Jim O'Neil's photos with the keyword: Travel

29 years ago in Malaysia

06 Feb 2020 1 155
It was December of 1991. I was somewhere between Ipho and Georgetown see,.. I came across this temple full of cobras. Someone said, "Hey Jim, why don't you..." I was a lot younger then so I did!

PICT0020 5

06 Feb 2020 1 167
Hock Hin Keong Warning

Chang Mai 1

31 Oct 2019 4 268
I was looking at some of my travel journals this morning and came across these sketches I did in Chang Mai, Thailand. Brings back good memories.

Chang Mai 2

31 Oct 2019 2 261
I was looking at some of my travel journals this morning and came across these sketches I did in Chang Mai, Thailand. Brings backk good memories.

Chang Mai 3

31 Oct 2019 1 238
I was looking at some of my travel journals this morning and came across these sketches I did in Chang Mai, Thailand. Brings backk good memories.

Chang Mai 4

31 Oct 2019 1 223
I was looking at some of my travel journals this morning and came across these sketches I did in Chang Mai, Thailand. Brings backk good memories.

Chang Mai 5

31 Oct 2019 1 231
I was looking at some of my travel journals this morning and came across these sketches I did in Chang Mai, Thailand. Brings backk good memories.

Change Mai 6

31 Oct 2019 1 252
I was looking at some of my travel journals this morning and came across these sketches I did in Chang Mai, Thailand. Brings backk good memories.

Chang Mai 7

31 Oct 2019 2 244
I was looking at some of my travel journals this morning and came across these sketches I did in Chang Mai, Thailand. Brings backk good memories.

Journal, Japan 2001

05 Aug 2018 185
I came across this sketch journal from a 2001 trip I made to Japan. Good memories!

The Great Buddha, Kotoku-in, Kamakura

05 Aug 2018 168
Originally this bronze Buddha was inside a temple. The temple was washed away in a tsunami in 1498 but the Buddha remains.

Lunch in Yokahama

11 July road trip, Fairbanks to Valdez

14 Jul 2017 172
Using an app called tracks, mapped, in real time, our drive last Tuesday from Fairbanks down to Valdez, 358 miles (576 kilometers).

20 years ago in Thailand...

01 Jan 2010 160
20 years ago I was in Hua Hin and this little girl was so delighted with her new little furry friend.

In the temple, in Nara

13 Aug 2009 137
How things used to look. Obviously I'm itching to do some traveling!

A lot of hot air

13 Aug 2009 128
At the balloon festival in Albuquerque, NM. Me with two, very old, friends, I'm the very very very young guy with the beard. :-)

On display

13 Aug 2009 140
The ubiquitous food display outside any restaurant in Japan. I don't know how those guys stay skinny!