PopKulture's photos with the keyword: holiday


19 Dec 2010 154
Though they lack the obvious appeal of Santa or jolly snowmen, vintage Christmas cards depicting wintry scenes of yore can be similarly pleasing.


19 Dec 2010 156
A purposeful and robust Santa strolls merrily along on this vintage flocked Christmas card.


21 Dec 2010 177
The merry mid-century Christmas parade marches on.


21 Dec 2010 158
The artwork on this vintage Christmas card is typical of that whimsical and nostalgic 'Gay 90's' style of the late 50's.


21 Dec 2010 151
Vintage Christmas hand-puppet goodness!


21 Dec 2010 152
Hmmm... I wonder what the highest count 'from the __ of us' they made?? :-)

CC_picking _holly

22 Dec 2010 166
Antique Christmas postcard depicting a well-appointed girl gathering holly 'gainst a golden sky.


21 Dec 2010 176
The pressures of the season must be getting to Santa - he looks a slightly manic on this vintage Christmas card from the 1950's.


22 Dec 2010 172
Cards like this never fail to make a Midwestern boy like myself imagine spending at least one Christmas in a snow-capped New England burg like the one pictured here.


22 Dec 2010 176
There's a fine line between jolly and manic...


24 Dec 2010 166
Santa catches some well-needed shut-eye on this vintage foiled Christmas card.


24 Dec 2010 143
This perfect little snow-couple looks as if they just stepped off a scrap of wrapping paper to pull double duty on this charming vintage Christmas card.


24 Dec 2010 150
An idyllic winter's day at the old skating pond as featured on a vintage Christmas card from the 1950's.

Rolling hills

23 Dec 2011 146
A nice, peaceful Christmas away from the hustle and bustle seems the promise of this vintage card.

Santa and his sleigh

23 Dec 2011 151
Apparently, the whole idea of Rudolph leading Santa's sleigh was not yet firmly entrenched in Christmas lore - being as Rudolph debuted in 1939, and the card is likely late 40's.

Nicely wrapped

23 Dec 2011 149
From the crest of her bonnet to the tips of her shoes, this vintage lovely is quite the sight in all her Christmas finery.

Greetings on ice

24 Dec 2011 150
What can you say about some of these old cards after a while?? Cute? Darling? Wonderful? Whimsical? Delightful? Charming? Adorable.....

A big, booming "howdy!"

24 Dec 2011 186
Okay, so snowpeople are a cheap and predictable inroad to warm your heart any Christmas season, but who's gonna complain? :-)

19 items in total