Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: singe cordé
Burgos - Catedral de Burgos
04 Sep 2023 |
In the 7th/8th century, the area was reconquered from the hands of the Moors by the kings of Asturias. A castle was built in 884 on the orders of King Alfonso III. Burgos became the coronation city of the kings of Castile in the 11th century, which underlines its special importance. After the conquest of Toledo by Alfonso VI. (1085). The city became the see of a Diocese and was a major stop for pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela. Burgos lost its importance a little, but the city remained an important economic, cultural, and political center in northern Spain. The Convento de San Pablo was a Dominican monastery founded in 1224 that existed until 1835.
The construction of the cathedral was ordered by King Ferdinand III of Castile and the Bishop of Burgos. Ferdinand had just married Barbarossa´s granddaughter Beatrice of Swabia (aka "Elisabeth of Swabia") and wanted a cathedral, reflecting his new role in the European power game.
The former Romanesque cathedral was demolished in 1221, and the construction of the new Gothic started under the guidance of a French architect. After nine years, the chevet was completed and the high altar was consecrated. Then the construction stopped for about 200 years.
Attending the Council of Basel (aka "Council of Florence") in 1435 bishop Alfonso de Cartagena saw the elegant towers of the Basel Minster. When he returned to Burgos he was accompanied by German architect Johannes von Köln (aka "Juan de Colonia"), who probably knew the blueprints of the towers, planned for the Cathedral of Cologne. Under his guidance, the towers of the Cathedral were completed in open tracery. He was followed on the construction site by his son Simon de Colonia. Francisco de Colonia, Simon's son, continued the work and created the Pellejería-Portal. This was a family business.
As I have uploaded many photos of the cathedral before, I will only add a few for now.
A dog and a monkey
Santo Domingo de Silos - Monasterio de Santo Domin…
31 Aug 2023 |
Santo Domingo de Silos is a village with a population of about 300 - and at least one nice hotel.
The first monastery was founded here in the Visigoth period (~ 590), but this monastery did not survive the Muslim period. A monastery was founded here again in 929, but it came to a standstill again after the raids under Almansor in the last quarter of the 10th century.
In 1002 the monastery was destroyed and had to be founded again. During the term of abbot Domingo de Silos from 1041- 1073, the monastery was strongly supported by King Ferdinand I, who was in power 1035 - 1065. Under Abbot Domingo, construction began on a Romanesque church with three naves, a transept and five apses. The consecration took place in 1088 before the construction as a whole was completed after the turn of the 12th century. After abbot Domingo's death, his veneration began and the monastery adopted him as its patron saint. It was called Santo Domingo de Silos from about 1110.
In the 18th century, there was a need for a larger church. The Romanesque church was demolished and replaced by a baroque new building.
The Romanesque cloister has two stories. The lower floor was of course built sometime earlier than the upper floor. The dates are disputed. The oldest parts may date from the late tenure of Saint Domingo. The upper one was completed around 1160/80.
A large group of monkeys.
I see two parallels here. The stooped posture and the faces of the animals are similar to the monkeys that sit on the capitals in the Pyrenees. That the monkeys are on a leash is reminiscent of the monkeys on a leash (singe cordé) often found in France (Puy-de-Dome).
Lyon - Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste
02 May 2023 |
Colonia Copia Claudia Augusta Lugdunum (now Lyon) was an important Roman city in Gaul. It was the capital of the Roman province of Gallia Lugdunensis. The Christianization took place very early.
In 177, the Christian community sent a letter naming 48 of their number who had been martyred. In 843 it was ceded to Lorraine and then passed to the Kingdom of Burgundy, whose dominion was entrusted to the Archbishop of Lyon by Frederick Barbarossa in 1157. In 1312 Philip the Fair incorporated Lyon into the kingdom of France.
Lyon was the scene of an urban revolt in 1436 when Charles VII increased taxation. The uprising, mainly of small merchants, lasted a total of two months. During the reign of Louis XI. Four fairs were set up, attracting merchants from all over Europe, especially Italy. Lyon became an important center for the spice trade and, more importantly, the silk trade after François I granted the weaving rights, which until then had been an Italian monopoly. Florentine immigrants also made Lyon a financial center for banking and insurance.
It is often said that the most beautiful cities are located on rivers. Lyon is situated on two rivers, the Rhone and the Saone, which meet in the south of the city.
The Lyon Cathedral was begun in 1180 on the ruins of a 6th-century church and completed in 1476.
In 1245, the church hosted the First Council of Lyon, where the Pope declared Emperor Frederick II deposed. In 1274, the Second Council of Lyon was held in the cathedral, mainly to discuss the union of the Catholic Church with the Greek Orthodox. On August 17, 1316, John XXII was elected pope in the cathedral. He was the second of the Avignon popes.
In 1562 the church was devastated by Calvinist Huguenots. In 1600 the cathedral was the scene of the marriage between King Henry IV and Mary de Medici.
The facade from the 14th and 15th centuries is influenced by the flamboyant Gothic style.
A monkey on a rope, a typical "singe cordé", that can often be found in France (especially in Burgundy).
Montalcino - Abbazia di Sant'Antimo
16 Sep 2016 |
It is proven, that the Abbazia di Sant'Antimo existed since Carolingian times. Legends (of course) know, that it was Charlemagne himself, who founded the abbey when he had left Rome, following the Via Francigana northward. The earliest document relating to the abbey is a land grant of Charlemagne´s son Louis the Pious from 813.
One year after the 1117 Verona earthquake, that destroyed so many buildings in Northern Italy, the erection of the church of today started. At that time the a powerful abbey was one of the largest landowners in the area.
The decline started in 1212, when, after a decade of hostility, an agreement stated that the abbey had to hand over a quarter of its territories to Siena, including Montalcino.
With the rise of the Dominican and the Franciscan Order, the Benedictines lost more influence. In 1462 Pope Pius II surpressed the abbey (just like Abbadia Ardenga, see previous uploads), annexed what ever was left - and handed it over to the Bishop of of Montalcino-Pienza, who was Pius' nephew.
The church is about 43 metres long, the nave is more than 20 metres high. There is an ambulatory with three chapels. The church is often compared to Saint-Étienne in Vignory (consecrated ~ 1050 /Burgundy /~ 1000 kms northwest). The influence of French architects and artists, maybe connected to Cluny, is undisputed.
There are many sculpted capitals along the nave. This one is noticeable.
Depicted is a "singe cordé", a man holding an ape or monkey on a rope. This is a very common icon in and around the Auvergne/France, but not in Italy.
Droiturier - Saint-Nicolas
12 Sep 2011 |
The small village of Droiturier hosts (at least) two remarkable architectoral structures. These are a roman bridge and the church Saint-Nicolas. The 12th century romanesque church was once a part of a benedictian collegiate, belonging to Cluny. The collegiate community is gone since centuries and with all its buildings.
The most interesting capital depicts a man and an ape. Here is the stout master of the ape. He holds the rope, - pincers and a hammer. Another object is placed on the ground to the left. He obviously is a tradesman or artisan. There is no trade, where an ape could be of any use. At least not in Europe.
The icon (man/rope/ape) is somehow typical for the Auvergne area, the French call this "singe cordé". I found a couple of these pairs and will upload more. Meanwhile I learned, that within the Auvergne are about 20 (!) similar carvings.
Jaca - Catedral de San Pedro
28 Dec 2014 |
I had been in Jaca a couple of times before, but I just had to return in 2014. This was not only for the Romanesque cathedral, but as well for the "Meson Serrablo" a very agreeable restaurant.
The Jaca Cathedral is one of the oldest of the Iberian peninsula, dating back to the 1070s. The building, that was altered many times later, was commissioned by King Sancho Ramírez, who established an episcopal seat in Jaca, then the capital of the Kingdom of Aragon.
A roped monkey sitting under the roof. This is a typical "singe cordé", that can often be found in France (especially Burgundy).
You´ll find many more photos taken in Jaca in the album "Aragon".
Many more monkeys are in the album "Medieval Apes and Monkeys".
Santo Domingo de la Calzada - Cathedral
16 Dec 2014 |
The town was founded by the hermit Domingo de la Calzada (aka "Dominic of the Causeway"), who supported the pilgrims on the way to Santiago de Compostela. Domingo not only built a hospital for the pilgrims, but as well a paved causeway and a bridge.
He was such a successfull architect, that he is still patron saint of the Spanish civil engineers. The first church, erected by him, got consecrated in 1106. The Romanesque apse and thge ambulatory of that church have survived the times. Under the roofs of the apse are some great corbels.
Cultural exchange was very common along the caminos/chemins.
In the nearby town of Estella (founded 1090) recent excavations have proven, that early settlers came from Le Puy ("Via Podiensis") and Tour ("Via Turonensis"). So it is no wonder, that architectural designs and icons "traveled" with the pilgrims. Here is a monkey on a rope, a typical "singe cordé", that can often be found in France (especially Burgundy).
Bayeux - Cathedral
12 Sep 2014 |
The cathedral "Notre-Dame de Bayeux" is the seat of the Bishop of Bayeux. It was the original home of the Bayeux Tapestry, that by now can be seen in the "Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux".
As seen on the Bayeux Tapestry, it was here that William the Bastard forced Harold Godwinson to take the oath, the breaking of which led to the Norman conquest of England. So William got "the Conqueror".
The preceding carolingian cathedral burnt down in 1047 and soon after the construction of the church seen today started. The cathedral got consecrated in 1077 by power-hungry Odon de Bayeux, who was William´s half-brother, well known warrior and bishop here. Of course, William was present during the consecration, as then he was Duke of Normandy and King of England.
At that time the building was not completed, the construction site was seriously damaged twice by fire during the 12th century and, when the walls of the nave were built (1180) the style changed from Romanesque to Gothic.
The cathedral got pillaged by Huguenots during the Wars of Religions, during the French Cathedral this was a "Temple de la Raison".
Renovation and restauration of the cathedral started mid 19th century under the direction of Eugène Viollet-le-Duc.
The structure of the nave is still Romanesque, so are many decorating carvings. On the left side of the nave are two (!) bishops. Local information tells, that the left one is St. Vigor, who had built the first church in Bayeux, after having destroyed the pagan temple on the same place. There is no information about the second bishop. Maybe this is Odon de Bayeux.
Bayeux - Cathedral
11 Sep 2014 |
The cathedral "Notre-Dame de Bayeux" is the seat of the Bishop of Bayeux. It was the original home of the Bayeux Tapestry, that by now can be seen in the "Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux".
As seen on the Bayeux Tapestry, it was here that William the Bastard forced Harold Godwinson to take the oath, the breaking of which led to the Norman conquest of England. So William got "the Conqueror".
The preceding carolingian cathedral burnt down in 1047 and soon after the construction of the church seen today started. The cathedral got consecrated in 1077 by power-hungry Odon de Bayeux, who was William´s half-brother, well known warrior and bishop here. Of course, William was present during the consecration, as then he was Duke of Normandy and King of England.
At that time the building was not completed, the construction site was seriously damaged twice by fire during the 12th century and, when the walls of the nave were built (1180) the style changed from Romanesque to Gothic.
The cathedral got pillaged by Huguenots during the Wars of Religions, during the French Cathedral this was a "Temple de la Raison".
Renovation and restauration of the cathedral started mid 19th century under the direction of Eugène Viollet-le-Duc.
The structure of the nave is still Romanesque, so are many decorating carvings. Here is a monkey in chains displayed by his master on a pillar. These monkeys in chains or on ropes, - "singe cordé" - can often be seen in the Auvergne, but this is the first I found in the Normandie.
Here is something to read about medieval monkeys:
Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes - Abbey Church
20 Nov 2013 |
The former Abbey Church in the village of Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes, that now serves the parish, has a total length of 72,30 meters and all of the 600 people living in Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes would easily find a chair inside. The church is a gem of poitevin architecture.
When Prosper Mérimée visited Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes mid 19th century, the church were in a very bad state. Photograps taken some decades later show, that the facade was ruined. Prosper Mérimée efforts started a reconstruction and renovation process, that finally saved the structure. Today the facade is complete again.
Many of the large sculptures that decorated the facade are damaged, as during the Wars of Religion the monastery got attacked and plundered. The Battle of Moncontour between the Catholic armee and the Huguenots was fought in 1569 only about 5kms west.
This is a capital, found on the facade. Giant apes, tamed by a tiny human. The tamer is riding on the right ape. The left ape wears a collar and is enchained. The small human holds that chain. This may be connected to the "singe cordé", enchained apes/monkeys, that can often be found in the Auvergne. The seize of the apes gave the artist the idea, to create room for the human´s head by "opening" the frame.
The history of this abbey dates back to the 4th century, when Jovinus (French "Jouin") in 342 founded a small oratory near a place named Ensio. Not much is known about Jovinus. He may have been borne in a wealthy family. It is believed, that his was brother of Saint Maximin, the first Bishop of Treves.
The oratory developed into a monastery over the next decades, that was the second monastery existing in France, just after Saint-Martin-de-Ligugé, founded by St. Martin of Tours himself in 361.
During the 7th century, the bishop of Nantes, Felix, asked Martin de Vertou to christianise the area. This mission led him to Ension where he imposed Saint Benoit’s rule.
The small monastery was never threatend by the Normanic raids, as it was far away from large rivers. So it could offer refuge to the monks of "Saint Martin de Vertou", who left their monastery and brought the relics of their founding Saint, in 843.
The erection of the Abbey Church took place between 1095 and 1130, when an old Roman road, known under the name of "Saint Hilaire’s Way" was followed by pilgrims on their way to Santiago. At that time the road was one of the many that belonged all to the "Via Turonensis".
Monastic life was ended by the French Revolution in 1789. The Abbey was sold as national property. The church serves as a parish church since 1795. Parts of the former conventual buildings now belong to a privatly owned farm, next to the church.
Peralada - Cloister Sant Domènec
19 Aug 2012 |
The town of Peralda, norheast of Figueres, had some importance during Carolingian times. During the 11th century a monastery was founded here by the Augustinians. Since 1578 Dominicans lived here until the secularisation in 1835. The buildings fell in disrepair all got demolished in the early 20th century. Only the wonderful small cloister from the 12th century survived.
The cloister has seven double pillars on the northern and southern side, while the eastern and western one has have six pairs of columns. The capitals are a bit roughly carved and have some interesting icons.
While the right capital just has a geometric design, the right one has a group of animals. These are for sure no lions (see the "paws"), but judging from heads, toes and fingers, this is a group of apes or monkeys. One of them is on a rope or leash, so there is a parallel to the apes on ropes, that can be found in France, especially in the Auvergne, where these icons are called "singe cordé".
Brioude - Saint-Julien
10 Dec 2011 |
The Basilica Saint-Julien in Brioude was a collegiate church constructed between 1060 - 1200. The architectoral structure is influenced by great romanesque churches like "Notre-Dame-Du-Port" in Clermont-Ferrand (70kms north) or "Saint-Austremoine" in Issoire (30kms north), planned and constructed within the same century. Three or four very skilled architects worked here over the century, all witrh a different touch. So Saint-Julien is really special, as it differs from the other great churches of the Auvergne.
Brioude was a center of pilgrimage very early, as already within the 4th century a "martyrion" existed over the grave of St. Julien. This building was replaced by an early basilica, financed by Victorius, a "comes" (count), installed by the Visigothic king Eurich after he had seized the Auvergne. Gregory of Tours (538-594 visited and described it, when he about a pilgrimage to Saint-Julien undertaken yearly from Avernis (= Clermont-Ferrand) to Brioude. Within the 10th century William I, Duke of Aquitaine, (aka "Guillaume Le Pieux" - "William the Pious") funded the building of a larger church here. He got buried in this church in 917. Around 1060, works on the church still seen today started with the narthex. It took about 140 years, to complete it - and was a stopover at that time for many pilgrims to Santiago, only two days (60kms) away from Le Puy (Via Podensis).
There are about 125 capitals and carvings inside Saint-Julien and they all differ in artistic style and quality. Bernard Craplet has found six (!) different workshops, what is not that surprising taking in account that it took more than a century to finish this building. None of the capitals of the nave depicts a biblical theme.
The same "ape/man/rope" capital as seen before. It differs from all the other seen so far within the Auvergne (Droiturier, Besse, Issoire, Thuret, Saint-Nectaire, Clermont-Ferrand, Mozac...). Not the ape on the rope, called "singe cordé" in French, is so much different, but everything around adds new spice.
Now seen from the other side the ape is the very left. Next to him that decorative tree, growing from two roots, further right is the "owner" of the ape, holding the rope.
Beside him to the right is a small pillar, having a base and a carved capital. On this capital stands a small - - griffon. Is this a griffon? This is a small four legged animal, that could be a cat or small lion, but near the shoulder it does have a wing.
Today, we do know, that griffons are mythical animals, but did the audience know that in 1120? Probably not. Could it be that this depicts a "faked griffon", that was shown? Together with an ape and a crippled person? Persons working in shopfitting ("store design"), call this kind of pillars "displays" today. So the griffon actually is placed on a display.
I am still collecting evidence to prove the existence of the medieval "entertaining industry", having toured around the country. This for sure is one of the many bits and pieces.
Brioude - Saint-Julien
09 Dec 2011 |
The Basilica Saint-Julien in Brioude was a collegiate church constructed between 1060 - 1200. The architectoral structure is influenced by great romanesque churches like "Notre-Dame-Du-Port" in Clermont-Ferrand (70kms north) or "Saint-Austremoine" in Issoire (30kms north), planned and constructed within the same century. Three or four very skilled architects worked here over the century, all witrh a different touch. So Saint-Julien is really special, as it differs from the other great churches of the Auvergne.
Brioude was a center of pilgrimage very early, as already within the 4th century a "martyrion" existed over the grave of St. Julien. This building was replaced by an early basilica, financed by Victorius, a "comes" (count), installed by the Visigothic king Eurich after he had seized the Auvergne. Gregory of Tours (538-594 visited and described it, when he about a pilgrimage to Saint-Julien undertaken yearly from Avernis (= Clermont-Ferrand) to Brioude. Within the 10th century William I, Duke of Aquitaine, (aka "Guillaume Le Pieux" - "William the Pious") funded the building of a larger church here. He got buried in this church in 917. Around 1060, works on the church still seen today started with the narthex. It took about 140 years, to complete it - and was a stopover at that time for many pilgrims to Santiago, only two days (60kms) away from Le Puy (Via Podensis).
There are about 125 capitals and carvings inside Saint-Julien and they all differ in artistic style and quality. Bernard Craplet has found six (!) different workshops, what is not that surprising taking in account that it took more than a century to finish this building. None of the capitals of the nave depicts a biblical theme.
Another "ape/man/rope" capital, but this differs from all the other seen so far within the Auvergne (Droiturier, Besse, Issoire, Thuret, Saint-Nectaire, Clermont-Ferrand, Mozac...). Not the ape on the rope, called "singe cordé" in French, is so much different, but everything around adds some new spice.
Left to the ape stands a man, described by B. Craplet having a "praying gesture". I think, this is a more like a greeting gesture ("Hi").
It is a rough carving, this person may be naked, his legs may be swollen, as if he would suffer from elephantiasis (not a medieval but a tropical disease). I see kind of a cripple, displayed in public (later done in "Freakshows"). I may be wrong, and B. Craplet is right, who wrote, that this capital is from mediocre workmanship.
Any way, there is the ape on the rope - and a "strange person" on the left. To the right a very decorative tree, but taking a closer look makes clear, these are two trees. Futher right the man holding the rope, probably the owner of the "beast" - and further right, the "show" goes on...
Issoire - Saint-Austremoine
30 Nov 2011 |
Saint-Austremoine, now parish church in Issoire, was once the church of a benedictian abbey, that, following the "Vita prima Autremonii" was founded by Saint-Austremoine himself, what probably only stands for "old" or "very old".
The abbey got "revitalized" by monks from Charroux (Poitou), that had fled to Issoire after Vikings had raided the coastal areas.
The church was probably erected between 1130 and 1160/70 and now is the largest of the "crown jewels" of romanesque architecture in the Auvergne. - During the Wars of Religion infamous Mathieu Merle and his troops killed the monks, looted the abbey and tried to demolish the building. But the church withstood even the fire (only the towers collapsed), though all carvings in and outside got damaged severely. Two years later the catholic troops reconquered the town by destroying it - but they did not damage the church further. Of course, the abbey and church got looted again during the French Revolution, but soon after (1832), the church got the status of a "monument historique".
So repairs, renovations and reconstructions started comparatively early. Bernard Craplet ("Auvergne romane") is convinced, that the architects, choosen for this project, were unfortunately neither sufficiently gifted nor skilled. They "recreated" the western facade (1845), and the "pseudo-romanesque" bell-towers. Even the damaged carvings got remodeled, but worst of all, following B. Craplet, they repainted the interior (1857-1859) using pretty screaming colours.
It impossible, to find out, how much of the carvings is 12th century. The first "reconstruction" (using gypsum) was done already after the lootings in the 17th century. The mint capitals seen today are products of different phases of "recreating".
While in and around the choir is a nice light, in some areas of the aisles it is pretty dark. The carvings here are deeply rooted in the traditions of the Auvergne, what makes them very interesting.
Here is the ape/rope/man-icon again, that can be found so often in the Auvergne (eg Besse, Saint-Nectaire, Droiturier, Mozac, Clermont-Ferrand..). In French language this is called "singe cordé".
While mostly there is only one ape, lead by a man, here are two apes with ropes around their necks. While mostly the genitals of the apes are covered by some foliage, these parts can be seen here.
Between the two apes, in the center stands a person holding the ropes like a leash. Actually I have the impression that this person is a woman, having two long pigtails on either side of her head.
The two apes have grabbed these tails - and hold them symmetrically.
Issoire - Saint-Austremoine
30 Nov 2011 |
Saint-Austremoine, now parish church in Issoire, was once the church of a benedictian abbey, that, following the "Vita prima Autremonii" was founded by Saint-Austremoine himself, what probably only stands for "old" or "very old".
The abbey got "revitalized" by monks from Charroux (Poitou), that had fled to Issoire after Vikings had raided the coastal areas.
The church was probably erected between 1130 and 1160/70 and now is the largest of the "crown jewels" of romanesque architecture in the Auvergne. - During the Wars of Religion infamous Mathieu Merle and his troops killed the monks, looted the abbey and tried to demolish the building. But the church withstood even the fire (only the towers collapsed), though all carvings in and outside got damaged severely. Two years later the catholic troops reconquered the town by destroying it - but they did not damage the church further. Of course, the abbey and church got looted again during the French Revolution, but soon after (1832), the church got the status of a "monument historique".
So repairs, renovations and reconstructions started comparatively early. Bernard Craplet ("Auvergne romane") is convinced, that the architects, choosen for this project, were unfortunately neither sufficiently gifted nor skilled. They "recreated" the western facade (1845), and the "pseudo-romanesque" bell-towers. Even the damaged carvings got remodeled, but worst of all, following B. Craplet, they repainted the interior (1857-1859) using pretty screaming colours.
It impossible, to find out, how much of the carvings is 12th century. The first "reconstruction" (using gypsum) was done already after the lootings in the 17th century. The mint capitals seen today are products of different phases of "recreating".
While in and around the choir is a nice light, in some areas of the aisles it is pretty dark. The carvings here are deeply rooted in the traditions of the Auvergne, what makes them very interesting.
Here is the ape/rope/man-icon again, that can be found so often in the Auvergne (eg Besse, Saint-Nectaire, Droiturier, Mozac, Clermont-Ferrand..). In French language this is called "singe cordé".
While mostly there is only one ape, lead by a man, here are two apes with ropes around their necks. While mostly the genitals of the apes are covered by some foliage, these parts can be seen here.
Between the two apes, in the center stands a person holding the ropes like a leash. Actually I have the impression that this person is a woman, having two long pigtails on either side of her head. The two apes have grabbed these tails - and hold them symmetrically.
Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise - Saint-André
20 Nov 2011 |
The original construction of the parish church Saint-André in Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise (formerly known as "Besse-en-Chandesse") dates back to the 12th, but the church underwent lots renovations over the centuries. So by now it is an interesting mixture of romanesque and gothic elements.
The parish church Saint-André is known for the romanesque carvings. The carvings here differ very much in workmanship and artistic creativity.
Here is the ape/rope/man-icon again, that can be found so often in he Auvergne, that in French language it is called "singe cordé". While the apes in other churches (Saint-Nectaire, Droiturier, Mozac, Clermont-Ferrand..) where carved mostly more elegant so that the animal could display at least strength, the carving here is very rough - and the ape is nothing but a tortured creature. I´m sure one day PETA will use this!
In all other churches, quoted above, there are man, the ape and the rope. Here is a man, leading the ape with a rope - and another person to the left.
Unfortunately the face of the second person is damaged, but we can still see the hairdo. The person is barfoot and does not have the impressing height of the man on the right.
I have the impression, that this person is a woman, maybe even the wife of the bearded guy. As soon, as he shows the ape to the audience it is "cap in hand time" for her, as then she will walk around, collecting tips. She already has the "cap" in both hands and soon hopefully the cap will be filled with coins.
If this is right, this carving is a snapshot, depicting a small, family run travelling circus. First time seen here is the person behind the scene", the collector of the tips is a barefoot woman.
Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise - Saint-André
20 Nov 2011 |
The original construction of the parish church Saint-André in Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise (formerly known as "Besse-en-Chandesse") dates back to the 12th, but the church underwent lots renovations over the centuries. So by now it is an interesting mixture of romanesque and gothic elements.
The parish church Saint-André is known for the romanesque carvings. The carvings here differ very much in workmanship and artistic creativity.
Here is the ape/rope/man-icon again, that can be found so often in he Auvergne, that in French language ist is called "singe cordé". While the apes in other churches (Saint-Nectaire, Droiturier, Mozac, Clermont-Ferrand..) where carved mostly more elegant so that the animal could display at least strength, the carving here is very rough - and the ape is nothing but a tortured creature. I´m sure one day PETA will use this!
At this more detailled shot, it is clear, that the man, holding the ape, is a real giant. Sofar the men doing his job were standing upright an so had the same height as the ape. This guy is on his knee- and still has that height. He is holds the arm of the animal, but that part of the capital is obviously lost.
Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise - Saint-André
19 Nov 2011 |
The original construction of the parish church Saint-André in Besse-et-Saint-Anastaise (formerly known as "Besse-en-Chandesse") dates back to the 12th, but the church underwent lots renovations over the centuries. So by now it is an interesting mixture of romanesque and gothic elements.
The parish church Saint-André is known for the romanesque carvings. The carvings here differ very much in workmanship and artistic creativity.
Here is the ape/rope/man-icon again, that can be found so often in he Auvergne, that in French language ist is called "singe cordé". While the apes in other churches (Saint-Nectaire, Droiturier, Mozac, Clermont-Ferrand..) where carved mostly more elegant so that the animal could display at least strength, the carving here is very rough - and the ape is nothing but a tortured creature. I´m sure one day PETA will use this!
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