William Sutherland's photos with the keyword: Photo Composition

Halloween Love

30 Oct 2024 62 55 362
Note: Created from a photo of Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, NY (taken 26 October 2014) and a photo of a Halloween display, Mamaroneck, NY (taken on 29 October 2024) Death is... not the end. Our final breath in this life is simply a doorway into an eternal future… [Psalm 16:11] Love is stronger than death even though it can’t stop death from happening… [Yet] no matter how hard death tries it can’t separate people from love. [Unknown] [L] ove never dies. It endures and lives on forever… [1 Corinthians 13:7-8] [and] is… the only thing which God permits us to carry beyond the grave. [Theodore Dreiser]

2024 Paris Olympics Abstract

30 Jul 2024 83 79 444
Created from an assortment of litter, Mamaroneck, NY. The number "2024" came from free clip art from Freep!k . The French Flag was created from a public domain image and the Olympic rings also came from a public domain image (registered with the U.S. Copyright office before 1 January 1929 by an artist who passed a way in 1925.

Saturday Challenge: 18 March 2023

18 Mar 2023 41 40 319
Larchmont, NY Saturday Challenge: Something that Makes My Day – Writing . I enjoy writing even though it takes a lot of hard work since the final product is a reward well worth the effort and time put into it.

Holy Night: Christmas 2022

25 Dec 2022 65 47 424
Photo taken in Larchmont, NY. Silent night, holy night! All is calm, all is bright. Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child. Holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace. [Lyrics from Silent Night written by Fr. Josephus Mohr in 1816] This Christmas classic was written to inspire hope and bring much needed relief when Fr. Josephus’ Austrian town had been decimated by 12 years of war and had suffered undue hardship from crop failures and famine. The world also suffered greatly from the latter, because 1816 was the “Year without a Summer.” Some things never change... Today the world again suffers from war, devastation from climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic that is in its third year. While 2022 marked new beginnings for most countries with re-openings, restored intimacy and social relationships and the easing of the pandemic, this is not the case for the entire world. :( We must remember the people of China who are right now enduring a dark holiday season gripped by COVID-19 and the parts of the world where peoples struggle in the cold and live in rubble with the next day not assured, victim to war and violence because of the absence of empathy from their leaders who choose war, power and intransigence over peace, goodwill and compromise. Nevertheless, may this holiday season bring much needed renewal and the new year bring peace, prosperity, goodwill, health and happiness. Note: The Nativity Clipart comes from a free image available in Clipart Library.

Autumn Delight

Children at Play

31 Oct 2022 67 49 469
Happy Halloween! Larchmont, NY

The Blue Swan

27 Sep 2022 62 47 452
Harbor Island, Mamaroneck, NY

World Photography Day 2022

Boston Amalgamation

04 Jul 2021 57 71 476
Boston, MA (Collage created 3 July 2021) Title is derived from the blending of 18th century historical sites fitting for 245th anniversary of America’s Declaration of Independence attributed to 4 July 1776 with 20th-21st century architectural modernism, which encompasses a significant part of Boston’s skyline and waterfront development, much of it constructed after 2000. (top left) Old North Church (photographed 15 June 2021) used by Paul Revere (“One if by land, two if by sea”) during his midnight ride on 18 April 1775 to warn the patriots the British were coming by land (one lantern was hung in its steeple for a minute. Built in 1723. The oldest standing church in Boston. Also a little known fact, Wentworth Cheswell, the first African-American man elected to public office (Town Constable, Newmarket, NH in 1768) also warned of the British approach along with William Dawes, Samuel Prescott and some dozen others. (top middle) George Washington Statue (photographed 15 June 2021), Boston Public Garden. Designed by Boston artist Thomas Ball. Unveiled 3 July 1869. (top right) Faneuil Hall (photographed 13 June 2021), site of the Boston Massacre (5 March 1770, in which British troops killed five) and several speeches by Samuel Adams, one of several “Founding Fathers” opened in 1743 after being erected using funds from the slave trade. It reopened in 1762 after being nearly completely destroyed by a fire and is rich in African American history. The first person killed during the Boston Massacre was 47 year-old African American Crispus Attucks. In August 1890 it was the site of African-American legislator Julius Caesar Chappelle’s speech calling for granting Black Americans the right to vote. (bottom) Eleanor, Boston Harbor (photographed 14 June 2021), site of the Boston Tea Party. The Eleanor , a replica of the original tall ship, was one of three ships boarded by a diverse predominantly young crowd on 16 December 1773 to protest the British tax on tea with the rallying cry, “No taxation without representation!” 340 chests consisting of 92,000 pounds of tea valued at approximately $1.7 million in today’s money were dumped into Boston Harbor during the protest, the key event that sparked the American Revolution (1775-1783) and subsequent American independence from Britain. Additional View of Old North Church (left) and Faneuil Hall (right)


02 Feb 2020 84 113 832
With the proliferation of novel coronavirus cases (2019-nCov) -- officially named Covid-19 (Coronavirus disease-19) racism and xenophobia have cropped up in several Asian and European countries as well as the United States and Canada. Restaurants refuse to serve Chinese tourists, people cross the streets to shun Chinese people, refuse to patronize Chinese establishments and in one case a crowd even gathered in front of a hotel to demand its Chinese guests immediately leave and return to China. Such xenophobia and racism are repugnant and unacceptable without exception. It is because of this and to stand in solidarity with these victims and the Chinese people who are being unjustly discriminated against I created this derivative panoramic image from a photo I purchased from Shutterstock® and switched the 1st and 3rd letters of the city where 2019-nCov (placed over the facemask) originated and flipped the “W” over to spell the word “human” since these people are not a virus as clearly and concisely stated by the #JeNeSuisPasUnVirus ( #IamNotAVirus ) movement that originated out of France – but are human beings deserving of the same inalienable rights and dignity as every unaffected person. People get sick. Period! Such people deserve the best medical treatment possible and compassion instead of misguided blame and condemnation. Period! Wuhan:huMan. Let’s never forget that! Note: For those who elect to purchase and wear a facemask, it should be "N-95" rated.

The Preciousness of Life

07 Sep 2019 81 71 986
New Rochelle, NY Note: Featuring a statue of Buddha and a Ladybug that represents the preciousness of life, all of which is intrinsically priceless, unique and special. Because of this, the ladybug is represented in color within a heart that symbolizes the love we ought to have for life. Associated Article: Even a Bug's Life Matters -- www.ipernity.com/blog/285927/4727304

Maritime Pair

19 Jun 2016 117 96 1429
Marshlands Conservancy, Rye, NY