StoneRoad2013's photos with the keyword: Annie Mellor

SBB[24]/dwl{9/9} - happy ears

06 Sep 2024 46
Towards the end of the circuit [aka cruise around Derwentwater] now, and Bella has come to terms with the launch, the engine and the spray from the bow wave. She is now looking around with great interest.

SBB[24]/dwl{8/9} - watching

06 Sep 2024 41
Bella paying quite close attention to the world around her.

SBB[24]/dwl{7/9} - Alert

06 Sep 2024 51
Finally, Bella sat up enough - and being on our laps helped ! - to see over the gunwale.

SBB[24]/dwl{6/9} - island

06 Sep 2024 40
The departing launch is just passing a small island, with a single tree - which *may* fit the description for one in the "Swallows & Amazons" series by Arthur Ransome.

SBB[24]/dwl{5/9} - departing wake

06 Sep 2024 41
Launch now departing ... and throwing up quite a wake. [Some of the launch drivers seemed to be in a tearing hurry, and I was wondering if the queues were slowing things down significantly, and if the Lakes speed limit was being bent / broken - I felt we were doing more than the official limit on a couple of occasions].

SBB[24]/dwl{4/9} - wet, wet, wet

06 Sep 2024 45
"Annie Mellor" the launch for our lake cruise was prone to throwing water back from her prow and over the passengers. Who got wetter also depended on the wind direction ! D & J having a laugh about it - as were some of our neighbours, although one or two moved to avoid getting too wet. [I didn't snap any images of the spray, as trying to do that was quite likely to get the camera wet]

SBB[24]/dwl{3/9} - looking forward

06 Sep 2024 39
Still a little nervous / uncertain, but now she is starting to take some interest in what's going on around her.

SBB[24]/dwl{2/9} - not quite so nervous

06 Sep 2024 50
Having a quick peek over the side, one of several, gradually getting up to look for longer periods of time, but then ducking down again.

SBB[24]/dwl{1/9} - want to hide !

06 Sep 2024 42
A nervous Bella wants to hide, just in case she *might* be doing something wrong ... sitting in the bows of the Derwentwater Launch "Annie Mellor".