Jim O'Neil's photos with the keyword: painting


26 Sep 2014 180
Acrylic on wood panel, 5 by 12 inches.

body electric

25 Jan 2011 153
Watercolor and Caran D'Arche's Neocolor II Crayon on 12 b 12 inch card stock

Chance meeting

30 Sep 2010 135
(since this is on transparent acetate,I'll be replacing this image, from time to time, with versions under different lighting conditions. Last one was against an opaque background with flash, this is via daylight, very cloudy day, transmitted through it) Acrylic on clear acetate, 13 by 18 inches

Still searching for my original face

04 Aug 2010 177
Again: Zen koan: A monk asked this question of the Sixth patriarch: "What is Zen?" the Patriarch replied : "When your mind is not dwelling on the dualism of good and evil, what is your original face before you were born?" This one is sumi-e; Ink on 'rice' paper, unmounted, 14 by 20 inches

駄洒落 (Joke)

08 Aug 2010 145
Bad calligraphy, bad 'spelling', bad choice of kanji, bad puns, -but fun! sumi-e on 'rice' paper, 12 by 15 inches, unmounted.


14 Apr 2010 141
I've often asked myself what's the difference twix a scarecrow and a welcome mat? I've always answered myself, damnedifiknow. oil on 8"X10" canvas

Mariko in repose

21 Apr 2010 155
Her and her husband, Jack are friends and neighbors that have a cabin upstream from me on the slough. .Mariko lives about 15 minutes away, if one skis on the slough, about 20 minutes away, if one walks through the woods and over an hour away if one walks along the roads. Acrylic on acetate, 16"X 18"

With a wind off the lee shore

18 Jan 2010 160
Just thinking where's I'd like to be.... Wind off the lee shore Crossing the bar is easy Leaving safe harbor acrylic on canvas panel, 16" X 20"

Howling at the noon

01 Feb 2010 110
WIP, I'm still not quite sure where I'm going to go with this, but I'm enjoying working on it! acrylic on 22" X 23 1/2" wood panel.

Chain unbroken

22 Mar 2010 137
Hum. Some might see this as a dirge but I painted it as an ode to life. Since the first single cell organism split to become two/four/eight/sixteen.... life has been proliferating, soaring, dying, decaying and feeding more life. Nothing is wasted, the herbivore feeds the predator. The predator surely feeds the soil to nourish the plants to feed the herbivore. A season for everything and a time to make way for others. An unending cycle, an unbroken chain of life. Yes, this piece was influenced by paleolithic cave paintings. Nothing is lost. Acrylic on wood panel, two by three feet