PopKulture's photos with the keyword: aviation


26 Jan 2008 133
Thumbs up, indeed! I usually don’t like to choose favorites, but this issue of ‘New Love’ might sport my favorite romance pulp cover (notice I didn’t say favorite pulp cover; that far, I’m not willing to go!). New Love Magazine, March 1943


29 Jan 2008 129
The spectre of death stalks this determined gunner on a fantastic war cover painted by Rudolph Belarski for Air War. Summer 1944


18 Feb 2008 136
This cover was but one in a sea of action-filled aviation-themed pulp covers by the versatile Frederick Blakeslee. Aces - February 1931 issue.


24 Feb 2009 151
As if enemy planes aren't enough to worry about in a good old-fashioned dogfight, the Iron Claw is crawling all over your plane! G-8 and His Battle Aces - December 1943 issue.


10 Apr 2009 180
A witty brand name and fantastic avitation-themed graphics elevate this old washing powder box into the stratosphere of vintage packaging. In my humble opinion at least!


03 Jun 2009 194
The gunman of this downed bi-plane makes a stand against German ground troops. Sky Fighters - January 1937 issue. Cover art by Eugene Frandzen.


03 Jun 2009 181
High stakes at high altitude - business as usual for aviation ace, the Lone Eagle. The Lone Eagle - February 1939 issue.


11 Dec 2009 175
Some people consider Flying Aces a pulp magazine even though it was printed mostly on glossy paper. Certainly some of the fiction is indistinguishable from other aviation pulps. August 1936 issue. Cover art by Leo Morey.


15 Dec 2009 215
Action-packed aviation cover art by Mort Kunstler. Stag - December 1965 issue.

War Aces

22 Sep 2011 159
War Aces - Issue No. 1, 1940.

Sound off

26 Sep 2011 158
Remember when there was smoking on planes? It seems hard to believe today. Vintage advertisement for Chesterfield brand cigarettes depicting Dale Robertson as it appeared in 1952.

Smilin' Jack

09 Dec 2011 200
Smilin' Jack was an aviation/adventure strip created in 1933 by Zack Mosley. It didn't take long for Mosley to really settle into the style of cartooning that would define not only the strip but, in large part, the era in general. Just look at the middle panel: the crisp, economical linework and graceful caricatures! Smilin' Jack by Zack Mosley, 1936.

Red air menace

17 Jul 2013 1 254
Vintage Flying Aces magazine - June 1940 issue. Cover by August Schomburg.

Fiction and fact

17 Jul 2013 250
Vintage Flying Aces magazine - March 1940 issue. Cover by August Schomburg.

American hawks

17 Jul 2013 251
Vintage Flying Aces magazine - February 1940 issue. Cover by August Schomburg.

Flyin' high

14 Jan 2013 245
At first glance, this cover image might be mistaken for a painting, but it's actually a tinted photograph. The American Magazine - September 1935 issue.