Martin M. Miles' photos with the keyword: chapter house
York - Minster
11 Jun 2024 |
York was already an important centre in Roman times, when it was known under the name of Eboracum. The Vikings, who took over the area later from the Angels , in turn adapted the name to Norse Jórvík.
After the Anglian settlement York was first capital of Deira and later Northumbria, and by the early 7th century, York was an important royal centre for the Northumbrian kings. Following the Norman Conquest York was substantially damaged in response to regional revolt. Two castles were erected in the city on either side of the River Ouse. In time York became an important urban centre as the administrative centre of the county of Yorkshire, as the seat of an archbishop, and at times in the later 13th and 14th centuries as an alternative seat of royal government. It was an important trading centre.
York prospered during much of the later medieval era; the later years of the 14th and the earlier years of the 15th centuries were characterised by particular prosperity. During the English Civil War, the city was regarded as a Royalist stronghold and was besieged and eventually captured by Parliamentary forces under Lord Fairfax in 1644. After the war, York retained its pre-eminence in the North, and, by 1660, was the third-largest city in England after London and Norwich.
A bishop of York was summoned to the Council of Arles in 314, indicating the presence of a Christian community in York at this time. The present church had at least three predecessors. The first church, mentioned by Beda was a wooden structure built in 627 to provide a place to baptise Edwin, King of Northumbria.
In 741 the existing cathedral was damaged or destroyed, possibly in a fire. The cathedral then passed through the hands of numerous invaders, along with the rest of the city, and its history is unclear until the 10th century. There were a number of Benedictine archbishops, who travelled to Westminster to crown William the Conqueror in 1066. In 1069, a revolt in support of Edgar Ætheling sparked a brutal crackdown. William the Conquerors troops devastated the town and the minster. Later that year, Danish invaders supporting the Ætheling, attacked the town, starting a fire and burning the cathedral to the ground. The first Norman archbishop, Thomas of Bayeux, who arrived in 1070, apparently organised repairs, but in 1075 another Danish force sailed up the river and sacked the minster. Construction of the Norman cathedral began in 1080 and was completed in 1100. Built in the Norman style, the new cathedral was 360 feet (111 m) long.
When Walter de Grey was appointed archbishop in 1215, he ordered the construction of a Gothic structure to rival Canterbury. Construction began in 1220. The north and south transepts were the first new structures, completed in the 1250s. Both were built in the early Gothic style, but had noticeably different wall heights. A massive central tower with a wooden spire was also completed. Construction continued into the 15th century.
The chapter house was started in the 1260s and was completed before 1296. The wide nave was built on Norman foundations from the 1280s. The external roof was completed in the 1330s, but the vaulting was not completed until 1360. Construction then moved on to the east wing and chapels. The Norman chancel was demolished in the 1390s. In 1407 the central tower collapsed. The pillars were then reinforced and a new tower was built in 1420. The western towers were added between 1433 and 1472. In 1472 the cathedral was declared finished and consecrated.
The English Reformation led to the looting of much of the cathedral's treasures. Under Elizabeth I there was a concerted effort to remove all traces of Roman Catholicism from the cathedral; there was much destruction of tombs, windows and altars. In the English Civil War the city was besieged and fell to the forces of Cromwell in 1644, but it was prevented any further damage to the cathedral.
On 9 July 1984 a blaze caused severe destruction to the south transept. Believed to have been started by a lightning strike, the roof burnt for three hours before it was made to collapse by the fire brigade to stop it spreading to other parts of the minster. It took over £2.25 million to repair the damage, and a rededication ceremony was held in October 1988.
There is an octagonal chapter house attached to the north transept - the ceiling
York - Minster
10 Jun 2024 |
York was already an important centre in Roman times, when it was known under the name of Eboracum. The Vikings, who took over the area later from the Angels , in turn adapted the name to Norse Jórvík.
After the Anglian settlement York was first capital of Deira and later Northumbria, and by the early 7th century, York was an important royal centre for the Northumbrian kings. Following the Norman Conquest York was substantially damaged in response to regional revolt. Two castles were erected in the city on either side of the River Ouse. In time York became an important urban centre as the administrative centre of the county of Yorkshire, as the seat of an archbishop, and at times in the later 13th and 14th centuries as an alternative seat of royal government. It was an important trading centre.
York prospered during much of the later medieval era; the later years of the 14th and the earlier years of the 15th centuries were characterised by particular prosperity. During the English Civil War, the city was regarded as a Royalist stronghold and was besieged and eventually captured by Parliamentary forces under Lord Fairfax in 1644. After the war, York retained its pre-eminence in the North, and, by 1660, was the third-largest city in England after London and Norwich.
A bishop of York was summoned to the Council of Arles in 314, indicating the presence of a Christian community in York at this time. The present church had at least three predecessors. The first church, mentioned by Beda was a wooden structure built in 627 to provide a place to baptise Edwin, King of Northumbria.
In 741 the existing cathedral was damaged or destroyed, possibly in a fire. The cathedral then passed through the hands of numerous invaders, along with the rest of the city, and its history is unclear until the 10th century. There were a number of Benedictine archbishops, who travelled to Westminster to crown William the Conqueror in 1066. In 1069, a revolt in support of Edgar Ætheling sparked a brutal crackdown. William the Conquerors troops devastated the town and the minster. Later that year, Danish invaders supporting the Ætheling, attacked the town, starting a fire and burning the cathedral to the ground. The first Norman archbishop, Thomas of Bayeux, who arrived in 1070, apparently organised repairs, but in 1075 another Danish force sailed up the river and sacked the minster. Construction of the Norman cathedral began in 1080 and was completed in 1100. Built in the Norman style, the new cathedral was 360 feet (111 m) long.
When Walter de Grey was appointed archbishop in 1215, he ordered the construction of a Gothic structure to rival Canterbury. Construction began in 1220. The north and south transepts were the first new structures, completed in the 1250s. Both were built in the early Gothic style, but had noticeably different wall heights. A massive central tower with a wooden spire was also completed. Construction continued into the 15th century.
The chapter house was started in the 1260s and was completed before 1296. The wide nave was built on Norman foundations from the 1280s. The external roof was completed in the 1330s, but the vaulting was not completed until 1360. Construction then moved on to the east wing and chapels. The Norman chancel was demolished in the 1390s. In 1407 the central tower collapsed. The pillars were then reinforced and a new tower was built in 1420. The western towers were added between 1433 and 1472. In 1472 the cathedral was declared finished and consecrated.
The English Reformation led to the looting of much of the cathedral's treasures. Under Elizabeth I there was a concerted effort to remove all traces of Roman Catholicism from the cathedral; there was much destruction of tombs, windows and altars. In the English Civil War the city was besieged and fell to the forces of Cromwell in 1644, but it was prevented any further damage to the cathedral.
On 9 July 1984 a blaze caused severe destruction to the south transept. Believed to have been started by a lightning strike, the roof burnt for three hours before it was made to collapse by the fire brigade to stop it spreading to other parts of the minster. It took over £2.25 million to repair the damage, and a rededication ceremony was held in October 1988.
There is an octagonal chapter house attached to the north transept.
Salisbury - Cathedral
19 Apr 2024 |
The Iron Age castle rampart of "Old Sarum" was built in the 4th century BC. This was later used as a fortress by the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons and finally, from the 11th century, by the Normans.
At the time of the Saxon invasions, Old Sarum fell to King Cynric of Wessex. The Saxons favoured settlements in the lowlands and largely ignored Old Sarum until the Viking invasions prompted King Alfred of Wessex to rebuild the fortifications. However Old Sarum was abandoned by its inhabitants and was sacked and burnt down by the Danish-Norwegian king Sweyn Forkbeard in 1003. After the Norman invasion a castle was built by 1070, which was directly under the control of the Norman kings.
In 1075, the Council of London installed the first Bishop of Salisbury, named Herman. He and his successor, Saint Osmund, began the construction of the first Salisbury cathedral, that was completed in 1092.
In 1220, Bishop Richard Poore of Sarum began building a new cathedral about three kilometres away in the valley south of the fortress of Old Sarum. This was the nucleus of today's city of Salisbury, initially under the name New Sarum. Just seven years later, Salisbury was granted city rights. The cathedral was consecrated in 1258 after only 38 years of construction.
Due to the short construction period of the cathedral, its architectural style largely corresponds to the early English Gothic style. The free building site and the generous financial support of Henry III were decisive for the rapid completion. The crossing tower, which was added in the early 14th century, has been the tallest church tower in Great Britain at 123 metres since 1561, after the collapse of the crossing tower of the old St Paul's Cathedral.
The only major sections begun later were the cloisters, added in 1240, the chapter house in 1263, the tower and spire, which at 123 m dominated the skyline from 1330. In total, 70,000 tons of stone, 3,000 tons of timber and 450 tons of lead were used in the construction of the cathedral.
In the 17th century, Christopher Wren designed restoration measures to strengthen the central pillars, which by then had visibly deformed under the weight of the tower and spire. Significant changes to the cathedral were made by the architect James Wyatt in 1790, including the replacement of the original rood screen and demolition of a bell tower which stood northwest of the main building.
The floor plan of Salisbury Cathedral shows a three-aisled basilica with two transepts.
The chapter house is notable for its octagonal shape, slender central pillar
Salisbury - Cathedral
19 Apr 2024 |
The Iron Age castle rampart of "Old Sarum" was built in the 4th century BC. This was later used as a fortress by the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons and finally, from the 11th century, by the Normans.
At the time of the Saxon invasions, Old Sarum fell to King Cynric of Wessex. The Saxons favoured settlements in the lowlands and largely ignored Old Sarum until the Viking invasions prompted King Alfred of Wessex to rebuild the fortifications. However Old Sarum was abandoned by its inhabitants and was sacked and burnt down by the Danish-Norwegian king Sweyn Forkbeard in 1003. After the Norman invasion a castle was built by 1070, which was directly under the control of the Norman kings.
In 1075, the Council of London installed the first Bishop of Salisbury, named Herman. He and his successor, Saint Osmund, began the construction of the first Salisbury cathedral, that was completed in 1092.
In 1220, Bishop Richard Poore of Sarum began building a new cathedral about three kilometres away in the valley south of the fortress of Old Sarum. This was the nucleus of today's city of Salisbury, initially under the name New Sarum. Just seven years later, Salisbury was granted city rights. The cathedral was consecrated in 1258 after only 38 years of construction.
Due to the short construction period of the cathedral, its architectural style largely corresponds to the early English Gothic style. The free building site and the generous financial support of Henry III were decisive for the rapid completion. The crossing tower, which was added in the early 14th century, has been the tallest church tower in Great Britain at 123 metres since 1561, after the collapse of the crossing tower of the old St Paul's Cathedral.
The only major sections begun later were the cloisters, added in 1240, the chapter house in 1263, the tower and spire, which at 123 m dominated the skyline from 1330. In total, 70,000 tons of stone, 3,000 tons of timber and 450 tons of lead were used in the construction of the cathedral.
In the 17th century, Christopher Wren designed restoration measures to strengthen the central pillars, which by then had visibly deformed under the weight of the tower and spire. Significant changes to the cathedral were made by the architect James Wyatt in 1790, including the replacement of the original rood screen and demolition of a bell tower which stood northwest of the main building.
The floor plan of Salisbury Cathedral shows a three-aisled basilica with two transepts.
The chapter house is notable for its octagonal shape, slender central pillar
Soria - Concatedral de San Pedro
25 Aug 2023 |
Soria is located on the Douro River at about 1065 meters above sea level.
A strategic enclave due to the struggles for territory between the kingdoms of Castile, Navarre, and Aragon, Soria became part of Castile definitively in 1134, during the reign of Alfonso VII. Alfonso VIII was born in Soria in 1155. Booming during the Late Middle Ages thanks to its border location and its control over the cattle industry. In 1380, a court order forbade the Jews to try their own criminal cases in court. In addition, a decree was confirmed, according to which Jews were not allowed to be employed in the royal administration or among the nobility. These resolutions served as the basis for hate speeches that led to the massacre of the Jewish population in 1391. Soria went into a slow decline over the next few centuries. It was damaged greatly during the Peninsular War.
The original church may have its origins in the years when Alfonso I the Warrior, was repopulating Soria (1109-1114). The church was donated by the Council of Soria to Bishop Juan II de Osma in 1148. In 1152,
the Bishop of Osma, donated the church to the Augustinian canons, raising it to the collegiate church. After the canons formed a monastic community, they decided to demolish the old church and build a new one. In return, they enjoyed the favor of the Castilian monarchs, which was reflected in numerous donations and privileges.
A spacious Romanesque church with three naves was built. The monastic community was secularized in 1437 and in 1467 the north pediment of the transept was opened in its present form by a large pointed arch and a Plateresque-style portal. The church collapsed around 1543. Reconstruction work began immediately. At the end of the century the new collegiate church was completed with the construction of the bell tower.
Parts of the old monastery survived the collapse of the church in the 16th century. The Romanesque cloister is preserved.
On the right is the portal to the chapter house.
Koprzywnica - Opactwo Cystersów
16 Apr 2022 |
Koprzywnica today is a small town that developed from a settlement in the 12th century. In 1185 Casimir II the Just brought the Cistercians here, who founded a monastery (26. filiation of Morimond).
Koprzywnica received town rights in 1268. Thanks to the Cistercians, the town flourished over the next centuries. In 1606 Koprzywnica was one of the centers of the armed uprising of the nobility against Zygmunt III Waza. In the 1660s Koprzywnica was destroyed during the Swedish invasion of Poland. The town never recovered from the losses.
In 1942 the Koprzywnica ghetto was liquidated by the German occupiers when 1,800 Jews were transported from here to the Treblinka extermination camp, where they were murdered.
In 1185 Cistercian monks from Morimond, arrived here. The complex was built between 1218 and 1238 by a Cistercian workshop probably from Italy.
The monastery got devasted and looted during the Mongol invasions in 1241and again in 1259. Bolesław V the Chaste was very supportive during the reconstruction and granted the monks numerous privileges.
At the beginning of the 14th century, a reconstruction of the monastery was carried out, followed by renovations a century later, when the new brick cloisters were built. In 1508 the church and monastery were damaged by fire. The damage was rebuilt
Just a century before its dissolution modernization works were carried out, which gave the monastery Baroque elements, including the new, facade of the church.
In 1819 the tsarist authorities issued a decree of cassation of the monastery. After the abbey was dissolved in 1821, the church was taken over by the diocese and has since served as a parish church. Since the buildings were not used, their condition rapidly deteriorated. As a result, most of the monastery buildings were demolished, the main purpose being to obtain building materials. After a fire during WWI, the monastery was demolished except for the east wing and the church. After WWII, renovation works were carried out from 1948 to 1949.
The Romanesque chapter house from the 13th century.
Wąchock - Klasztorny Cystersów
11 Apr 2022 |
The monastery was founded in 1179 by Bishop Gedeon of Krakow as the 25th daughter monastery of the primary abbey of Morimond, from which the convent also originated. The church, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Florian, was completed before the Tartar invasion of 1241. This invasion and subsequent Mongol raids destroyed most of the monastery, and most of the present Romanesque buildings were rebuilt in the late 13th century[4].
The Cistercian abbey flourished from agriculture and metal mining.
Another series of invasions, culminating in that of George II Rákóczi of Transylvania, left the abbey plundered and burned. The monastery was finally rebuilt in 1696. After the Congress of Vienna it was dissolved in 1819 and the church was transformed into a parish church. In 1951 the Cistercians from the Mogiła Abbey were finally able to return to Wąchock Monastery, and in 1964 the parish regained its former status as an abbey.
Large parts of the monastery got destroyed in medieval times. Most of what Romanesque work stands today was rebuilt in the late 13th century.
All columns of the chapter house have finely worked capitals.
Alpirsbach - Kloster Alpirsbach
08 Jan 2021 |
In 1095 three noblemen donated a remote piece of land in the Black Forest to the Order of Saint Benedict in 1095. The monastery, that was founded, was settled by monks from "Kloster St. Blasien". The Bishop of Constance consecrated the first stone oratorio in 1099. In 1101 the monastery was placed under papal protection by Pope Paschal II. Emperor Heinrich V confirmed these rights in 1123. The monastery was strongly influenced by Kloster Hirsau, a centre of the Cluniac Reforms. So the second and third abbots came from Hirsau. The abbey church, a flat-roofed three-aisled basilica with a transept, a choir and side choirs was completed in 1133. It was consecrated three years earlier to Saint Nicholas. The blueprint of the church followed the Cluniac/Hirsau scheme.
The founders had endowed Kloster Alpirsbach with a number of villages when Count Adalbert joined the monastery around 1100, he donated property in the wine-growing Breisgau region. The monastery to prospered and entered an economic boom in the early 15th century. The decline started some decades later and at the end of that century, the abbey was heavily in debt.
In 1522, Alpirsbach's prior Ambrosius Blarer left the monastery after being stripped of his position. Blarer, who had been giving Lutheran sermons at the monastery and had met and befriended the Lutheran reformer Philip Melanchthon, returned to Württemberg in 1534 to become one of Duke Ulrich's chief reformers.
In 1556, Duke Christoph dissolved the monastery. The buildings were used for Protestant seminaries and boarding schools. The Alpirsbach seminary lasted from 1556 to 1595 and taught around 200 students.
Today the former abbey is used for cultural events like concerts and exhibitions. There is as well a very interesting museum.
The Gothic cloister, built 1480 - 1495. Unfortunately, the chapter house was locked. I had my visit badly prepared, so I could not have a guided tour. Next time I will phone in advance.
Saint-Benoît - Abbaye Saint-Benoît de Quinçay
30 Apr 2020 |
The Abbaye Saint-Benoît de Quinçay was founded around 670 by Saint Achard (Acardo), who later became abbot in Jumièges. It was known under the name Quinciacus Monasterium.
In 868 the monks fled, as during the Norman Invasions the monastery got destroyed and burned down.
Isembert I, Bishop of Poitiers, ordered the reconstruction in the early 11th century. In 1027 it exists under the name of "Abbas Sancti Benedicti de Quinciaco" as at that time the remains of Saint Benedict of Aizenay arrived. The abbey was depended on the chapter of the cathedral of Poitiers.
In 1569, when Poitiers was besieged during the Wars of Religions, infamous Gaspard II de Coligny installed the headquarters here. The chapter house was the cloister got destroyed and the chapter house was transformed into a stable. Under Louis XIV , the church was restored. The abbey rapidly declined and already in 1762 the abbey church was taken over by the parish.
The French Revolution chased away the last monks and put the abbey up for sale.
The buildings were acquired by the municipality in 1993 and got restored.
The very most of the cloister was destroyed during the Wars of Religions. Seen in the back is the portal of the chapter house. There are some nice capitals. In the former dormitory, above the chapter house, now is a place for cultural events and exhibitions.
Palermo - Sant'Agostino
30 Jun 2019 |
Sicily, the largest of all Mediterranean islands, has a long history, that starts around 8000 BC, but later there were Phoenician, Carthaginian, Greek and Roman periods. After the Roman Empire had fallen apart the Vandals tried to take over the island but failed. Finally, the Ostrogoths took possession.
Mid of the 6th century Sicily was conquered by troops of the Byzantine Empire and became a Byzantine province. After the advent of Islam, Sicily got attacked by the Arab forces. Raids seeking loot continued until the mid-8th century.
A Muslim army was sent to the island in 827 but met with much resistance. So it took a century to conquer it and even later revolts constantly occurred
In 1038 the Byzantines invaded the island supported by their Norman mercenaries, led by Roger. In 1072, after the siege of Palermo, most of Sicily was under Norman control. Roger´s son Roger II raised the status of the island to a kingdom in 1130. During this period, the Kingdom of Sicily was prosperous and powerful,
The court of Roger II became melting out of culture, both from Europe and the Middle East. This attracted scholars, scientists, artists, and artisans. Muslims, Jews, Greeks, Lombards, and Normans worked together and created some extraordinary buildings.
In 1186 the last descendant of Roger, Constance of Sicily married Emperor Henry VI, the second son of Frederick Barbarossa. So the crown of Sicily was passed on to the Hohenstaufen Dynasty. Frederick II, the only son of Constance, was crowned King of Sicily at the age of four in 1198. He became "Stupor Mundi", one of the greatest and most cultured men of the Middle Ages.
Palermo, founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians, became a possession of Carthage. The town later became part of the Roman Empire. From 831 to 1072 the city was under Arab rule. Following the Norman conquest, Palermo became the capital of a new Kingdom of Sicily and the capital of the Holy Roman Empire under Emperor Frederick II and King Conrad IV.
Today Palermo is a bustling city with a population of about 700.000 plus - many many tourists.
Sant'Agostino was built end of the 13th century in early Gothic style, when the Capetian House of Anjou was in power in Palermo. It replaced on older Romanesque church and still is the church of the Order of Saint Augustine. It got remodeled, renovated a couple of times over the centuries.
The portal of the former chapter room. The church was given to the Order mid 13th century. The style of the portal is either late Romanesque or very early Gothic, so it was probably done durig that early times.
Maulbronn - Monastery
24 Mar 2012 |
Maulbronn Monastery was founded in 1147. The church, built in a style transitional from Romanesque to Gothic, was consecrated in 1178. Most other buildings followed within the 13th century. The complex is believed to be one of the the best-preserved medieval Cistercian monastery complex north of the Alpes (some claim "in Europe"). Since 1993 Maulbronn is part of the Unesco World Heritage.
After the consecration, the construction of the abbey continued. Around 1200 the narthex was added and the cloister was started. Some buildings are done in a really remarkable architectural, early gothic style. The person, who built that must have had experiences from Northern France and Burgundy. With all the cistercian connections, it was probably easy to find a medieval "top architect". His name is not known. The name given to him by art historians is "Meister des Maulbronner Paradieses" (Master of Maulbronn Paradise).
He created not only the narthex ("Paradies"), but as well parts of the cloister and the refectorium. After completing his job in Maulbronn he turned northeast. His typical works can be found as well in Halberstadt and in Magdeburg, but here is, where he started his career in Germany..
Within the cloister, it is visible, where "Meister des Maulbronner Paradieses" planned and built, as there (near the church) is a very early gothic style. Walking from there the style of the arches changes to high gothic.
Another look onto the impressing vaulting of the chapter house. Some of the capitals are nicely carved. That one in the center has birds all around.
Maulbronn - Monastery
24 Mar 2012 |
Maulbronn Monastery was founded in 1147. The church, built in a style transitional from Romanesque to Gothic, was consecrated in 1178. Most other buildings followed within the 13th century. The complex is believed to be one of the the best-preserved medieval Cistercian monastery complex north of the Alpes (some claim "in Europe"). Since 1993 Maulbronn is part of the Unesco World Heritage.
After the consecration, the construction of the abbey continued. Around 1200 the narthex was added and the cloister was started. Some buildings are done in a really remarkable architectural, early gothic style. The person, who built that must have had experiences from Northern France and Burgundy. With all the cistercian connections, it was probably easy to find a medieval "top architect". His name is not known. The name given to him by art historians is "Meister des Maulbronner Paradieses" (Master of Maulbronn Paradise).
He created not only the narthex ("Paradies"), but as well parts of the cloister and the refectorium. After completing his job in Maulbronn he turned northeast. His typical works can be found as well in Halberstadt and in Magdeburg, but here is, where he started his career in Germany..
Within the cloister, it is visible, where "Meister des Maulbronner Paradieses" planned and built, as there (near the church) is a very early gothic style. Walking from there the style of the arches changes to high gothic.
The vaulting of the chapter house is impressing. There seems to be no weight. There are small floral frescoes - and I felt like under a parasol.
Daoulas - Abbaye Notre-Dame
27 Oct 2014 |
A small convent, founded by Saint Jaoua, had existed here already within the 6th century. This got destroyed by during the Norman raids.
Around 1100 an abbey (Augustin Canons) was founded and prospered at least over the first centuries. Already before the French Revolution, most buildings were in very bad condition, but after the Revolution, when the last Canons had left, the parish was unable to maintain the structures. End of the 19th century, after lots of valuable works had vanished, a major reconstruction took place - and saved, what can be seen today.
The basilica was the church of the former abbey, before it was transformed into the parish church. The structure partly collapsed in the late 18th century. A crossing tower was demolished after the French Revolution, when the church was in "Private property". The choir was added/reconstructed in 1875.
The cloister, erected within the 12th century, was sold the first time in 1793 and changed hands quite often after that. Some of the owners demolished parts -and sold them. When the reconstruction and renovation started in 1881, there were only two crumbling sides left.
Daoulas - Abbaye Notre-Dame
27 Oct 2014 |
A small convent, founded by Saint Jaoua, had existed here already within the 6th century. This got destroyed by during the Norman raids.
Around 1100 an abbey (Augustin Canons) was founded and prospered at least over the first centuries. Already before the French Revolution, most buildings were in very bad condition, but after the Revolution, when the last Canons had left, the parish was unable to maintain the structures. End of the 19th century, after lots of valuable works had vanished, a major reconstruction took place - and saved, what can be seen today.
The basilica was the church of the former abbey, before it was transformed into the parish church. The structure partly collapsed in the late 18th century. A crossing tower was demolished after the French Revolution, when the church was in "Private property". The choir was added/reconstructed in 1875.
The cloister, erected within the 12th century, was sold the first time in 1793 and changed hands quite often after that. Some of the owners demolished parts -and sold them. When the reconstruction and renovation started in 1881, there were only two crumbling sides left.
The octagonal fountain in the foreground was probably used for ablutions in medieval times, can be seen. The structure in the background once was the entrance to the chapter house, dating back to the 10th century.
Boscherville - Abbaye Saint-Georges
25 Aug 2014 |
The chapter house of the former "Abbaye Saint-Georges de Boscherville", founded by a chamberlain of William the Conqueror, and in existence upto the French Revolution.
The abbey church serves the parish since then. Most buildings of the abbey got demolished after the Revolution, but the chapter house survived. I had been here about 10 years ago, when this part of the abbey was closed. This time I had more luck - and was surprised by originality and quality of the carvings.
Some of the carvings here are copies, as the delicate and already weathered originals are kept in a museum in Rouen.
This capital, once part of the cloister, is now exhibited in the chapter-house. It is one of the few Romanesque capitals, where a whole orchestra is depicted (another one is in Jaca). Note the large organistrum / hurdy gurdy.
Boscherville - Abbaye Saint-Georges
25 Aug 2014 |
This is the entrance to the chapter house of the former "Abbaye Saint-Georges de Boscherville", founded by a chamberlain of William the Conqueror, and in existence upto the French Revolution.
The abbey church serves the parish since then. Most buildings of the abbey got demolished after the Revolution, but the chapter house survived. I had been here about 10 years ago, when this part of the abbey was closed. This time I had more luck - and was surprised by originality and quality of the carvings.
A crowned king on a horse and a person on the ground. An popular icon in medieval times, mostly interpreted as Constantine the Great, trampling down heathenism, or St. James, leading the Reconquista. This one is different, as to the left a queen (?) presents the "Fleur-de-Lys".
Actually the couple may be Clovis I and his wife Clotilde. The legend tells, that after the Battle of Tolbiac (496), an angel gave the lilies to Clotilde. As Clovis got baptised after the battle there may be a connection to the previous capital.
Boscherville - Abbaye Saint-Georges
25 Aug 2014 |
This is the entrance to the chapter house of the former "Abbaye Saint-Georges de Boscherville", founded by a chamberlain of William the Conqueror, and in existence upto the French Revolution.
The abbey church serves the parish since then. Most buildings of the abbey got demolished after the Revolution, but the chapter house survived. I had been here about 10 years ago, when this part of the abbey was closed. This time I had more luck - and was surprised by originality and quality of the carvings.
While on the right a person (on his knees in front of a baptism font) gets crowned, a lion (?) attacks a soldier in chainmail on the left.
Boscherville - Abbaye Saint-Georges
24 Aug 2014 |
This is the entrance to the chapter house of the former "Abbaye Saint-Georges de Boscherville", founded by a chamberlain of William the Conqueror, and in existence upto the French Revolution.
The abbey church serves the parish since then. Most buildings of the abbey got demolished after the Revolution, but the chapter house survived. I had been here about 10 years ago, when this part of the abbey was closed. This time I had more luck - and was surprised by originality and quality of the carvings.
Some of the carvings here are copies, as the delicate and already weathered originals are kept in a museum in Rouen.
This capital may depict the legend of Saint Hubertus (aka "Hubert de Liège").
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