire, bishop of Tours from 337 to 371 (preceding Saint Martin). This church burnt down 561, it was restored by Gregory of Tours in 590. This church then got replaced by a Romanesque structure, that again burnt in 1166 during the conflict between Louis VII of France and Henry II of England, who as well was Count of Anjou.
The erection of the present cathedral started around 1170
The chancel was built 1236 to 1279, but the nave took longer to build. It was completed end of the 14th century, before the Gothic facade was finished about 100 years later.
In 1562 Huguenot iconoclasts created great damages here, but they did not destroy the 13th century stained glass windows of the choir. Here is one of them, themed around Saint Martin.
Tours - Cathédrale Saint-Gatien
27 Apr 2015 |
The first church, dedicated to Saint Maurice, was built here on order of Lidoire, bishop of Tours from 337 to 371 (preceding Saint Martin). This church burnt down 561, it was restored by Gregory of Tours in 590. This church then got replaced by a Romanesque structure, that again burnt in 1166 during the conflict between Louis VII of France and Henry II of England, who as well was Count of Anjou.
The erection of the present cathedral started around 1170
The chancel was built 1236 to 1279, but the nave took longer to build. It was completed end of the 14th century, before the Gothic facade was finished about 100 years later.
The nave is about 90m long. The choir the oldest part of the church. In 1562 Huguenot iconoclasts created great damages here, but they did not destroy the stained glass windows of the choir.
Caen - Abbaye aux Hommes
01 Sep 2014 |
Caen was a settlement already in Roman times, but prospered, when
William the Conqueror (aka "William the Bastard") built a castle here. When William married Matilda of Flanders (~ 1051) a papal ban was issued at the Council of Reims on the grounds of consanguinity. In 1059 Pope Nicholas awarded dispensation, after William and Matilda agreed to found to monasteries as penance.
William founded the Abbey of Saint-Etienne (aka "Abbaye aux Hommes"), Matilda founded the Abbey Sainte-Trinité (aka "Abbaye aux Dames"). The erection of both abbeys started in Caen around 1060.
The "Abbaye aux Hommes" was suppressed during the French Revolution, the Benedictine monks left. The church became a parish church after the revolution.
Most of the nave is Romanesque, while already within the 13th century the Romanesque choir got replaced by this Gothic one. This small carving, depicting a flexible male person, can be found in the nave. It was found obviously by iconoclastic Calvinists, who vandalized the abbey-church in the 1560s.
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