Diederik Santema's photos with the keyword: asterix

Engelse t(hee) - English t(ea)

22 Jun 2019 17 24 224
Engelse T(hee) In Engeland is het drinken van thee zeer gebruikelijk. In 1965 verscheen de strip ‘Asterix en de Britten’ waarin een ‘afternoon-tea’ wordt verbeeld. Dit verhaal speelt zich af in de Romeinse Tijd. Thee was nog niet bekend in Europa, dus theetijd verliep zonder thee getuige de conversatie. In de strip worden ook andere typisch Engelse verschijnselen benoemd zoals het links rijden, een afwijkend eenhedenstelsel, de Engelse keuken, de Beatles, Tower of London met zijn raven, politici zoals Harold Wilson en Winston Churchill (Zebigbos). Verder natuurlijk Nederlandse ‘Engelse’ thee (zonder melk dan en een ander verhaal), losse thee en een theezakje. Saturday Self Challenge: Beginletter T (Engels) – – – English T(ea) The consumption of tea is In England is very high. In 1965 the comic strip ‘Asterix in Britain’ was issued in which a teaparty is represented. The story is laid in Roman Times. Tea was then not known in Europe, so teatime passed without tea, as the conversation shows: The British paused every afternoon at five o‘clock to drink a cup of warm water. – With a little milk please. – As you wish. – Can I get some marmelade on my toast please? – Of course you can! In the conversation the English grammar is followed which is different from the Dutch grammar (and also from the original in French). In the comic strip there are many references to other typical English phenomena such as the driving on the correct side of the road (I can’t say the right side, that woud be not right), a different (non-decimal) system of unities (shilling, pound, feet), the English kitchen, the Beatles (four bards in Londinum with screaming fans), the Tower of London with its ravens, and politicians such as Harald Wilson and Churchill (Zebigbos). Further of course Dutch ‘English’ Tea (without milk and why it is called English tea is a different story), some loose tea and a tea bag. Saturday Self Challenge: Beginletter T (English)