Edna Edenkoben's photos with the keyword: Breslau

Emergency Service

19 Mar 2025 26 46 70
HESWW (Happy Emergency Service Wall Wednesday)!

Satellite Bench

17 Mar 2025 23 40 58
HSBM! And enjoy the view ;-)

How real is reality?

14 Mar 2025 37 49 106
HPRFFBMWW (Happy Polski Reality Fence Friday Bench Monday Wall Wednesdy)! ;-)

Wrocław's Bubble World Benches

04 Dec 2023 30 52 166
HWWIABBM (Happy Wrocław World In A Bubble Bench Monday)!

Fotografika lub Kamienica?

02 Dec 2023 19 30 171
Hier noch einige schöne Zungenbrecher für Szczepański, obwohl die gesamte polnische Sprache eigentlich ein einziger Zungenbrecher ist ;-)

Wroclaw Ratusz /Breslau Rathaus

26 Nov 2023 32 58 180
Wrocław City Hall Many years ago my mom was born in Breslau/Wrocław. Some years later she worked at this City Hall and enjoyed it. Usually she worked there at daytime, but I took this photo at night. HWCHOMSBM (Happy Wrocław City Hall On Market Square Bench Monday)!

Breslau HBF

26 Nov 2023 23 33 123
Not a castle, but Wrocław Central Railway Station. This is where my parents met many, many years ago. Several years later they got married (not in the Central Railway Station) and stayed happily married for 66 years. For those who want to meet their significant other, it may recommended to travel by train ;-)