PopKulture's photos with the keyword: Science


19 Dec 2008 179
It seems only women of the highest pedigree earned the right to be shot into space on this November 1949 cover of Super Science Stories , which, by the way, still features one of the best logos ever!!


01 Mar 2009 1 220
Nothing good can come of this... Future Scinece Fiction - November 1953 issue. Cover listed by Alex Schomberg(sp) (Schomburg).


01 Mar 2009 201
Is an alien Mata Hari (with the lower portion of her breasts exposed for good measure) out to start an inter-species, inter-galactic war? Find out inside! Future Science Fiction - January 1952 issue. Cover art by Milton Luros.


02 Mar 2009 198
A scantily clad space couple braves zero gravity - perhaps in the hope of thwarting an alien invasion? Future Science Fiction - March 1952 issue. Cover art by the great Virgil Finlay.


02 Mar 2009 175
This striking cover illustration of interplanetary infatuation is based on a story by Lester Del Ray, “The Last Lunacy,” described in the table of contents by the blurb: “When the Moon came close to the Earth, the last phase began.” Future Science Fiction - March 1951 issue. Vol. 1, No. 6. Cover art by the Milton Luros.


05 Apr 2009 210
"Stupid newfangled dishwasher!" exclaimed sweet little Suzy Sputnik, as she wrestled with the upstart appliance with an artificial mind hell-bent on a less subservient role in the remote space station... Science Fiction Quarterly - May 1952 issue. Cover art by Milton Luros.


16 Jun 2009 213
Is this another one of those "to the victor go the spoils" type scenarios? Science Fiction Quarterly - May 1951 issue. Dramatic cover art my Milton Luros.


16 Jun 2009 200
An interruption in Eden, to be sure... Thrilling Wonder Stories - October 1950 issue. Cover art by Earle Bergey.


19 Jun 2009 196
Check out the archetypical ray-gun this shapely space heroine wields... Future Science Fiction - November 1950 issue. Cover art by Milton Luros.


19 Jun 2009 165
I can scarcely hazard a guess as to how this sci-fi siren has driven a seemingly well-appointed and mild-mannered gentleman into a murderous frenzy? And how it is the gnomish creature has come to be her guardian..? Future Science Fiction - January 1951 issue. Cover art by Milton Luros.


19 Aug 2009 177
Babes, rockets, and ray guns - what else could one want? Marvel Science Stories - November 1950 issue. From the same publisher that would come to be known as Marvel Comics. Cover art by Norman Saunders.

The gun show

12 Aug 2012 216
I WISH I knew what was going on here! Some sort of interplanetary macho thing... Astounding Science Fiction - December 1957 issue.