Deborah Lundbech's photos with the keyword: Tunbridge

Northwest View

30 Oct 2009 157
Tunbridge, Vermont.

Maple, Closer.

30 Oct 2009 159
Tunbridge, Vermont

Maple Bark

30 Oct 2009 139
Tunbridge, 2009

Heading Up the Hill & Looking Back

30 Oct 2009 163
Tunbridge, 2009

Brian, Amanda, Peter.

30 Oct 2009 142
Tunbridge, 2009


30 Oct 2009 154
Tunbridge, 2009

Old Growth Maple?

30 Oct 2009 151
In 1900, Vermont was about 10% forest and 90% farmland. In 2009 those numbers are approximately reversed with forest covering about 90% of the state. The forest has been almost completely cleared twice - for lumber and then for sheep farming and potash production. There are very few stands of true old growth forest in the state (meaning never been logged) and this area was sheep country but perhaps this and a few other giants were left by farmers for protection from the mountain winds.

More Tunbridge Pictures

04 Nov 2009 2 128
Peter and Amanda's kitschy awesome tag sale lamp.

Field Stone Walls

04 Nov 2009 180
All over the mountain are these beautiful old stone walls - the only evidence left of the sheep farming that went on here over one hundred and fifty years ago. These stone walls were created by settlers digging rocks out of post - glacial fields. Hardscrabble farming for sure. Most mountain farmers left for the more fertile mid-west once the sheep market bottomed out - due to the Australian sheep boom mid-19th century.

Birthday Boy

04 Nov 2009 150
Julia calling to wish her Dad a happy birthday.

Brian and Amanda

04 Nov 2009 130
Tunbridge, Oct 2009

Old Stone Wall

04 Nov 2009 167
All of these stone walls were created by settlers digging rocks out of post - glacial fields. Hardscrabble farming for sure. Most mountain farmers left for the more fertile mid-west once the sheep market bottomed out due to the Australian sheep boom mid-19th century.