PopKulture's photos with the keyword: ACG


13 Mar 2009 181
When bugs attack..!! Huge, threatening insects make for good horror-suspense fodder. Forbidden Worlds - Issue No. 106, September 1962. Cover art by Ogden Whitney.


13 Mar 2009 196
Swashbuckling and aliens go together like... errrrr, I don't know like what, but I know it makes for a cool cover! Forbidden Worlds - Issue No. 118, March 1964. Cover art by Kurt Schaffenberger.


13 Mar 2009 193
How many young readers today would even comprehend that these were wooden indians, and furthermore, that they were used to sell cigars? Surely, the context would be lost. Forbidden Worlds - Issue No. 123, October 1964. Cover art by Kurt Schaffenberger.


11 Apr 2009 165
No wonder Roy Lichtenstein was inspired to recreate comic vignettes in Pop Art paintings... was there ever a more obvious art form to ape?? Detail from Romantic Adventures - Issue No. 13, March-April 1951.


11 Apr 2009 161
Our cover heroine finds out the hard way that it was only a "winter romance!" Romantic Adventures - Issue No. 13, March-April 1951.


02 Jun 2009 182
Magicman battles his medieval counterpart in the blockbuster battle when "Magicman Meets Merlin!" Forbidden Worlds - issue No. 128, July 1965. Cover art by Pete Costanza.


02 Jun 2009 193
Although Marvel and DC enjoyed huge portions of the superhero market, other publishers like American Comics Group tried to compete with characters of their own. Magicman was no doubt aimed at younger audiences than the hipper, angst-ridden books like Spiderman and the Fantastic Four, which resonated more with an older audience. Forbidden Worlds - issue No. 126, March-April 1965. Cover art by Pete Costanza.


03 Jun 2009 180
There's probably a clinical term like "Arbolanthrophobia" or something for the fear inspired by many trees of fiction with bad intentions. Unknown Worlds - issue No. 56, June-July 1967. Cover art by E. Moritz.


03 Jun 2009 208
Behold!! Witness!! Prepare to be amazed..!! Thrill to the daring exploits of... Witch Boy?? Unknown Worlds - issue No. 38, March 1965. Cover art by Kurt Schaffenberger.


22 Mar 2010 147
Straight from the "I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it" files! Dizzy Dames No. 6, July-August 1953, published by the American Comics Group (ACG).


13 Dec 2010 175
I'm neither one of the undead nor hell-spawn (at least not that I know), yet I don't generally leave the house as well-appointed as this dapper werewolf. Forbidden Worlds - Issue No. 4, January-February 1952.


13 Dec 2010 196
Bruiser Terry Dunn is over-matched when he squares off against Death on this terrific Forbidden Worlds cover from 1953. Forbidden Worlds - Issue No. 26, February 1953.

Adventures in the air

30 Sep 2011 149
First post-war pilots had to worry about flying saucers, and now giant vampire bats?? Adventures Into The Unknown! - No. 31, May 1952 issue.

Do not disturb

02 Oct 2011 187
Forbidden Worlds - No. 11, November 1952 issue.