PopKulture's photos with the keyword: cigarette


27 Jan 2008 187
Bing Crosby for Chesterfield cigarettes, 1950.


27 Jan 2008 153
The lovely Rita Hayworth looks natty in her pinstripes in this 1947 ad for Chesterfield cigarettes.


27 Jan 2008 177
Actor Ronald Reagan inscribing cartons of Chesterfield cigarettes intended for Christmas gifts. They're signed "From: Ronnie" 1951


27 Jan 2008 127
"Make MY brand your brand..." Tyrone Power for Chesterfield cigarettes, 1950.


27 Jan 2008 125
The handsome Gregory Peck is shown dressed-down for his role in 'Duel In The Sun' on this 1947 Chesterfield ad.


27 Jan 2008 133
Charles Boyer for Chesterfield cigarettes, 1947.


27 Jan 2008 127
A flirty Anne Baxter lures you in with slightly-raised eyebrows, extolling the virtues of Chesterfield cigarettes. 1949


06 Feb 2008 190
"The Pin-Up Girl" Betty Grable assures 'the boys' it's Chesterfield on this vintage magazine ad. She is just one of dozens of celebrities to endorse Chesterfield cigarettes. 1944


22 Feb 2008 172
Glenn Ford was starring in "Mr. Soft Touch" at the time of this 1949 ad for Chesterfield cigarettes. Maybe that's why he was brandishing a shotgun - to offset his 'soft' image?


22 Feb 2008 178
Jane Wyman smugly touts Chesterfields in this 1950 ad.


10 Apr 2008 159
A trio of bygone celebrities lend testimonial to the powerhouse Liggett & Myers brand Chesterfield cigarettes in the popular series of "ABC" ads, which stood for "Always Buy Chesterfields." Dated 1949.


09 Aug 2008 147
Up-and-comer Robert Cummings was starring in "Reign of Terror" when he hopped on the Chesterfield bandwagon in 1949.


21 Aug 2009 193
Vintage arcade flyer for Ciga-Rola, a hybrid cigarette/slot machine! 1930's. Smokers could purchase a pack straight up for fifteen cents, or risk a nickel and take a chance on winning anywhere from one to ten packs, or none, as was often the case. Brands shown include: Camel, Raleigh, Lucky Strike, Phillip Morris, Old Gold, and Chesterfield.


13 Apr 2011 226
Imagine yourself in an episode of 'Mad Men' and you just ran out of Lucky's... with the handsome and handy Stoner cigarette machine located right there in the lobby, you don't even have to run down to the newsstand at the corner to satisfy your cravings. You'll be back before Joanie even notices you're gone! Advertisement from Stoner Manufacturing Corporation, Aurora, Illinois, 1957.

Sound off

26 Sep 2011 158
Remember when there was smoking on planes? It seems hard to believe today. Vintage advertisement for Chesterfield brand cigarettes depicting Dale Robertson as it appeared in 1952.

Where a cigarette counts most

26 Jul 2013 238
Patriotic Chesterfield ad from Time magazine - Jan 4, 1943 issue.

Your throat protection

15 Aug 2012 2 213
A 1930 Lucky Strike ad - see if you could get 20,679 physicians these days to say Luckies are less irritating...

Cream of the crop

07 Jan 2013 272
Vintage Lucky Strike ad from 1932 featuring starlet Jean Harlow.