PopKulture's photos with the keyword: Curt Swan


05 Mar 2011 172
You've got the most powerful being on the planet under your control and the most ambitious caper you can concoct is looting an armored car? On top of that, the Rainbow Raider's advertised on the cover to be an alien! Wouldn't an alien rather steal some Palladium or some cabbage seeds or something? Superboy - Issue No. 84, October 1960. Cover pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Stan Kaye.


06 Mar 2011 198
When you have a character who as an adult will be able to move planets from their orbits, coming up with a monthly myriad of engaging adventures requires thinking outside the box. Ergo, the creative staff at DC relied heavily on a host of transformation stories. If Jimmy Olsen or Lois Lane wasn't turning into an alien or perhaps a plant, an anthropomorphic animal might just as easily fill the bill. Superboy - Issue No. 142, October 1967. Cover pencils by Curt Swan.

Wedding bells

28 Aug 2012 229
It's no wonder I found Marvel Comics so refreshing after gimmick issue after issue like this Adventure touting the wedding of two of the founding members of the Legion of Super-Heroes, Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad. True to form for many of the DC offerings from this era, the couple actually did not get married and the whole thing was a ruse. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice - or dozens of times - shame on YOU , DC!! Adventure Comics - Issue No. 337, October 1965. Cover art by Curt Swan.