PopKulture's photos with the keyword: Rudolph


27 Dec 2007 98
This terrific cover by noted Rudolph Belarski really glows.


01 May 2008 156
This Detective Novels pulp magazine cover was later re-worked and released as a very recognizable and much more famous paperback book - "The Doll's Trunk Murder" by Helen Reilly.


08 Nov 2008 149
A dashing Argosy cover by the great Rudolph Belarski. Jan 27, 1940 issue.


08 Nov 2008 145
January 1940 issue of Argosy Magazine featuring cover art by the renowned Rudolph Belarski.


10 Dec 2008 226
Ruldolph Belarski is better known for his pulp and paperback covers, but like most artists, he took work where he could find it - in this case, a satirical comment on bad timing. Note the interesting storytelling device of the phone with the lightning bolts emmanating from it, suggesting that as soon as our cover maiden is indisposed with her kneading, the telephone - which no doubt sat idle for hours - rings. Liberty magazine - December 14, 1940 issue.