PopKulture's photos with the keyword: 1965


23 Jun 2008 146
Funny Monsters coloring book published by Treasure Books, New York, 1965. The cover artist (unknown) was surely aware of Ed Roth's work!


03 Nov 2008 189
"How much heart-tuggin drama can you bear?"!! See if Millie is really a man-stealer or if it's all just a big misunderstanding! Modeling with Millie by Marvel Comics, the same folks bringing you Spidey and the F.F... June 1965 issue (like you couldn't tell by her hairdo!).


13 Mar 2009 163
Primo - the fiery creature from the Earth's core - resembles a primal diety such as Surtur of Norse mythology. Doctor Solar - Issue no. 13, July 1965.


13 Mar 2009 136
In post-apocalyptic "N'Yark," Mighty Samson plays a harrowing version of baseball with the antagonists of - what else - a viking ship! Mighty Samson - Issue no. 4, December 1965.


27 Mar 2009 1 195
Boy rocketeers strike first against a wave of alien flying saucers, and the little green men are furious! The Outer Limits - Issue No. 5, Jaunary-March 1965 issue.


02 Jun 2009 182
Magicman battles his medieval counterpart in the blockbuster battle when "Magicman Meets Merlin!" Forbidden Worlds - issue No. 128, July 1965. Cover art by Pete Costanza.


02 Jun 2009 193
Although Marvel and DC enjoyed huge portions of the superhero market, other publishers like American Comics Group tried to compete with characters of their own. Magicman was no doubt aimed at younger audiences than the hipper, angst-ridden books like Spiderman and the Fantastic Four, which resonated more with an older audience. Forbidden Worlds - issue No. 126, March-April 1965. Cover art by Pete Costanza.


03 Jun 2009 208
Behold!! Witness!! Prepare to be amazed..!! Thrill to the daring exploits of... Witch Boy?? Unknown Worlds - issue No. 38, March 1965. Cover art by Kurt Schaffenberger.


08 Jul 2009 209
Talk about spiteful... Lois and Lana concoct some deep-freeze revenge against a non-committal Superman. Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane - Issue No. 60, October 1965.


27 Aug 2009 190
Ahhhh, those crafty 'overnight' guests - pretending to sleep while leaving the door ajar... Midwood No. 32-483 - Overnight Guest by Ludwell Hughes, 1965. Cover art by Victor Olson.


27 Aug 2009 195
"She was easy to know and dangerous to love." Monarch No. 498 - She'll Get Hers by John Plunkett, 1965. Cover art by Harry Barton.


15 Dec 2009 215
Action-packed aviation cover art by Mort Kunstler. Stag - December 1965 issue.


25 Oct 2010 187
This sleaze novel sports two great tag-lines! Beacon B818X - The Motel by Jay Carr, 1965.


06 Mar 2011 158
DC used this cover device more than a few times where the lead character walks a thin line between drastically different worlds. Strange Adventures - Issue No. 181, October 1965. Cover art by Bernard Baily..


27 Apr 2011 201
A busy but heroic and dramatic cover. War Heroes - Issue No. 13, May 1965. Cover art by Rocco Mastroserio.

Space gnomes!

17 May 2012 167
"A fighter pilot battles an enemy only he can see!" The Twilight Zone - No. 11, May 1965 issue.

Wedding bells

28 Aug 2012 229
It's no wonder I found Marvel Comics so refreshing after gimmick issue after issue like this Adventure touting the wedding of two of the founding members of the Legion of Super-Heroes, Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad. True to form for many of the DC offerings from this era, the couple actually did not get married and the whole thing was a ruse. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice - or dozens of times - shame on YOU , DC!! Adventure Comics - Issue No. 337, October 1965. Cover art by Curt Swan.

Mixin' dots

08 Jan 2013 246
Beware - Little Dot is at is again! Little Dot - Issue No. 98, April 1965.