Dinesh's photos with the keyword: E.M. Cairon

Man is a mask

12 Jun 2019 1 1 56
And what Cioran says of the mystic, in his essay “Dealing with the Mystics,” applies perfectly to his own thought. “The Mystic, in most cases, invents his adversaries…. His thought asserts the existence of others by calculation, by artifice: it is a strategy of no consequence. His thought boils down, in the last instance, to a polemic with himself: he seeks to be, he becomes a crowd, even if it is only by making himself one now mask after the other, multiplying his faces: in which he resembles his Creator, whose histrionics he perpetuates.” ~ Page 21 Yet while Cioran projects a recognizable political stance (though it’s present only implicitly in most of the essays), his approach is not, in the end, grounded in a religious commitment. Whatever his political-moral sympathies have in common with right-wing Catholic sensibility, Cioran himself, as I have already said, is committed to the paradoxes of an atheist theology. Faith itself, he argues, solves nothing. ~ Page 22 ~ Excerpt: "Temptation to Exist"

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13 May 2019 1 102
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Cioran But we don’t just need to view life in general this way, we need to view our own life this way. The paths to literal and symbolic immortality laid out by our worldviews require us to feel that we are all valuable members of our cultures. Hence, the second vital resource for managing terror is a feeling of personal significance, commonly known as self-esteem. Just as cultural worldviews vary, so do the ways we attain and maintain self-esteem. For the Dinka of Sudan, the man who owns a larger herd of long-horned cattle is the most highly regarded. In the Trobriand islands, a man’s worth is measured by the size of the pyramid of yams he builds in front of his sister’s house and leaves to rot. For many Canadians, the man who best uses his stick to slap rubber pucks into nets guarded by masked opponents is considered a national hero. Page 9 (Excerpt: “The Worm at The Core” ~ Authors: Sheldom Solomon, Jeff Greenberg, and Tom Pyszczynski