PopKulture's photos with the keyword: photograph


12 Nov 2008 176
A vintage photograph of a jewelry store interior from Cadiz, Ohio, taken in 1926. The label on the back reads: "from R. H. Black, Jeweler Box 102 Cadiz, Ohio (written in pen) John M Ramsey Raymond H Black May 1st 1926"


12 Nov 2008 167
A vintage photograph showing the Laramie Bank Building under construction (date unknown - late 1920's to early 30's). The bank is chiefly Art Deco in its design and some of the ornamentation can be seen in the picture. I believe the address to be 5151 W. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, at the corner of Laramie and Chicago Avenues. I'm not sure if it's there anymore, as that neighborhood has changed over the years. All the makeshift scaffolding is sure interesting enough..!


12 Nov 2008 179
Vintage fourth grade class photo from Fairbury, Illinois - early teens, probably 1914. Inscribed on the back: Grade IV Standing left to right: Tom Blakesly William Bolliger Tony Casper Sam Huber Ezra Kammer (or Hammer) Name unknown John Carter Shelby Wharton Name unknown Charles Albach Victor Barnes Leo Burdette Floyd Baker Miss Hazel Farr Sitting L. to R: Matilda Bolliger Bernice Sharlock Edith Agard Marcella Pendergast Louise Lindloff (sp?) Beatrice P Moore Esther Nicholas Helen Wahl Pearl Blivens Melita Alback Bernice Emorg Lorene Hallock Louise Cashera Louisa Cashera


12 Nov 2008 157
Vintage third and fourth grade class photo from Fairbury, Illinois, dated 1913. Inscribed on the back: Grade III & IV 1st row Standing from left to right. Miss Susie Williams Dorothy Mossiman Myrtle Craig Daniel Roth Harold Presler Harry Koehler John Mapel Pete Van Appen Arval Allen George Hornsby Floyd Baker John Jacobs Willis Harris 2nd row standing Norma Kilgus Nathalia Stoller William Hannie (sp?) Edwin Dally Carl Bolliger Irving Borg (?) Edwin Roth Lucille Griggs Charles Van Appen James Smith Name unknown Alvin Nicholas Francis Gordan Name unknown Sitting L. to R. Geneva Sullivan Agatha Langabeer Marion McDowell Agusta Pate Bernice Carter Frances Shanks Lorene Halloch (sp?) Buelah Morris Helen Wahl Esther Nicholas Bernice Scharlock Emma Boliger Dorothy Hardin Mary Schmidt


17 Dec 2008 171
Vintage photograph of the Blue Bird eatery and ice cream parlor, which once stood at the crossroads of Rand Road and Dundee Road, near modern-day Palatine, Barrington, and Arlington Heights, Illinois. The photo is mistakenly identified in the ballpoint inscription added sometime later as dating from the "1920's" - this is clearly not the case as an NRA (or National Recovery Administration) sign can be spotted in the window left of the door. It therefore dates from 1933 or after, which is consistent with some of the other signage. Chicagoans have long utilized Dundee Road to Rand Road en route to vacation destinations like the Chain of Lakes region in Illinois or Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. This is a highly developed area now with the usual glut of suburbia, but in the days prior to World War II, it was chiefly farmland, as can be seen in the background. The Blue Bird surely provided a welcome sight for many a thirsty or hungry traveler.

Uncle Mugs and 'Beth'

30 May 2011 154
My mother had three brothers that served in World War II. Pictured above is my Uncle Mugs at Hickam Field, next to a plane which bears the name 'Beth' handwritten just above his head. I don't know what type of plane that is, but I bet some aviation buff will know instantly! Have a safe and festive holiday.

Uncle Jake

30 May 2011 149
My mother had three brothers that served in World War II. Pictured above is my Uncle Jake in the barracks somewhere on Oahu. I don't know what he did to earn his stripes, and now no one's around to ask. I might just research it someday. Have a safe and festive holiday.

Uncle Dugan

30 May 2011 155
My mother had three brothers that served in World War II. Pictured above is my Uncle Dugan on what I'd guess is a vintage Harley Davidson motorcycle. If anyone can hazard a guess as to the make or model, I'd appreciate your input. Have a safe and festive holiday.

The tan

11 Nov 2011 145
This vintage WWII photograph bears the inscription, "How do you like the tan?" Location unknown.

First class

11 Nov 2011 145
Vintage WWII photograph of PFC Johnnie Caskey astride a 1945 Indian motorcycle - Florence, Texas.

At the ready

11 Nov 2011 145
My Uncle Dugan poses with his rifle.

A night club in the air

11 Nov 2011 168
WWII vintage souvenir photograph folder from the "world famous" Kitty Davis Airliner Night Club of Miami Beach. For having been so famous, very little is known about Miss Davis in general, especially after her Miami days. Apparently, Kitty went south after her welcome in Chicago ran out, despite operating a night club supposedly staffed by a refined, all college-girl staff. The authorities didn't seem to agree.

Cheers to all our veterans!

11 Nov 2011 136
WWII vintage souvenir photograph folder from the "world famous" Kitty Davis Airliner Night Club of Miami Beach. p.s. The fellow on the left is one of my uncles.

Taking a break

12 Mar 2012 192
Delightful antique photograph of a vernacular cross-gable Victorian home in the later stages of construction somewhere in the Mid or Middle West - possibly Kansas. Most of the exterior is complete except for the tower, and a few tools can be seen lying around in the foreground.

Washington Theatre

04 Mar 2013 186
Vintage photograph of the Washington Theatre in Washington, Pennsylvania - circa 1930's.

Harris Theatre

04 Mar 2013 182
Vintage photograph of the Harris Theatre in Tarentum, Pennsylvania - circa 1931.

Queenly form

04 Mar 2013 2 248
Vintage photograph of Gloria Van Deweel, "a relative newcomer to the Broadway stage, has combined her perfect form and swimming ability to win the title of "1953 Legitimate Theatre Swim For Health Week Queen." Dated June 1953. Miss Van Deweel realized her dreams to some extent, appearing on Broadway in "Wish You Were Here" in 1953.

Glass bottom

04 Mar 2013 1 274
Vintage photograph from the glass bottom boat ride at Silver Springs, Florida. Circa late 1940's to early 50's.

20 items in total