Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Bow Valley Ranch area

Little cutie

02 Dec 2008 175
We were so busy looking for owls a couple of days ago, that we almost didn't notice this and another little White-tailed Deer. They were hidden in the dried grasses on the hill behind the Spruce trees near the Bow Valley Ranch, Fish Creek Park.

Along the fenceline

22 Jan 2009 195
Taken on a walk near the Bow Valley Ranch, Fish Creek Park, on 9th January. All the bushes were covered in frost and the sun was shining beautifully. We've just had a few wonderfully mild, sunny days but, unless the forecast has changed, temperatures will drop tomorrow and more snow is on the way, yet again ... sigh!

A quick visit

01 Oct 2009 233
Not the greatest quality photo (OK in this small size), but I just liked it. The light wasn't very good, which gives me either noisy or blurry images, but I couldn't resist trying for a shot or two when this friendly little Black-capped Chickadee flew down to someone's hand.


28 Jan 2009 1 1 175
Not on MY hand this time : ) These tiny Red-breasted Nuthatches will fly down to ones hand, even when there are no seeds. People are not supposed to feed them in the park. These little birds are so light and dainty when they land on your hand. This one is a male, as the colour is bright and the stripes are jet black.

Passing by

10 Sep 2008 164
Two of these (this year's young?) American Robins were perched on this low branch as I passed by on a walk in Fish Creek Park yesterday afternoon. I always enjoy seeing tree trunks covered in Lichen of one colour or another. As with mushrooms, I wish I knew the names of all the different species ... sigh.

Trembling Aspen

29 Apr 2008 147
Now I'm not so sure that this is Trembling Aspen after all. Perhaps someone can confirm or correct my ID - thanks. The tree is growing in the garden at Annie's, by Bow Valley Ranch, Fish Creek Park.

A shower of light

11 Jan 2009 1 191
Many people might be very tempted to suggest that either I buy some kind of filter or to not shoot directly towards the sun, LOL. However, I don't mind the little shower of coloured lights that are added to the occasional snow photo : ) I have enough shots that don't have them : ) This was taken yesterday afternoon in Fish Creek Park near the Bow Valley Ranch. I had been on a walk right before this at Bebo Grove and had had a totally unsuccessful time trying to find birds. So, yet another snow scene, LOL. The sun came out very late yesterday afternoon - today it has been out all day. Today was a perfect day as far as the weather goes - you could even feel a slight warmth from the sun, which felt heavenly after all our -25C and -30C weather!

What do you mean, you've got no food?

18 Nov 2009 2 1 363
Isn't this the cutest little thing? I love having Red-breasted Nuthatches fly down to my hand - they are so small and light and dainty. Saw this little guy in Fish Creek Park on 31st December last year. Explore Front Page, 19th November 2009

Between friends

26 Sep 2009 180
This little Black-capped Chickadee flew down to someone's hand, so I made the most of it, despite the poor light : ) "In the fall, as the chickadee is gathering and storing seeds, its hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for spatial organization and memory in many vertebrates, expands in volume by approximately 30 percent by adding new nerve cells. .... In the spring, when its feats of memory are needed less, the chickadee's hippocampus shrinks back to its normal size." From .

Going, going ....

15 Mar 2009 234
Finally, the snow is melting, so I thought I'd better post this shot taken earlier in the winter, before spring arrives. LOL, actually, I've probably got plenty of time yet : ). I wonder if every spot of snow will get a chance to melt this time before more snow falls. This winter, we have had snow covering the ground for months on end - what happened to all our usual (and, oh, so welcome) Chinooks this winter?? Can never resist stopping for a moment, though, to capture Nature's little gifts.


26 Jan 2009 174
I need to walk with my eyes closed - that way I wouldn't keep falling behind on my walks! I keep seeing little things that just look so beautiful (to me) that I HAVE to take a few quick photos, no matter how frigid the weather : )

Just dropping in to say Hello

01 Jan 2009 2 1 203
This little Red-breasted Nuthatch flew down to my hand this afternoon. They are obviously used to being fed (before the rule that no birds are to be hand fed), as they will still fly down to any extended hand, whether empty or not.

A quick Hello

08 Jan 2009 196
A little Black-capped Chickadee that lives in Fish Creek Park in the Bow Valley Ranch area. Still has little specks of snow around its beak from finding food in the snow. These little birds will land on your outstretched hand even if you are just pointing something out to someone. They will also land on your head, shoulder, arm, even cling to your jean leg - and on one's camera. LOL, Doug - I know what you are thinking!

A second of stillness

14 Jan 2009 1 177
This Red-breasted Nuthatch is such a friendly little guy. They don't usually stop for a moment, but this one stayed still for just long enough to get one quick shot.


18 Jan 2009 1 1 195
These tiny Red-breasted Nuthatches are so light and dainty when they land on your hand. Love it when they stop for a second and look up at you.

Looks a long way down from up here

29 Nov 2008 127
Another little bird on friend Katie's hand! Katie is 15 years old and is unbelievably keen, observant and knowledgeable about nature, birds especially. She also loves taking photos and video of everything she sees. Keep on learning, you clever girl! This little Black-capped Chickadee was near the Bow Valley Ranch in Fish Creek Park.


02 Dec 2008 145
"Sumacs grow in subtropical and warm temperate regions throughout the world, especially in North America. They are shrubs and small trees that can reach a height of 1-10 meters. The flowers are in dense panicles or spikes 5-30 cm long, each flower very small, greenish, creamy white or red, with five petals. The fruits form dense clusters of reddish drupes called sumac bobs." From Wikipedia. They are native to eastern Canada, but not native to Alberta. This particular tree is growing outside the Visitors Centre near the Bow Valley Ranch, Fish Creek Park. Attractive to see, especially on a cold, dull day like today (plus a little snow that fell overnight).

Red-breasted Nuthatch

09 Dec 2008 1 1 135
I don't get a lot of photos of these little Red-breasted Nuthatches, so thought I would upload this one, taken near the Bow Valley Ranch, in Fish Creek Park. This one has quite a bright, colourful breast, so must be a male. The females are much paler.

26 items in total